Hey Guys I Thought It Was High Time That I Started Hosting A Forums Game . Imagine You Are A Mod (Unless You're Already A Mod :p) And You Were Tasked To Make The Rules For Mineverse, But Instead Of Rules Like: No Hacking, No Scamming, ETC, You Make Rules Like: When You See Me Online Give Me All Your Money And Diamonds >:3 For Example: 1. When You See Me Online Give Me All Your Money And Diamonds 2. Worship Me 3. So On So Forth... Have Fun Everyone :D
My rules would be.. 1. Everytime someone ran into Beefy, they would have to bow down to him for 10 seconds 2. Everyone has to say "Pink is fabulous" once daily. 3. Everyone has to carry cake in their inventory at all times. Anyone caught without their cake would be lobby banned for a week.
Thy must abide by thee rules: 1. If caught not crouching = Banned 2. Asking for help = Kicked 3. If not dead within 1 minute of gameplay = Smited until dead
1. all bow down to your god, leigh 2. If you talk to me, you get perm ban 3. all newbies must die the second they joinXD
My rules are: 1. buy kit Titan 2.gimme admin 3.all there money on skywars,prison, and Skyblock 4.all there emerald and diamond (in SkyGird and others) 5.worship me and give me money in real life!! Lol....thinking of the impossible...
1. Bow down to LionMan52 or get banned for a week. 2. Don't say a word while I think or lobby ban for 2 days 3. Hacking, Spamming and Scamming must be done or banned forever
1. If you hate pancakes then your not allowed on the server. 2. If you hate Oreos you get banned forever and evers. 3. If you hate bananas, you get banned and I use your IP address to stalk you and murder you.
1. If you Act Derp... Banned 2. If you THINK of Derp...Banned 2.If you Derp up for no reason...Banned
Im screwed.. Just look at my signature. 1. All your builds must have a statue of me somwhere in it. 2. Have all teh hacks on at all times 3. Tell me the purpose of life or get banned