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  • READ! OP PvP In-Depth Changes

    Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by boba, Oct 1, 2023.

    1. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      OP PvP - In Depth Changes
      One of our community's favourite gamemodes, OP PvP, is back and better than ever. We have made sure that the gamemode includes new features for members to enjoy, while still being able to play OP like they did before. A huge thank you to our beta testers, moderators, developers, and administrators for working on this gamemode and making sure everything was working and ready for release.

      There will probably be some bugs, therefore we ask that you report any problems, bugs, exploits, missing permissions, typos, etc. you encounter so that we can continue to improve the server: https://forums.mineverse.com/forums/bugs-exploits.28/

      View below an in-depth list of all of the changes made to the server:
      • All databases have been reset, therefore it will be a fresh start for all of our members.
      • The spawn has been revamped, changing the light blue wool to a more neutral and earthy tone. The inside of the spawn area has been expanded, and so has the lower chamber with new NPCs and crates.
      • Introducing Kits - a new plug-in we've integrated. We've removed the donor kits which were P2W/not EULA compliant and added 9 kits, some new and some old.
        • OP Kit - $0 - 2 min cooldown
        • Tank Kit - $0 - 5 min cooldown
        • Paladin Kit - $0 - 5 min cooldown
        • Archer Kit - $0 - 5 min cooldown
        • Foodie Kit - $10 - 5 min cooldown
        • Swift Kit - $15 - 5 min cooldown
        • Snowman Kit - $15 - 20 min cooldown
        • Troll Kit - $20 - 45 min cooldown
        • Pepe Kit - $50 - 60 min cooldown
      • Introducing the Slayer - one of our newest and important changes. The slayer allows members to purchase custom kill messages that will appear in chat once they kill another player. There are currently 24 kill messages you can unlock. Each kill message has a different level and kill requirement before being able to purchase it.
      • Introducing the Engineer - one of our newest and important changes. The engineer allows members to upgrade their swords, axes, armour, and bows to different levels using in-game money.
        • Maximum sharpness level on swords and axes: Sharpness 40
        • Maximum protection level on armour: Protection 10
        • Maximum unbreaking level on armour: Unbreaking 5
        • Maximum power level on bows: Power 10
        • Maximum punch level on bows: Power 5
        • Maximum infinity level on bows: Infinity I
      • Introducing Killstreaks - one of our newest and important changes. The integration of killstreaks allows members to pick a special ability to be used when they kill a certain amount of players in a row.
        • When you kill 5 players, you will be able to get either Care Package or Poison Gas
          • Care Package is a special ability which you can use anywhere on the map except spawn/parkour. To use it, simply hold the chest in your inventory and drop it on the ground (press Q) to activate it. It will slowly deploy a care package at the coordinates you used it at. Care packages contain rewards for the user who deploys it, but others have the opportunity to claim it as well. When claiming, it will be faster for the person who activates it than other users in the area.
          • Poison Gas is a special ability which you can use anywhere on the map except spawn/parkour. To use it, simply right click the poison bottle in your inventory to activate. It will place a "grenade" (stone button) which will emit toxic gas, effecting users nearby. The poison effect is temporary.
        • When you kill 7 players, you will be able to get either Artillery or Attack Dogs
          • Artillery is a special ability which you can use anywhere on the map except spawn/parkour. To use it, simply place the redstone torch on the ground. Artillery will emit explosions and attack players in the area. Artillery is temporary.
          • Attack dogs is a special ability which you can use anywhere on the map except spawn/parkour. Attack dogs automatically spawn once you kill 7 players consecutively. They will attack nearby players and automatically despawn after 60 seconds.
        • When you kill 10 players, you will be able to get either Airdrop or Napalm
          • Airdrop is a special ability which you can use anywhere on the map except spawn/parkour. Airdrop will deploy 4 care packages near you which you can claim by holding down. When claiming, it will be faster for the person who activates it than other users in the area.
          • Napalm is a special ability which you can use anywhere on the map except spawn/parkour. To use it, simply right click the flint and steel in your inventory. It will place a redstone torch on the ground where you use the special ability and will emit fire particles near players and light them on fire. Napalm effects are temporary.
        • Everyone can pick a specific reward they wish to get from acquiring a specific killstreak.
      • Introducing Points - a new levelling system. Points are given to members when performing specific tasks such as eating super golden apples, killing others, consuming a potion, etc. Points currently do not offer specific rewards but may in the future.
      • Added /daily which will give users $10 every 24 hours after initial claim.
      • Removed signs to purchase knockback sticks, and upgrading armour. You may now only purchase axes, ender pearls, and super golden apples.
      • Revamped crates. We have moved from the "Ultra, Epic, Legendary" system to the standard "Voter, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary" system.
        • Removed weapons from crates
        • Removed XP bottles from crates
        • Removed grim reaper from crates
        • Added trails to crates
        • Added potions to crates
        • Adding fishing rod to rare crate
        • Added "snail mimic" to crates - slows players for 5 minutes
        • Added steve head to epic crate
      • Added "assists" stats to /stats.
      • Added "most points" to /leaderboards.
      • Added "highest killstreak" to /leaderboards.
      • Added "top items upgraded" to /leaderboards - integration of /engineer.
      • Added new words to chat reactions/hover.
      • Added /sit for MVP and higher.
      • Added a parkour course at spawn.
        • You can get $5 daily from completing the course.
        • You can get $20 for completing the course 7 days in the row.
      • Introducing Quests - a new way to get money! Each day there will be 6 quests for players to complete, ranging from easy, medium, and hard. Quests reset every day and are a fun way to make money and take on a little challenge. You must select the quests you wish to do by clicking on the quests in the Quests GUI.
      • Revamped Help GUI and added more quick-links.
      • Extended the world border.
      • Added new warps.
        • /warp pond, /warp stripclub, /warp parkour
      • Fixed glitched blocks in versions higher than 1.8.9.
      • Changed voting rewards - you now receive $2 and 1x Voter Crate Key per vote. Totalling to $10 and 5x Voter Crate Keys daily.
      • Added new automessages to re-iterate new changes made.
      • Fixed glitched portal at spawn - it will now re-direct you to /lobby1.
      • Added vote menu GUI to show you top voters, your votes, vote links, and lucky rewards.
      • Added vote milestones.
        • 10 votes = $10
        • 20 votes = 1x Common Crate Key
        • 40 votes = $25
        • 60 votes = 2x Common Crate Keys
        • 80 votes = $50
        • 120 votes = 1x Rare Crate Key
      • Added killstreak and kill reward cooldown. You may not get rewards after killing the same person 3+ times.
      • Updated dragon egg and lightning rewards.
      • Removed /heal, /heal *, /feed, /feed *, and /jump.
      • Removed infinity from bows in kits.
      • Changed /lottery to /raffle.
      • If you have a special head or banner on, you will no longer lose it when you die.
      • Changed from PermissionsEx to LuckPerms, this will allow smoother gameplay and less lag spikes.
      • Added rank and level to member card when you hover over a name.
      • Simplified the tab list design/layout.
      • Added RGB/colour nicknames to Titan.
      • Added leaderboards and stats NPC to spawn.
      Hope you guys enjoy these changes. If you have any suggestions, please make a thread here.
    2. FuriousStrafer

      FuriousStrafer Experienced Member

      Jan 25, 2016
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      why wouldn't you be in compliance w/ EULA if you kept rank kits?
    3. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Because they're essentially pay to win. If you get a s30 with your kit, it's completely unfair for new players and unbalanced which goes against the EULA. We can't risk being blacklisted again.
    4. FuriousStrafer

      FuriousStrafer Experienced Member

      Jan 25, 2016
      Likes Received:
      understood, thank you for the clarification.

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