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    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by MissMatching, Aug 21, 2022.

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    1. MissMatching

      MissMatching Established Member

      Jun 9, 2022
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      My in-game name:
      (feel free to call me Hannah :) )

      My irl name is Hannah. I am from the United States of America. Soon to be at a wonderful college where Arnold Schwarzenegger actually did gymnastics. I am 19 years old (almost) and studing Pre-Med Biology. I love animals and making friends. I love the colors green, black, blue, and red.

      Time zone:
      I live in CST (central time zone)

      I live in the United States of America

      Languages I speak:
      I speak English and a little bit of Spanish.

      Necessary means of capturing evidence?:
      I do have the capability of screenshotting and recording. I have LioLo Game Recorder, allowing me to be able to record and Minecraft itself allows me to screenshot.

      Why do I think I should be a mod?:
      I think I should become a mod because I'm active in the community, helping to the best of my ability, kind, and friendly. I care about the well-being of players. I don't hold grudges against people because it's unfair to others. I am a little talkative at times, and I apologize in advance. For example, if someone scammed or harassed me, I don't hold that against them or be rude to them. I like being helpful and kind to others because it can make their day. Even if they're having a great day already, it adds to their day. :) I also have a great connection with the community as well as helpful towards the community. The server and community means quite a bit to me, I would love to help the current moderators with anything I possibly can help with.



      I am responsible for getting things done properly and on time. For example, homework, I get homework I'm assigned done early and properly. Being responsible to me means that you have a job to deal with some issue or something. I am liable for many things, for an example taking care of my dog, my bunny, commitments I've made, accountable for my own mental health, and I have a moral responsiblity to help others.


      I'm mature for my age group, instead of causing more issues, I try to resolve them the best way possible. For example, someone is being immature and swearing in chat, I can politely ask them to please watch their language as this is a family server. I react professional and helpful when needed, other times I may be acting funny to make someone's day better if they're sad.


      I try my best to be helpful to everyone who needs help. For example, someone needs help building a farm on skyblock, I will offer to help them if they would like it. I try to help everyone I'm able to help, whether they're asking for me where something is, I show or explain where it is.


      I am active on forums, discord, and more social media. For example, I am on Discord very frequently as well as Snapchat, and forums. I am active on Prison and Skyblock, occasionally KitPvP, OPPvP, Survival and Creative.


      I am unbaised, which means to me that you don't take sides based on them being your friends over your enemies, I take the side who has proof, as well as honesty, does not matter if I know them, or not. Everyone gets the same treatment. Rules are placed to help the community keep going.


      I am very trusted by many, and very reliable to tell the truth of what had happened, as well as telling others the truth, whether they like the truth or not. I've been trusted on Mineverse for a while, for people to vent to, and I do not reveal secrets if I'm told not to tell anyone, unless self harm then I ask for permission to share to someone who can help. People tend to rely on me as well as trust me for things on a daily basis. I stay honest to them and give honest opinons.

      How long can I be active on the server every day?:
      It will depend on my classes, work. Typically would be around 3 hours a day or more, depending on the week.

      How long have I been playing Mineverse?:
      I have been playing Mineverse for probably 3-4 months. I made my forums account around 2-3 months ago and haven't been active on it until a few weeks ago.

      Any punishments received?:
      I have not received any penalizing in-game or on forums in the last 9 months.

      Any experience as a moderator?:
      Yes, I have had a bit of experience as a moderator on an old friend's server that had shut down years ago. It has taught me plenty of things, some commands, and some ideas to help people with arguments. The responsibilities that came along with it were to ensure everyone was playing fairly, no swearing/cussing, no hacking, and to have fun.

      Meet all requirements for staff?:
      I do meet all of the must-haves for being a moderator as listed below:

      25 post count?:

      Two Factor Authentication?:

      2 Weeks registered on Mineverse Forums?:

      Skype and Discord for offline communication?:

      Discord tag:

      In advance, thank you for reading my moderator application! Have a wonderful day! :)
      (This has been edited)
      Last edited: Aug 21, 2022
    2. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Neutral leaning towards support, your app is very well written and you seem like a really nice and mature person but activity is a major factor in getting mod and like you said in your application, you've only been active within the community for a couple of weeks which to me just doesn't seem enough to gain a support.

      Regardless keep up the good work and I'll change to support!
      Good luck :)
    3. MissMatching

      MissMatching Established Member

      Jun 9, 2022
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      Thank you for your response. I am still working towards it. Hopefully more support soon or stuff like it! There's lots of racist comments and such later on in the night when I'm typically online, and no moderators are really online then so they get away with it
    4. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      Hi Hannah! First off, it's been a pleasure to get to knowing you and becoming a friend! You have a very friendly and approachable personality which I see very crucial and important in applicants. At the moment, I'm also going to be neutral.

      I personally think you'd make a great staff member because:
      • [+] As said, you have a very friendly personality which I see as a pro. Staff members should be approachable and friendly to make others comfortable and not afraid of them, but to think of them as someone they can ask for assistance or express their concerns.
      • [+] You are quite active in-game. I see you a lot on Prison being active in chat and conversing with others!
      • [+] You are often seen helping out other members in-game and assisting them with whatever issue they may be facing, as well as being welcoming and kind to others.
      • [-] Your activity on Discord is okay. I personally believe you could be a bit more active, enough to engage with multiple people of the community. Our Discord server is quite an important part in moderation as people who need help or have concerns reach out in our help channel.
      • [-] You've only recently hit 25 posts, and while you do reach the requirements, it seems as if you post farmed to reach the requirements, which shows that you need to spend some more time familiarizing yourself with the aspect of the forums, and to engage a bit more, in a way where you're actually interested in posting rather than hitting the 25 post mark!
      Those are my reasonings as to why I'm neutral! Good luck on your application and I'd like to just see a bit more Forum and Discord activity from you!
    5. MissMatching

      MissMatching Established Member

      Jun 9, 2022
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      I'm working on it always! Trying to get into the community more! I do try to post 2-4 times a day sometimes less if I'm busy.
    6. Qwiby

      Qwiby parkour enthusiast Premium

      Nov 3, 2015
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      I honestly dont see why youve gotten so many no supports except for maybe only reaching requirements for mod recently. To me you being somewhat new to the community is a bonus if anything.

      As far as I care most of the staff team, old and new members, knew each other for quite some time and a good group of staff were friends even before being on the staff team. I thibk itd be nice to see someone somewhat out of that circle join.

      Could bring good ideas to the team as well.

      Good luck!
    7. MissMatching

      MissMatching Established Member

      Jun 9, 2022
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      Thank you for your support! I am working even more to be in the community than I am. I am more active in Prison than discord, which I'm trying to get into more. Again, thank you so much! Have a wonderful rest of your night!!
    8. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      ~ You’re friendly in-game, on forums, and on discord.
      ~ You’re active on Prison.
      ~ I’d suggest familiarizing yourself with discord and forums a bit more, but otherwise you have my full support!

      This bit of information is another reason why you have my full support. When you needed my help earlier this week on prison, it was fairly late for me and I was about to sleep. Of course, I got on to help you, but no other moderators were online except for me and I was about to hop off. We could use a night owl moderator.
    9. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      No support, sorry
      I think you lack server knowledge; you have complained about issue late in the night, sure we may not be on at that time, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot report it. You have never posted a report on forums too, not to mention that you borderline meet requirements.
      Good luck!
    10. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      I'm leaning towards Support.

      I think once you obviously need to get more familiarised with the server as a whole and the community then you'd be a better fit for the role. There are so many scenarios that can carry out while moderating on Mineverse, some you may not think you're prepared for or some that you thought wouldn't have even been possible. It's all about continuing to be active, letting people know you're a part of the community and here to stay as well as consistency and commitment. One important factor, in my opinion, is what the community thinks of you which could be bad or may be good but regardless you're here for them and to make the server a better place overall which I think you're doing a good job at that so far.

      Regardless of the lack of reports and discord activity, you're still a fresh player and you're helping us out by reporting bugs and issues which is better than nothing. I can say from the countless messages I have gotten from you, that you really want to help the server and I appreciate that.

      I wish you the best of luck! Keep doing you!
    11. MissMatching

      MissMatching Established Member

      Jun 9, 2022
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      Thank you Teeeb! I did report that as well in case because it was defintely not okay. Thank you for your support! :)
      I have reported someone for being racist in chat a few nights ago. I have a great connection with the community, and I'm working on Discord as well as forums in activity. I'm going to keep trying, thank you for your opinion thought Porky!
      Hi Rent! I'm working on getting more and more familiar with the community and server whenever I get a chance. I've dealt with a lot of issues on the server I had moderated before as an admin, but that was maybe 5 years ago. I'm still trying to help out the community even more as well as the current moderators. Thank you for your response! :)
    12. thewaterking

      thewaterking Established Member

      Jul 12, 2022
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      Support Noob
    13. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      This application has gone more than 30 days inactive.
      If you wish to still apply for staff feel free to message a staff member and they can reopen this application for you.
      Thank you for applying for Mineverse.
    14. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Reopened by request. :slightsmile:
    15. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
      Likes Received:
      This application has gone more than 30 days inactive.
      If you wish to still apply for staff feel free to message a staff member and they can reopen this application for you.
      Thank you for applying for Mineverse.
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