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  • Inactive mineverse moderator application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by OOFMAN, Nov 29, 2022.

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    1. OOFMAN

      OOFMAN Member

      May 30, 2022
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      Your in-game name: my in-game name is: O0FMAN
      What timezone are you in? i am in the timezone Europe (UTC)
      What country do you live in? i live in England
      What languages do you speak? i can only speak English
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) yes, i have the necessary means of capturing evidence, i have OTS, and i can screenshot to capture evidences.
      Why do you think you should become a mod? because i want to make mineverse server better and can do something to make people follow the rules, and if they dont i can warn or ban or mute them.
      Not only i can warn or ban people, if i become a moderator, i can help players in the server, such as explaining what the commands do (for example: /ah is auction house, players can buy different items other players sell.)
      How long can you be active on the server everyday? i can be active on the server at least 45 minutes a day, but i still have to go to college and do other stuff in real life so sometimes i can’t be online that long.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? i have been playing mineverse around 7 months.
      What punishments have you received in the last 9 months? (Forums & In-game)i broke the rules griefing and death threats, (post farming, but there was no punishment, there was a warning) i broke the rule griefing and had a punishment of 2 days ban, and for death threats, i got muted for 30 minutes, but i promise i won’t do that again.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? no, but i know what i should and shouldn't do as a moderator, so i won’t ban people or do anything like this without enough evidence.
      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No yes, i meet all mineverse’s requirements for staff, and i have asked some moderators for suggestions that i should be a moderator or not, and most or them say i should.
      Do you have 25 Post Count? yes, i have more than 25 post count, (and i am truly sorry for post farming)
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? yes
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? yes i think i registered around 4 months
      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication? yes, i have discord and skype for offline communication.
      What is your Discord tag? OOFMAN#8707 is my full discord name
      Last edited: Dec 11, 2022
    2. Qwiby

      Qwiby parkour enthusiast Premium

      Nov 3, 2015
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    3. OOFMAN

      OOFMAN Member

      May 30, 2022
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      i am sorry i had 25 messages yesturday and my messages got deleted so i dont have 25 messages rn but i will have 25 messages back soon, and pls support me:) i will be so happy if u all did:D

      and ty every1 for supporting me:)
    4. Malik Shahid

      Malik Shahid Established Member

      Jun 27, 2022
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      You were message farming. I logged in the other day and had a bunch of notifications from you commenting everywhere. It was a solid attempt, though. On top of that, you aren't even answering the questions in complete sentences; around half of the questions you answered, you used only one word. Based on what you have provided me with here, it wouldn't appear as if you are applicable for the moderator position at all.
      Last edited: Dec 1, 2022
    5. OOFMAN

      OOFMAN Member

      May 30, 2022
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      i know that but most questions i just answered with 1 word is cuz the question doesn't have much to answer, and i am sorry for message farming and a mod already warned me and deleted some of my messages, and i wont do that again.
    6. Malik Shahid

      Malik Shahid Established Member

      Jun 27, 2022
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      This doesn't justify anything. You are clearly not fit for a position as moderator.
    7. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      No support. I believe you applied way too early. You should re-familiarize yourself to application and server rules. Continuously spamming and flooding chat and asking members to support your application are two violations, additionally post farming to reach the 25 posts minimum.

      Your application is way too short as well. It does not provide enough detail about you as a person, and seems extremely rushed. I would suggest re-reading our server and forum rules, as well as updating your application to be more in-depth.

      Good luck.
    8. Olieee

      Olieee Established Member Premium

      Aug 7, 2022
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      No support, I don't believe that someone who is tellling everyone to kill themself 3 months ago should be moderator. Also many times when you have died on survival you said that you were going to quit the server unless someone finds the items that you lost, which seems a bit weird to me but thats just my opinion. It seems like when something isnt going your way you start to cry and i don't think thats a good personality for a moderator.
    9. OOFMAN

      OOFMAN Member

      May 30, 2022
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      its fine if u and others dont want to support me, but i will do my best to be a mod, and make the server better and more popular, and i hope u change ur mind to support me.
    10. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      No support, sorry. You may be an active player but it's clear you're not ready for this position. Not to mention post-farming your way to 25 messages/posts. I feel like you've just rushed this application as the server isn't that active right now. Also, your application is way too short, if you're going to apply at least show us you want it. Also asking for supports like Boba mentioned is a big no no but to be honest, we've all made that mistake, myself included as well as countless other current and ex staff members.

      Although I feel like you're not ready, you could at least change your application, add more detail or re apply in the future when the time is right.
    11. bre

      bre Active Member

      Nov 10, 2020
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      You give dusty vibes (childish, lying). No support. Maybe try again once you’ve matured
      Last edited: Dec 4, 2022
    12. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      A great candidate overall. Would be foolish to not accept this individual. Could make a great asset to the team. You have my resounding support!
    13. Throwaway2022

      Throwaway2022 Established Member

      Aug 18, 2022
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      I support. Seems trustworthy and determined to get the job done. He should have access to console.
    14. ProdBrodie

      ProdBrodie Active Member

      Jul 20, 2020
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      I agree! He is more qualified then you ever were! :)
    15. OOFMAN

      OOFMAN Member

      May 30, 2022
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      thank you everyone for supporting me!

      and btw you can press the support button above (its a green button that a few people pressed to support me) so the admin or moderators can know how many people support me easier. pls comment more so i can know what i did wrong and wont do that again:D
    16. Brendunce

      Brendunce Active Member

      Dec 8, 2020
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      I've been reading the updates to this thread; I even thought about posting a snarky comment earlier but that wouldn't help anyone, would it? So here I am, now writing a SERIOUS response to this application. I don't normally write long-winded messages of advice, so if you want me to elaborate on anything, please ask.

      I personally believe that based on your application, you are (at the moment at least) unfit for the position of moderator. I haven't really been active in game for a while now (just popping in from time to time) so I'm going to focus on the application. If this comes across as harsh, I apologize in advance, but I'm trying to offer advice as to what you could be doing better. There are a few glaring issues I see, but I'll start out with the smaller issues that, when fixed, will help make your application stand out a little more.

      First off, the entire formatting is pretty lackluster. It looks like you just copied and pasted the format and then wrote your answers. There isn't anything wrong with it, I understand the fancy colors and fonts and whatnot that some people use in their applications makes me ask myself, "How the hell did they do all that?" However, it also shows the passion they put into their application; that they really care about writing it. Now I'm not saying you need to go overboard and spend 3 hours just formatting your application, but at least use some bolded text or something to differentiate the questions from the answers. I think that if you do something along the lines of this, it would show that you're willing to put in the work for the moderator role.

      This is just me being picky, but Europe has many different time zones. It would be helpful to specify that (seeing as you say later that you're from England) you're in GMT/BST, the time zone of England.

      Again, this isn't a make-or-break question on your application, but typically applicants wait a lot longer than half a year after joining the server to apply for mod. However, you seem pretty active in forums, and I assume you're relatively active in game, so this shouldn't be too much of an issue. Also, this isn't anything major, but if you aren't already, I'd recommend at the very least joining the Mineverse discord, as people like to show their commitment to the community by being active on all platforms. It isn't a requirement, but people like to see little things like that which show that an applicant truly cares about the community.

      Lastly, another general issue: the lack of reports. I know Mineverse hasn't been doing particularly well in terms of player count recently, but there's usually something you could report. Now I'm not saying you should report every chat offense, but if someone's being disrespectful in chat, or you find an offensive/inappropriate build out in the wild, you should report it. Historically speaking, when the community was more active, there would be activity on gamemodes other than survival where more rules were being broken (namely the pvp servers) but considering how half of the gamemodes are being updated and nobody can be on them, it's understandable that there genuinely might be nothing problematic happening in the server. However, you usually want to have a few reports in your post history to show not only that you care about improving the community, but also that you know the rules and when people are breaking them.

      Now, moving on to the more glaring issues. First off, as people have mentioned in this thread already, your application is really short. Technically, this isn't a big deal, but what it shows is a lack of effort. Your entire application has a total of 287 words, and well over half of them are from the question prompts. Most successful moderator applications have a bigger "Why do you want to be mod" section than this entire application. On the surface this isn't a major issue, but it comes across as you not wanting to put much effort into applying to mod, just fill out the form and wait a bit until you get promoted. However, the moderation team isn't going to view your application as favorably as someone who writes in complete sentences (even for the easy answer questions like "What country do you live in" you could put something like "I live in the UK" or "I live in England"). Writing not only in complete sentences, but also going into more detail in general, shows that you're willing to put in the effort of writing a detailed application in order to help out the community as opposed to "I want mod, so I'm just gonna fill out this form and hope everyone likes it". I'm not trying to say that's what you actually do think, but it's what it comes across as to everyone reading this.

      Another issue is this:
      This prompt is supposed to give you the opportunity to list all of your positive character traits that would show how good of a moderator you would be, not just "I want to make the server a better place". Of course you would, why else would you apply for moderator? Everyone applying for the position wants to improve the server. All you wrote was a run-on sentence saying that you would make the server better and enforce the rules. If you look at past accepted applications (Accepted Applications | Mineverse), you can see that this is the longest section of their application, where they go into detail of everything about them that would make a good moderator. I'm not saying you need to write an entire novel on every little reason, but a little more depth goes a long way. Your current answer barely scratches the surface here.

      These answers also struck me the wrong way:
      I know this is getting nitpicky, but this shows that you might not understand the full scope of the moderator position. While, yes, the main role of a moderator is to moderate the server and enforce rules, but there are so many more responsibilities that come with the position, such as being helpful to other players, interacting with the community, and being able to show maturity in situations when it's needed. A lot of people will apply for moderator with only the intent to help staff ban rulebreakers faster but resign shortly after due to how much work they need to do in order to fulfill these responsibilities. The ones who stick around are able to fulfill these duties while also not letting it get in the way of real-life responsibilities.

      Another issue that others have mentioned in the comments is the post farming. I understand getting 25 posts is difficult (especially when the server isn't exactly in its prime) but looking at your post history, every post you've made was either posted on the day of or after you submitted your application (I'm pretty sure some posts aren't loading for me though since it's only showing 23, so there might be some posts from before the 29th). What this shows is that instead of interacting with the community in meaningful ways and taking the time to build up your presence in the server, you just commented on every recent post that you could think of something to say until you got to 25 so that you could submit an application. Additionally, looking at your posts, almost all of them have zero substance. None of them contribute to the discussion, they just respond to either the original post or something someone commented. If you're not sure what would be considered post farming or not, there's a helpful thread for that (Post Farming Defined | Mineverse).

      Seeing as I'm not active anymore, I can't really speak for your character in-game, but I can get a look at it through some of these replies. First off,
      You don't even address this at all in your reply. The administrator of forums and discord gives you advice/feedback, and how do you respond?
      Not only are you completely ignoring the claims that you're breaking rules (which I assume nobody reported you for considering they aren't in your "What punishments have you received" section), you come across as extremely arrogant and self-confident here. You ignore the fact that you have been doing something against the rules and even go on to talk as if you're practically guaranteed to be promoted.

      You completely ignored this too! If these claims are true, then you should take the time to form a well thought out response to them that shows how you know what you did was wrong and how you've grown as a person since then or that you would never do something like this ever again. If these claims are false, then stick up for yourself! Reading your responses to this thread is extremely frustrating since you don't acknowledge when you're wrong and you just assume you'll be given the moderator position. It shows extreme immaturity and irresponsibility, something nobody wants to see in a moderator ever.

      Now for possibly my biggest issue with this application:
      To put it frankly, this is extremely concerning to read. Even ignoring all the other issues I have with your application, this alone is an immediate red flag, especially considering it was 3 months ago (assuming Olieee's comment is accurate). As a former casual player, I would want to see that either these incidents happened a long time ago (preferably several years) or that you've matured significantly (and demonstrate it!), neither of which you have done. In my opinion, you should not be applying for moderator for a substantial amount of time and until you can show you've matured as a person. This means that you should take the time to look into what critiques people have and actively work on fixing them. Maturity is something that takes a long time to develop, and if in the future you can show that you've matured since now, I and a lot of the people in this thread would be a lot more eager to support this application.

      Now, I know I've been extremely critical in this comment, but I believe everyone can change, and I sincerely hope that you'll prove me right in the future. However, for the time being, I would strongly advise you stop focusing on getting moderator and instead focus on addressing all of these issues and resolving them. I know that this massive response I just spent an hour writing probably looks really intimidating and hostile, but I mean the best and I sincerely hope that you can, in the future, grow enough as a person to become moderator.
    17. OOFMAN

      OOFMAN Member

      May 30, 2022
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      i have read your whole response, and now i know i shouldnt do so many things such as post farming and not replying to messages, but firstly, i thought i only need to look at the response and dont do that again, but now i will try and reply to every response in my application for being a moderator.

      secondly, i didnt know i broke the rule post farming, i thought post farming is just consistently posting replies in the SAME POST, and after i read the rules again and look at other peoples replies, i realized i already broke the rule post farming multiple times
      but i wont do that again.

      i know many people thinks i am not suitble for being a moderator, but i really can make the server better if i become a moderator. Then you said i dont know moderator can do many other things except for banning and muting people,
      but i actually know what you said all along, please believe me.

      After that you said i didnt look at the accepted applications, but i actually already looked at it a few times, thats why i made changes in my application.

      After all this, i know i am not as suitable as other moderators such as Teeeb and RentPvP. but i will try my best to learn how to be a good moderator, and make the server better.

      hope you can forgive me breaking the rules and support me after that:D

      I know what i did is wrong, but i actually already change and wont do that again, i am really sorry for breaking rules
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2022
    18. inh

      inh Discord Moderator

      Jun 19, 2022
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      I normally don't read "long-winded messages of advice" out of fear of getting lost in my own thought, or worse the point being obfuscated by the writer... Thank you for laying down in part, a blueprint, covering the effort, mindset, and posture an individual might have in approaching moderation. I felt like I was reading a secret document that's kept behind the scene on what 'goes without saying' understandings. So I am additionally thankful that you were mature enough to put aside 'snarky' on something that might at first glance be too obvious with understandings that others like myself do have blindspots even when its broad daylight :)

      Mr OOFMAN

      I have a certain dislike for threads like these. While I understand its intent, and some of the benefits that can be gotten, its calling for judgements from peers. No matter who you are in this life, you will have blindspots in perception. Both on you and on others. While these judgements can be helpful, they can also be harsh, caustic, and debilitating.

      That said, what I will say in observation of your online participation on the survival server (since basically that's the only place I haunt where you also appear) is that you have repeatedly reached out to new players with offers to help. Its a gamble with new players, on how they are going to be. I've admired your strength in breaking the ice that way. I believe that same boldness is also at work here in creating and submitting your application.

      good luck, and continue to grow

    19. OOFMAN

      OOFMAN Member

      May 30, 2022
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      when did i give dusty vibes??
      i don't remember that but if i did give dusty vibes i am really sorry.

      thank you itchy, but are you supporting me or not?
      i will be so happy if u do:)

      thank you rent for replying, although you aren’t support me, but i appreciate you telling me what i did wrong, and i just changed my application, i think if i answer the question in full sentences and answer a bit more, it will be better.

      hope you will change your mind and support me:D
      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2022
    20. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      This application has gone more than 30 days inactive.
      If you wish to still apply for staff feel free to message a staff member and they can reopen this application for you.
      Thank you for applying for Mineverse.
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