How old are you? I am 13 Your in-game name: UncleUrnesto What timezone are you in? Central What country do you live in? USA What languages do you speak? English Why do you think you should become a Guard? Why I think that I should become guard is because since IN1NJAI got demoted from guard I think that someone should take his spot(IN1NJAI I AM Sorry To Put This In My Guard App). Another thing is I mostly see 2 guards on at a time, but mostly they are AFK. I think that I could be very helpful on prison, some people just think it is ok to not follow the rules, I think that everyone should play fairly and respect everyone. Even if they do not like them etc. How long have you been playing Mineverse? I have been playing maybe before September or maybe sooner. I started Prison maybe 2 weeks ago. How long can you be active on the server everyday? Monday-2-3 Tuesday 2-3 Wednesday 2-3 Thursday 3-5 Saturday 3-5 Sunday 3-5 Do you have any past experience as a Guard? No Have you ever been banned on Mineverse? Yes I have been banned on kitpvp,and factions for hacking. It was the biggest mistake I have chosen on mineverse and I am truly 100% regret hacking. Do you know the Prison Contraband items & rules? Yes, The Rules And Contraband Items Below. (Credit Goes To Gwism) A bow or any sword besides a wooden sword in hand will result in 1-2 hours jail. Repeat offending will result in longer jails/possible temp ban. Lava/Flint and steel/Water buckets caught in hand will result in a 24 hour jail. Repeat offending will result in longer jails/possible temp ban. No selling contraband items. Prisoners caught selling will result in a 24 hour jail. Repeat offending will result in longer jails/possible temp ban. Placing blocks/chests in the tree farms is an automatic ban. Only allowing return upon accepting his/her ban appeal. Safe zone killing will result in a 24 hour jail. Repeat offending will result in longer jails/possible temp ban. Teleporting non free prisoners to the free world will result in a ban. Only allowing return upon accepting his/her ban appeal. Anything goes in the freeworld. (Chat rule still apply) Other Things: I have been jailed for 1 hour for "Sign Humping" I got "Free" in 1 day I started about 2 weeks ago I love to play prison, with friends I am in a great faction right now (Hope To Keep It That Way) The beginning: This is how I started out to play prison, I thought that factions was getting really boring at the time, So IN1NJAI said once you get free on prison it is basically factions, So I decided to take a look at prison. At first it was lagging really bad for me, So I thought I couldn't play prison with a laggy computer so I restarted my computer and it was not laggy at all. So then I decided to blow my vault up on factions because I quit it and then I did a huge drop party and gave my friend Worshadar about 500k on it. So then I went back to prison I started to mine at the D mines but I thought that it would take way to long to get free. So I decided if I go around and asking people if I could have their money, we would basically do a trade. So I have finally had 50k so I ranked up to C prisoner. Then I kept going around asking for people and then got 100k. Then I did it more and more and reached 200k to rank up to A prisoner, Then my friends helped me get to 750k so I got free. I started my own faction called OpApples, none of my friends played prison or they were just in another faction. So I asked Fieldmarshall8 if he wanted to come and play prison he was like no, he said you would have to get free to play factions. Then I said ill lend you million, So I did lend him 1 million and he is free now so he joined my faction, we built a base and then later I joined Shades it wasn't that good but it was ok. So then I left that faction because flare_snuggles let me join his, I do admit that it is a great faction, it is the one that I am in. I also have 2 shops so check them out to . Thankyou for reading my Guard Application please comment if you liked it,or if I need to add more details to anything -UncleUrnesto People Who I Admire: @Pile_of_Butts @Gwism @Troy @ScoFu13 @rachetclanks @Noobcrew @CypriotMerks @Laura_or_is_it @IN1NJAI @MrParkourGuy @SooperAwesome @mineterria (These Are Just The People I See IG Alot) Supporters: @SooperAwesome
You need more information on why you should be a guard. Because 20% of it is you telling us that @IN1NJAI got demoted. No support just yet...
Uncle, I do not know if I should support or not. I know you started to be a little inactive, but it would be nice to see you back. I support slightly.
No support. You went from active too inactive. Also I believe you can't control your anger. That might cause you to abuse your powers.
You cant just be active forma week or so and expect thats enough just because your titan, thats called plutocracy. No support.
I know, I was inactive because there was some problems going on in rl. I try to be active as much as I can.