How old are you? 16,Close to 17 Your in-game name:SpencerRoxMC What timezone are you in? Central America. What country do you live in? USA. What languages do you speak? English,and Spanish. Why do you think you should become a mod? Because I am very helpful on the server and I try to help players as much as possible right now.I make sure the new players have someone to help them. I also watch the chat and make sure there is no violence, cursing, or any bullying in the chat. How long can you be active on the server everyday? About 4-5 hours. How long have you been playing Mineverse? A little longer than a year. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes i do. In fact I own a server.
Little bit more detail and a bit more info and maybe you might get a spot and how long you been on this server?? EDIT:You been on for ONE day and making a app this is not a good sign.
More detail will increase your chances. EDIT: Also, you joined yesterday. Familiarize yourself with the community.
Add some details on why you should be a mod, tell us about yourself, and your personality. Add some colors too. Good luck