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  • 50 Truth's About Yourself!

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Teeeb, Dec 5, 2022.

    1. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      It's time to bring this trend back! I'll go first. :happy:

      Introductory Questions
      1. Name: Robert
      2. MC IGN: Teeeb
      3. Are you a furry?: No
      4. Age: 22
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
      6. Dream Job: Psychiatrist
      7. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
      8. Last thing you ate: An uncooked potato
      9. Last song you listened to:
      10. Last movie you watched: Top Gun (1986)
      11. Last book you read: No idea
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: Yes. Lot's of cats.
      13. When was the last time you cried?: Yesterday
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: Yes
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: Loud Chewing

      16. Animal: Arctic Fox
      17. Vegetable: Cucumber
      18. Food: Lasagna
      19. Fruit: Oranges
      20. Candy: Swedish Fish
      21. Soda: Dr. Pepper
      22. Color: Purple
      23. Holiday: Halloween
      24. Season: Winter
      25. Movie Genre: Sci-Fi
      26. Movie: The Host
      27. Song: Can't choose just one.
      28. Book: The Host
      29. Country: USA
      30. Drink: Iced Decaf White Mocha

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: Yes
      32. Made a snowman: Yes
      33. Fallen in love: Yes
      34. Gone to the beach: Yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: Yes

      36. Eating: Nothing
      37. Drinking: Water
      38. Listening to: Nothing
      39. Sitting or laying: Sitting
      40. Sleepy or Awake: Sleepy

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: Yes
      42. Get married: Yes
      43. Travel?: Yes

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: No
      45. Miracles: Yes
      46. Soulmates: Yes
      47. Ghosts: Yes
      48. Heaven: Yes
      49. Aliens: Yes

      50. Tag 3 people to do this: @NoHarmNoFoul @sabrina @boba

      BTW ANYONE CAN DO THIS! Even if you aren't tagged I ENCOURAGE you to do one! :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed:

      Introductory Questions
      1. Name:
      2. MC IGN:
      3. Are you a furry?:
      4. Age:
      5. Introvert or Extrovert:
      6. Dream Job:
      7. Pepsi or Coke:
      8. Last thing you ate:
      9. Last song you listened to:
      10. Last movie you watched:
      11. Last book you read:
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?:
      13. When was the last time you cried?:
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?:
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?:

      16. Animal:
      17. Vegetable:
      18. Food:
      19. Fruit:
      20. Candy:
      21. Soda:
      22. Color:
      23. Holiday:
      24. Season:
      25. Movie Genre:
      26. Movie:
      27. Song:
      28. Book:
      29. Country:
      30. Drink:

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken:
      32. Made a snowman:
      33. Fallen in love:
      34. Gone to the beach:
      35. Met someone who has changed your life:

      36. Eating:
      37. Drinking:
      38. Listening to:
      39. Sitting or laying:
      40. Sleepy or Awake:

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?:
      42. Get married:
      43. Travel?:

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself:
      45. Miracles:
      46. Soulmates:
      47. Ghosts:
      48. Heaven:
      49. Aliens:

      50. Tag 3 people to do this:

    2. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
      Likes Received:
      1. Name: Boba
      2. MC IGN: BobaLatte
      3. Are you a furry?: No
      4. Age: 16
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: A mix of both
      6. Dream Job: Paediatrician
      7. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
      8. Last thing you ate: KitKat
      9. Last song you listened to: How to Disappear by Lana Del Rey
      10. Last movie you watched: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
      11. Last book you read: tbh i forgot
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: No
      13. When was the last time you cried?: Sunday
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: Yes
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: Loud burping

      16. Animal: Panda or Polar Bear
      17. Vegetable: Bell Peppers
      18. Food: Pasta
      19. Fruit: Mango or Pomegranate
      20. Candy: Sour Patch Kids
      21. Soda: Pepsi or Sprite
      22. Color: Brown
      23. Holiday: Christmas
      24. Season: Winter
      25. Movie Genre: Horror/Mystery
      26. Movie: tbh none
      27. Song: Lust for Life by Lana Del Rey ft. The Weeknd
      28. Book: N/A
      29. Country: Switzerland
      30. Drink: Anything but water

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: No
      32. Made a snowman: Yes
      33. Fallen in love: Yes
      34. Gone to the beach: Yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: No

      36. Eating: Nothing
      37. Drinking: Nothing
      38. Listening to: Nothing
      39. Sitting or laying: Laying
      40. Sleepy or Awake: Awake

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: Yes
      42. Get married: Yes
      43. Travel?: Yes

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: Yes
      45. Miracles: Yes
      46. Soulmates: Yes
      47. Ghosts: Yes
      48. Heaven: Yes
      49. Aliens: Yes
    3. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
    4. Qwiby

      Qwiby parkour enthusiast Premium

      Nov 3, 2015
      Likes Received:
      1. Name: qwiby
      2. MC IGN: qwiby
      3. Are you a furry?: no
      4. Age: 19
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: introvert
      6. Dream Job: nature photographer
      7. Pepsi or Coke: coke
      8. Last thing you ate: honey and pb sandwich
      9. Last song you listened to: https://open.spotify.com/track/4SAz5rfi1ELWWE8VHvzTFQ?si=nH8P-O8_R_q4hzqgRqVrqQ&utm_source=copy-link
      10. Last movie you watched: blade runner 4098 (i think)
      11. Last book you read: no longer human - dazai (i think)
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: yes, dogs
      13. When was the last time you cried?: 3 months ago
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: possibly
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: interrupting me while i talk, or talking over me

      16. Animal: trash panda
      17. Vegetable: broccoli
      18. Food: triple chocolate meltdown from applebees
      19. Fruit: apple
      20. Candy: reese
      21. Soda: coca cola
      22. Color: azure
      23. Holiday: brithday (im the most important thing all year anyways)
      24. Season: I like them all
      25. Movie Genre: action
      26. Movie: airplane
      27. Song: https://open.spotify.com/track/2vGPGyQiCuuSZ47k4d2ZFT?si=-ZY9c6kJRdif_OwSgDzy9A&utm_source=copy-link
      28. Book: The stand, stephen king
      29. Country: i havent been outside of america sadly
      30. Drink: coffee

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: yes
      32. Made a snowman: yes
      33. Fallen in love: yes
      34. Gone to the beach: yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: yes

      36. Eating: no
      37. Drinking: no
      38. Listening to: voices in my head
      39. Sitting or laying: sitting
      40. Sleepy or Awake: awakw

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: no
      42. Get married: no
      43. Travel?: yes

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: sure
      45. Miracles: no
      46. Soulmates: no
      47. Ghosts: no
      48. Heaven: idk
      49. Aliens: yes

      50. Tag 3 people to do this:
    5. bre

      bre Active Member

      Nov 10, 2020
      Likes Received:
      1. Name: Bre
      2. MC IGN: NoHarmNoFoul
      3. Are you a furry?: no.
      4. Age: 19
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: lowkey both but more of an introvert
      6. Dream Job: genuinely don’t know
      7. Pepsi or Coke: coke
      8. Last thing you ate: cheetos
      9. Last song you listened to: Halos by witchhouse 40k
      10. Last movie you watched: twilight
      11. Last book you read: idk it’s been a bit
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: Yes, dog and guinea pig
      13. When was the last time you cried?: Yesterday
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: yes
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: when people can’t drive.

      16. Animal: wolf
      17. Vegetable: carrot
      18. Food: anything meat
      19. Fruit: pomegranate/olives
      20. Candy: bro big turk hits so hard
      21. Soda: ginger ale
      22. Color: black
      23. Holiday: christmas
      24. Season: winter
      25. Movie Genre: horror
      26. Movie: hmmm idk, I like a lot
      27. Song: rn melanchoholic by ghostemane
      28. Book: I’ll give you the sun
      29. Country: CANADA
      30. Drink: idk prob lemonade or some shi

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: yes
      32. Made a snowman: yes
      33. Fallen in love: yes
      34. Gone to the beach: yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: yes

      36. Eating: no
      37. Drinking: no
      38. Listening to: nothing
      39. Sitting or laying: laying
      40. Sleepy or Awake: p awake

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: yes
      42. Get married: yes
      43. Travel?: yes

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: meh
      45. Miracles: yes
      46. Soulmates: Plato’s theory of soulmates.
      47. Ghosts: maybe
      48. Heaven: no
      49. Aliens: yes

      50. Tag 3 people to do this: @Atom @rent @nymph
      • Like Like x 1
    6. Malc

      Malc The Pro Moderator Premium

      Oct 10, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Introductory Questions
      1. Name: Malcolm/Malc
      2. MC IGN: Malctar
      3. Are you a furry?: Absolutely not
      4. Age: 20
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: Extroverted introvert
      6. Dream Job: wish I could tell you
      7. Pepsi or Coke: Coke, Pepsi is a**
      8. Last thing you ate: Spicy noodles
      9. Last song you listened to: What If It Doesn't End Well by chloe moriondo
      10. Last movie you watched: The Other Woman
      11. Last book you read: No idea
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: I have a cat named Sam (my best friend <3) and a dog named Jax
      13. When was the last time you cried?: like 2 days ago I think
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: I have a girlfriend so yes
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: When people are mean for no reason

      16. Animal: Monkey
      17. Vegetable: Potatoes, asparagus, or broccoli
      18. Food: Hot wings
      19. Fruit: Tomatoes
      20. Candy: Hershey's probably
      21. Soda: Cherry coke or mountain dew
      22. Color: Forest green
      23. Holiday: Christmas
      24. Season: Fall
      25. Movie Genre: Horror/Thriller
      26. Movie: Freaky Friday, Ghost, or Monster
      27. Song: Too many
      28. Book: No idea
      29. Country: Not here
      30. Drink: Iced coffee or redbull

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: Yes
      32. Made a snowman: Yes
      33. Fallen in love: Yes
      34. Gone to the beach: Yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: Yes

      36. Eating: Nothing
      37. Drinking: Nothing
      38. Listening to: Music
      39. Sitting or laying: Sitting
      40. Sleepy or Awake: Awake

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: Yes
      42. Get married: Yes
      43. Travel?: Yes

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: Yes
      45. Miracles: I think so
      46. Soulmates: Different kinds
      47. Ghosts: Yes
      48. Heaven: Not really
      49. Aliens: Yes

      50. Tag 3 people to do this: whoever wants to
    7. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
      Likes Received:
      1. Name: Tyler
      2. MC IGN: RentPvP
      3. Are you a furry?: No
      4. Age: 21
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert sometimes intovert
      6. Dream Job: CyberSecurity or Cloud Engineer
      7. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi Max
      8. Last thing you ate: Pasta
      9. Last song you listened to: A Boogie Wit da Hoodie - Jungle
      10. Last movie you watched: Bright
      11. Last book you read: Don't read books
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: 3 cats, 4 dogs, 1 parrot and 1 rabbit
      13. When was the last time you cried?: Been a while tbh not sure, not recently
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: Nah
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: Giving ick after ick

      16. Animal: Dog
      17. Vegetable: Carrot
      18. Food: Lasagne
      19. Fruit: Orange
      20. Candy: Kinder Bueno
      21. Soda: Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi or Pepsi Max
      22. Color: Red
      23. Holiday: Birthday I guess
      24. Season: Summer
      25. Movie Genre: Action/Comedy
      26. Movie: Central Intelligence
      27. Song: Scorey - No Names / I have a lot of favourite songs but been playing this one for a while now non stop
      28. Book: Don't read
      29. Country: UK
      30. Drink: Only ever drink water but I guess Pepsi Max

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: Yes
      32. Made a snowman: Yes
      33. Fallen in love: Yes
      34. Gone to the beach: Yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: No

      36. Eating: Nothing
      37. Drinking: Diet Coke
      38. Listening to: Rod Wave - No Deal
      39. Sitting or laying: Sitting
      40. Sleepy or Awake: Awake

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: Yeah in the future
      42. Get married: Not sure yet
      43. Travel?: Yes

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: Yes
      45. Miracles: No
      46. Soulmates: Yes/No
      47. Ghosts: No
      48. Heaven: Yes
      49. Aliens: Yes ET my boy

      50. Tag 3 people to do this: I have no friends to tag lol
      Last edited: Dec 6, 2022
    8. Novembree

      Novembree Active Member

      Apr 16, 2021
      Likes Received:
      Wasn’t tagged but ima do it anyway

      1. Name: Bree
      2. MC IGN: Novembree
      3. Are you a furry?: No
      4. Age: Rather not say
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
      6. Dream Job: Paramedic (not what I went for but yes)
      7. Pepsi or Coke: Neither
      8. Last thing you ate: Chocolate
      9. Last song you listened to: Girl - SYML
      10. Last movie you watched: Enola Holmes 2
      11. Last book you read: All the Light We Cannot See
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: 1 hamster, her name is Mable
      13. When was the last time you cried?: Last week
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: No
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: When people tell me to “calm down” when I am calm >.<

      16. Animal: Fox or Otter
      17. Vegetable: Cucumber
      18. Food: Chicken Parmesan
      19. Fruit: Pears
      20. Candy: Skittles
      21. Soda: None/Sprite?
      22. Color: Forest green
      23. Holiday: Christmas
      24. Season: Fall
      25. Movie Genre: Mystery/action
      26. Movie: Catch Me If You Can or the Truman Show
      27. Song: Pictures of Mountains - Cody Fry
      28. Book: The Giver
      29. Country: Canada duh
      30. Drink: Hot chocolate

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: No
      32. Made a snowman: Yes
      33. Fallen in love: No
      34. Gone to the beach: Yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: No

      36. Eating: Nothing
      37. Drinking: Water
      38. Listening to: Nothing
      39. Sitting or laying: Sitting
      40. Sleepy or Awake: Awake

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: Yes
      42. Get married: Yes
      43. Travel?: Yes

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: Sometimes
      45. Miracles: Yes
      46. Soulmates: Maybe yes
      47. Ghosts: No
      48. Heaven: Yes
      49. Aliens: No

      50. Tag 3 people to do this: @Frez @geo @KingJonSnow
    9. Frez

      Frez Active Member

      Jul 31, 2020
      Likes Received:
      1. Name: Frez
      2. MC IGN: Frezology
      3. Are you a furry?: No
      4. Age: 18
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert
      6. Dream Job: no clue
      7. Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
      8. Last thing you ate: shortbread
      9. Last song you listened to: Robbers the 1975
      10. Last movie you watched: The Croods 2
      11. Last book you read: AQA Law Revision Guide
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: 3 cats (Spencer, Mae and Barclay), 2 dogs (Barney and Douglas), chickens (23) and some fishies
      13. When was the last time you cried?:3 months ago? idk
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: Not currently
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: people chewing loudly

      16. Animal: shark
      17. Vegetable: broccoli
      18. Food: Fajitas
      19. Fruit: Mango
      20. Candy: M&M's
      21. Soda: sprite
      22. Color: Blue, maroon to wear tho
      23. Holiday: Halloween
      24. Season: Summer
      25. Movie Genre: action
      26. Movie: Deadpool
      27. Song: Wintering - The 1975
      28. Book: Miss Peregrine's school for peculiar children
      29. Country: Australia (never been tho)
      30. Drink: Lily's Pineapple Cider

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: yup
      32. Made a snowman: yes
      33. Fallen in love: yup
      34. Gone to the beach: Yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: yes

      36. Eating: Nothing
      37. Drinking: cider
      38. Listening to: somebody else - the 1975
      39. Sitting or laying: Sitting
      40. Sleepy or Awake: sleepy (always

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: absolutely not
      42. Get married: not bothered tbh
      43. Travel?: Yes, absolutely

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: lol no
      45. Miracles: meh
      46. Soulmates: no
      47. Ghosts: sure
      48. Heaven: depends
      49. Aliens: No

      50. Tag 3 people to do this: @geo @Devannn_ @Megann
    10. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Name: Hayden
      2. MC IGN: xFeurin
      3. Are you a furry?: No
      4. Age: 22
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
      6. Dream Job: Automotive Engineer
      7. Pepsi or Coke: Coke
      8. Last thing you ate: Oatmeal
      9. Last song you listened to: If I could - 1927
      10. Last movie you watched: Shrek :)
      11. Last book you read: Automotive Mechanics - Ed May
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: 1 Dog, 1 cat
      13. When was the last time you cried?: I don't cry, can't remember
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: Naw.
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: People gulping loudly when they drink

      16. Animal: Cat
      17. Vegetable: Carrot
      18. Food: Enchiladas
      19. Fruit: Banana
      20. Candy: Red Skins
      21. Soda: Mountain Dew
      22. Colour: Turquoise
      23. Holiday: Don't get holidays
      24. Season: Summer
      25. Movie Genre: Action
      26. Movie: Unknown, too many good ones
      27. Song: Compulsory Hero - 1927
      28. Book: Unknown - Don't read very often
      29. Country: Australia
      30. Drink: VB

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: No
      32. Made a snowman: Tried to
      33. Fallen in love: Yes
      34. Gone to the beach: Yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: Yes

      36. Eating: No
      37. Drinking: No
      38. Listening to: Music
      39. Sitting or laying: Sitting
      40. Sleepy or Awake: Awake

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: Eventually
      42. Get married: Eventually
      43. Travel?: Yes

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: Yes
      45. Miracles: Yes
      46. Soulmates: No
      47. Ghosts: Yes
      48. Heaven: No lol
      49. Aliens: You'd be silly to think we're the only ones in this universe.
    11. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      slayyyyyy love all the answers everyone
    12. geo

      geo Active Member

      Sep 2, 2020
      Likes Received:
      Ooops I’m somewhat late but better late than never :’)

      Introductory Questions
      1. Name: geo / george
      2. MC IGN: mlgeo
      3. Are you a furry?: no
      4. Age: 19
      5. Introvert or Extrovert: introvert
      6. Dream Job: child psychologist
      7. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
      8. Last thing you ate: pretzels
      9. Last song you listened to: daddy issues the nbhd
      10. Last movie you watched: jackass
      11. Last book you read: -
      12. Do you have any pets? What are they?: two hamsters
      13. When was the last time you cried?: last night
      14. Do you have a crush on someone?: yes
      15. What is your biggest pet peeve?: slow walkers

      16. Animal: panda
      17. Vegetable: carrot
      18. Food: mac and cheese
      19. Fruit: strawberries ;)
      20. Candy: uhh idk
      21. Soda: I only drink Redbull
      22. Color: viridian
      23. Holiday: Halloween
      24. Season: spring
      25. Movie Genre: horror / comedy
      26. Movie: n/a
      27. Song: any nbhd song
      28. Book: n/a
      29. Country: Australia
      30. Drink: Redbull

      Have you ever? (Answer yes or no)
      31. Had your heart broken: yes
      32. Made a snowman: yes
      33. Fallen in love: yes
      34. Gone to the beach: yes
      35. Met someone who has changed your life: yes

      36. Eating: pretzels
      37. Drinking: alcohol
      38. Listening to: n/a
      39. Sitting or laying: sitting
      40. Sleepy or Awake: awake

      Do you want to...?
      41. Have kids?: maybe
      42. Get married: yes
      43. Travel?: to paris, yes

      Do you believe in?
      44. Yourself: no
      45. Miracles: to some degree
      46. Soulmates: yes
      47. Ghosts: possibly
      48. Heaven: hopefully
      49. Aliens: I believe there’s another form of life somewhere

      50. Tag 3 people to do this:
      @Agentyy @Janice @Bdarkslayer

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