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  • Mineverse OPPvP Updates - October 08th, 2023

    Discussion in 'Changelog' started by boba, Oct 8, 2023.

    1. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      Mineverse OPPvP Updates - October 08th, 2023
      • Users will now be alerted when their weapon in hand is about to break via the Engineer.
      • Fixed bug with upgrading weapons with full inventory. The weapon will now drop to the ground.
        • It is important to be cautious when upgrading your inventory and having an empty slot to ensure your weapon is not stolen.
      • Fixed the arrows fired module in /leaderboards.
      • Added a filter on item renaming. Ensure your weapons are appropriately named or you will risk it being confiscated.
      • Removed invisible potions from Troll Kit due to some issues.
      • Removed feature preventing claiming kits with full inventory. You may now purchase kits even with a full inventory if you wish to stock up on specific items.
      • Added disposal signs at spawn so you can clear your inventory.
      • Added festive decorations at spawn for Halloween, stay tuned for more spooky changes!
      • Renamed "Snail Mimic" to "Snail Effects".
      • Added some new prizes in crates!
        • Voter
          • [+] Voter Sword (Sharpness 15)
          • [+] Foodie Kit
        • Common
          • [+] Your Player Head
          • [+] Splash Potion of Slowness
          • [+] Splash Potion of Leaping II
          • [+] Coal Ore
          • [+] Common Sword (Sharpness 20)
          • [+] Swift Kit
          • [+] Foodie Kit
        • Rare
          • [+] Rare Sword (Sharpness 25)
          • [+] Splash Potion of Strength II
          • [+] Iron Ore
          • [+] Troll Kit
          • [+] Pepe Kit
        • Epic
          • [+] Lapis Lazuli Ore
          • [+] Redstone Ore
          • [+] Gold Ore
        • Legendary
          • [+] Fishing Rod
          • [+] Diamond Ore
          • [+] Emerald Ore
          • [+] Wither Skeleton Skull
          • [+] Mob Spell Trail
          • [+] Black Potion Trail
      • Fishing rods can now be re-named via /engineer.
      • Fixed leaderboards slot in the Help Menu GUI.
      More changes to come very soon! Suggestions are always welcomed.
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    2. Dustyf@ll

      Dustyf@ll Honorary Supporter Premium

      Jun 7, 2021
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