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  • Goldminer Says Goodbye to Mineverse!

    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by thegoldminer8, Mar 5, 2022.

    1. thegoldminer8

      thegoldminer8 Active Member

      May 14, 2016
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      Hello! I'm not sure how many people will even recognize me, and I'm not quite sure if I will even recognize everyone fully myself. My ingame username used to be "thegoldminer8" and I have since changed it to G0LDM1N3R. It's been a while since I last played and I'm kinda late to this whole goodbye thing, rather bad timing on my part to be frank. I used to be obsessed with infection and this server. From what I know, everyone who I once played with has already left and has long since been gone, most with no announcement whatsoever and I was guilty of this as well. I'm not even entirely sure if people still come on these forums anymore even just for memories, but I'm hopeful that at least SOMEONE who recognizes me will see this though. Through some sheer chance or stroke of luck.

      As the title says, no I'm not back, there's kinda no point, this server is... long past it's haydays, no doubt. But I wanted to have a chance to officially say goodbye after what, how long has it been? 8 years? 10 years? Truth be told I don't even really remember how long it's been since I first joined and I'll be completely honest, the only reason I'm even back here in the first place is because my data got leaked and I'm changing some old passwords. I completely forgot I even had this account but now I'm taking a trip down memory lane at 2 am.

      I haven't played minecraft consistently in years, I've kinda lost interest as I'm sure most of you have as well, I still play pvp a bit every now and then cause I learned the proper 1.8 mechanics but I certainly do not play on this server. Last I posted here I was playing tf2 and I've long since quit that too, even. It's crazy how old this place has gotten. I mean I genuinely cannot believe just how much time has passed, I seriously cannot overstate that. When I joined this server I was f****** 8 years old or something, that's just mind blowing to me. Most of it seems like such a blur even though I know I spent so long playing here, I might just have a really bad memory but I don't know.

      And yes, to everyone here who "knew" me I'm almost a completely different person now, I've quite literally grown up. So yeah, thank you to everyone who played with me and dealt with my cringy prepubescent self on this server. I have never cringed harder in my life than I have now looking at my old posts here lmao. From what I remember, it was... fun to play mineverse when I was younger, even though I did not know how to behave whatsoever. I remember I used to be a pretty big d*** even for a child, the only ban I ever received on this server was so extremely deserved, I'm genuinely surprised I wasn't permabanned or IP banned. But I guess it doesn't really matter anymore.

      It's funny really, because I'm pretty sure this is basically both the first and last official post I will ever make here. And though a lot of these memories are so extremely cringe to me now, if I'm being honest I don't particularly mind this account being here. I met a lot of good friends on Mineverse; no one that I ever got to know too personally, and I never contacted anyone directly through DMs (except Panda/xxproskillsxx or whatever I don't remember all his usernames) but I don't think it matters. We all shared something that was magical to us. We all stayed here because we loved this place and lots of us held on to the bitter end. But eventually, all things good or bad, must come to an end, including this. I myself accepted this servers fate a long time ago on my own, this server may still be barely alive but it's finally time for me to publicly bid farewell and leave this place behind. I've changed so much and so has this place and many of you along with it.

      So... I'm glad. I'm glad that I got to experience what Mineverse was before it basically died. And most of all I'm glad that I got to know some of you guys. Thanks for everything. Peace.

      I might come back to these forums every once in a while to respond to some comments and stuff like that (which won't be often) but that's about the peak of my activity here. If you do recognize me and wanna catch up and reminisce or for whatever purpose idk, you can add me on discord, GoldMiner#0122

      Just let me know who you are and I'll try my hardest to remember.

      Some notable people and names that I remember and also vaguely remember (It's SO hard to recall a lot of them without looking at my original friendslist)
      Scorvix, Panda, Ordinatuer7, brant2,Scorvix, Lola_perez, robosmith10, XxN1TROxFUS1ONS, iGlitcher, empster, Jguns99 (something)tyler feartheclowns... (I know there's more that I'm forgetting for sure)
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    2. Freakface

      Freakface Well-Known Member

      Dec 13, 2014
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      Take care of yourself <3
    3. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      I'll always remember those crazy days we had on infection. I'm glad you posted your goodbye on here (because I always wondered whatever happened to the people I knew on infection). It's kinda bittersweet if you think about it, because the people we ended up playing with on this server during its golden age sort of became something like childhood friends that we still remember but we grew apart with as we lost interest in mineverse.

      Seeing their goodbyes on forums and seeing them grow up from when we played as kids and going their separate ways from this community is bittersweet but everything comes to an end.

      Good luck in life man and I wish you all the best <3
    4. BrainStormBlitz

      BrainStormBlitz Experienced Member

      Sep 3, 2016
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      Gave me chills reading this
    5. welldarn

      welldarn Experienced Member

      Dec 6, 2015
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      I totally understand what this post means to you and how it must have made you feel, so I'm going to keep this blunt. The time you spent here on the server will forever be a memory in not just your mind, but the minds of every person who befriended, talked to, or had the pleasure of interacting with you. While the good old days might be long gone, what you take with you in your memory will never leave as long as you remember them. :)
    6. dopee

      dopee Guest

      Couldnt have said it better myself

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