Ok, so felcam and I have thought of something pretty cool to make Mineverse Kit PvP server a bit more fun! We've thought of "Wager Matches". A "Wager Match" is a pvp match with 2-5 friends pvping against another group, and if you win you can win $100 [In game money], Prot 4, Sharp V sword, 10 gold apples, All the decent items you can think of! Example: felcam, davisanub, and crazytac0 vs DevilOnVacation, RTnation, and xeeveexx. If Team Felcam wins, then they will get a prize! [Make sure no scamming] [Kit PvP] ~Davis
This seems cool. Unfortunately I see two possible problems right off the bat: one, it could be rigged by someone or a group of people; two, I think it would encourage would-be hackers. EDIT: Maybe if you didn't lose inventory on death in these types of matches?
I Support this Idea, also they should add more Trash things because everywhere In Kitpvp there is Loads of Wooden Swords Just everywhere.
Its a good idea, but I think Noobcrew should pay or get someone to code a plugin for that to avoid scamming (Not saying Noobcrew will)
But what if friends just farm off eachother? And just keep all the stuff to themselves until they have it all stored away and can no longer hold anything?