Hi I'm Comrade91 and every time I try to join creative I get kicked and it says, "internal server error." This was cause by someone giving me a stick that made me crash and now I'm unable to join. I love creative and I don't know what happened. Please help me :(
If you have an apple device, get Minechat (It's free) go onto Mineverse then type /creative and do /ci (Clear Inventory)
Try this guide out http://www.mineverse.com/threads/guide-help-i-have-a-death-item-and-i-cant-spawn.11361/
I don't have macro keys and I tried the minechat thing I tried everything but my friend Ringo is trying to help me.
There is a "Macro Mod" which you can download to resolve this problem. If /ci in MineChat didn't work.