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  • Requirements Needed Staff App

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Fart, Jun 11, 2023.

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    1. Fart

      Fart Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2016
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      Your in-game name: Skillzinq
      What timezone are you in?EST
      What country do you live in?Canada
      What languages do you speak? English
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) yes
      Why do you think you should become a mod? I am unbiased and am good with people. My whole life I have been dreaming about being mod on mineverse and now is the day i apply. I do not know many people as a lot of my friends I played factions and kitpvp with have left the server and went on with life. I would be a good fit for your team because I have some experience being staff on other games and on minecraft as listed below and I am good with people. Hope you guys take this into consideration. Thank you for reading!
      How long can you be active on the server everyday? I can be on everyday, Hours differ though as I am a student with a PT job.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? Since 2014
      What punishments have you received in the last 9 months? (Forums & In-game) No
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes I have been an owner of my own server a while back it was not that successful as it only got maybe 20 players on regular and I have been Admin/Mod on gmod servers.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No YES
      Do you have 25 Post Count?
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up?
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?
      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication?
      What is your Discord tag?sksk#6122
      • No Support No Support x 3
    2. nymph

      nymph Established Member

      Jul 17, 2022
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      Firstly, you seem to be missing a few answers here.
      Secondly, the app is hard to read I would suggest making the questions a different colour from the answers.
      I'm no supporting as of right now, as I have not seen you online.
      Goodluck on your app!
    3. Fart

      Fart Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2016
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      I appreciate your feedback on the application but if you find my application hard to read i dont think you should be allowed to put your feedback on any applications only because it seems like you lack sense.
    4. Fart

      Fart Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2016
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      and not to mention it im assuming when you said i forgot to answer the questions at the bottom i infact did. it states "Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No" and beside the question i put YES in all capitals. Judging by that response you clearly have not read my application thoroughly and should probably refrain from giving feedback on anything in general
    5. inh

      inh Discord Moderator

      Jun 19, 2022
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      Not easy filling out an application in front of possible criticism, I mean how do you defend in front of that? :blink:
      (and its not easy for person to take time to compose criticism, its quality time spent?)

      I too wonder why some questions were left blank? If I was familiar with someone, being brief is ok. Expression in typed word is all we get in this forum eh?

      Haven't noticed, do you log into survival at all and build?

      btw, Did you know we have a discord? I need help with qotd, got any? (just kidding, but no really got any qotd j/k) :D

      Good Luck in your application, it seems you have some experience from what few words you have expressed.

      (can't support yet, still much unknown)
      Last edited: Jun 15, 2023
    6. dopee

      dopee Guest

      No support. As nymph and Inh said, your application is very hard to read and I have not seen you online myself.

      Good luck with your application
    7. trinityy

      trinityy stan boba Premium

      Jan 30, 2016
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      It’s really hard to read your application, use of bold or spacing the application would be better. I can’t comment for your ingame activity, but as for discord, you’ve sent one message in February. I think you should become more involved in the community by engaging in conversations so people know who you are.
      These replies to criticism is really concerning as well, as a staff member you wouldn’t be able to reply to anything like this. I even missed your answer the first time until I read your replies.

      You also do not have the 2FA trophy which implies you don’t have 2FA, not meeting the requirements. I’m going to no support for my mentioned reasons.
    8. Fart

      Fart Experienced Member

      Dec 31, 2016
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      id like if ur response made some sense
    9. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse.
      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
      Volunteers are always needed.
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