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  • Inconsistency between Mineverse/Skyblock

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by LDM77, Dec 13, 2013.

    1. LDM77

      LDM77 Experienced Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      I noticed a very interesting thing today when looking at the staff list on both Mineverse.com and Skyblock.com. Mineverse lists 8 staff members. Skyblock lists 73.

      That's quite a significant number difference, considering the number of 'servers' on mineverse compared with skyblock, which is just a few.

      Is there any reason for this massive disparity between the two servers? I don't play anything other than prison on Mineverse, so what I see may not be accurate.

      Some clarification would be nice.
    2. ZaMpAgE

      ZaMpAgE Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2013
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    3. LDM77

      LDM77 Experienced Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      Did you reply, just to add to your post count or something?
    4. ZaMpAgE

      ZaMpAgE Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2013
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      No I maybe agree.
    5. Laura_or_is_it

      Laura_or_is_it Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      They cant just suddenly promote over 50 ppl..
    6. LDM77

      LDM77 Experienced Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      You're both right and wrong.

      • Like I said, there maybe quite a few unlisted mods on the server for the other games.
      • I only know about the prison server, which I feel has been ignored for far too long.

      Why I think you are wrong:
      • The prison server has many broken issues that could easily be sorted out by admins with moderator input.
      • Too many people are no longer playing on the server, because they're tired of the lack of leadership and consistency on the server.
      • A multitude of people are tired of the griefing, cursing, arguments, general lack of respect, etc..
      • They're tired of the inability to move forward on the server that gets no support.
      • Those people may be the ones that ultimately leave the entire server.
      • Of the staff that is involved/listed. Too many of them are spread too thin.
      • Every game mode should have dedicated mods to contend with issues.
      Here are many large reasons why I believe you are wrong:
      • On a server with generally more people on it, there should eventually be the same ratio of staff split up between the game modes. For example: Skyblock.net has approximately 60 staff members for (500 slots) 500 online members. The prison server has 4? (correct me if I'm wrong) for what is roughly around (200 slot) 40-140 people online at any given time. And of those 4, they split time with other game modes, servers and such.
      • Look at the reports sections. How many of the reports do you see with 0 replies, or a few replies that are by people other than staff members? Now I'm not talking about prison. I'm talking about ALL of the games.
      • For every report on the server, I figure there are at least 10 occurrences that aren't reported or dealt with in game. How do I figure? In the past week, I have a minimum of 40 unreported incidences, because I'm tired of them not being dealt with.
      • Trust has to come from the top. If nothing gets done with regards to increasing the enjoyment of the players on the server; this server will lose people who are tired of dealing with the same status quo. Which means, less server votes, which means less money, which is the general point of running a donation server, to offset the cost + make a profit.
      The reasons why I believe you are right:
      • It may be difficult to find quality members of a team that helps run your server.
      • To devote enough time to sort through all the applications could be daunting. (you have to start somewhere.)
      • Having trust in those who wish to help, could be the largest stumbling block there is for having proper staff numbers.
      Please take the time to review and bring up the issues where you feel I am incorrect or factually wrong. The topic needs to be discusses at length. I just need those who can actually do something to get involved in the conversation other than you and I, Laura.
    7. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      I can't do anything here, I'm just here to talk about this. I don't want to be rude here, but SkyBlock has been around for 2 years... they've already had their first resignations there. Here, this place has only been up for a few months, an Noobcrew has to get the plugins going and make sure they're going well. SkyBlock is noobcrew' s star, his moon in his sky full of stars. He wants that to be perfect of course, so he has the mods employed to make sure everything is going fine all the time. Here at mineverse, he needs to quickly get something done so it won't be chaotic, yet he still takes time to look at applications that are decent. The two are going to be inconsistent for a long time. You said you only ever played prison, (hope you can explain to me where the mines are .-.) If anything, prison is most moderated. I notice it being something where people frequently go, and something that mods want to take care of.
      They obviously can't promote 50 people at once, that would be absurd... I wouldn't play anymore ;-;
      From where I've played prison before, yes there are issues. Many, many issues. I won't stress that, because I 100% agree with that statement, even though I don't play much prison. The mods there are dedicated, but infrequent. All I know from the prison server is mods there do not much to help. (A.k.a. jacksh*t) but that's just public opinion. As for the ratios, I don't get that much about that, I think it's like 1:3 and such. (I'm only in 6th grade don't hurt me)
      About the reports, I agree with you there. (I'm not disagreeing much here) I see so many people who try to do something for justice, and then the hackers, and cheaters just... get off Scot-Free, and its just dumb. If not more in game mods, there should more forum mods. That's really all I have to say, couldn't think of anything to say about the rest of your response to Laura. (Was that relevant? I hope so .-.)
      Sorry I can't do anything about this, I'm sure Noobcrew is looking into these things.​
    8. LDM77

      LDM77 Experienced Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      Of course skyblock is crew's baby. I find nothing wrong with that being the case. Realistically, what works for one sever can work for another. My point was that things were out of balance, significantly. There can't be a fix without discussion.

      I don't claim to have an answer. I just know something should be done to alleviate the void in staff.
    9. Awesomely28

      Awesomely28 Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2013
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      Gosh so many post with so many words... whatever I'm on vacation and its to long to read for fun but I did read the thread an I agree they need more mods here
    10. so2315

      so2315 Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      I believe what MrParkourGuy is saying, that skyblock could be a bit more fragile to him than Mineverse. It has been up longer and seems like is currently dying cause of bugs/ glitches. Yet, I think I've seen Noobcrew say that he apologizes for all the bugs and stuff and is fixing them soon(for Mineverse), yet he also has to worry about both server's glitches and bugs.
    11. so2315

      so2315 Experienced Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      But I do agree, maybe a few extra mods should be put into the fields.
    12. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      There are other servers noobcrew has, and has to maintain. Skyblock.org is like .net, but noobcrew and Cypriot have found ways to change it into a different version of skyblock. I think they've smoothed that out, so it should be fine, and they don't need to worry as much. Hellblock.net, I think they've fixed it to make it as perfect as they can get it, even though Justin Martin left the team, and endblock went with him.
    13. LDM77

      LDM77 Experienced Member

      Oct 21, 2013
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      What you say is 100% correct. They have a lot going on. Any successful organization requires having the right support staff to alleviate the pressure of having too much to contend with. That is what the admins are supposed to do, along with the mods. When you have a large server with minimal staff, that mitigates the ability to contend with the main problems, because there are so many other issues that come up.

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