We should make op pvp,kit pvp and mineverse overall active again! Its sad to see such a good server just die out of nowhere! #MAKEMINEVERSEACTIVE
I wish bro, but the owner & staff are so detached with the community + the only op pvp mods are porkchop and rent who were always cheaters on the network. Sad to see it go, unban all would be a start but nope they are too stubborn to forgive players who have been banned over 2 years ago. Obviously hacking in minecraft or saying someones irl name or initials warrants the same punishment as: robbing a bank with an imitation firearm, manufacturing cp, impaired driving causing death, aggravated assault, sa of a child by a parent, large scale fraud by an employee of trust, ...
Agree'd, it sucks because it won't be implemented simply because the entire staff team (of which 1 played oppvp) is against it + other forum members who never play op. I truely believe the majority of actual op pvp players would support the idea of an unban all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Since you mentioned the staff team I personally do not support an unban all. At first, I did support it because I wanted to do whatever it took to make the server alive again but because we've spent countless hours, days, and weeks making Mineverse a better place over the years it's not worth it. We've banned the most toxic and most harmful people off our Network and we've been better for it. People who leaked info of players and even staff members, people who think they're untouchable, and people who are borderline insane because of the stuff they think is okay or ''fun'' to do. We cannot risk any of these players returning and making all of that hard work this relatively small staff team has put in be for nothing. There are so many other creative ways we can gather a bigger community for Mineverse or ''make it alive again'' and it may not necessarily mean old players returning, we've even had tons and tons of brand new players log onto Mineverse and it's such a good thing to see because it shows the potential that Mineverse has if we play our cards right in the near future.
I agree. Unbanning all means chaos entering back into the community of whatever they've been banned for. There is forums for unbans and mutes as well.
I don't disagree with what you're saying, but bringing up the "We've banned the most toxic and most harmful people off our Network and we've been better for it." part. Why are loadist and acepvp not banned? They've very obviously tried to leak other people's info. Also, regarding the actual post, making op pvp and kit pvp active again is pretty much impossible. The hvh (hack vs hack) aspect of these servers that everyone loved is gone because it was decided that a new anti-cheat needed to be added to prevent players from hitting each other from across the map.
Here's a compromise. Unban everyone except those who were banned for doxxing, IP leaking, etc. Those are the only actual "harmful" players. Unban hackers and then moderate them carefully as mods should. And then heres another wild proposal: Allow macros. Sounds crazy to yall but it would revive the server completely. Titans would return and more new players would be more inclined to buy Titan which gets the server more money for promotion, staff, expansion, etc. Macros were never a big deal in the first place. Me and countless players did it and no one actually cares except whiniest of mineverse. It actually serves as a unique element of the game and adds a new challenge to PVP. I never had a problem with /eheal because I learned to keep an eye on my health bar and chat to see when i'm healed and gapped right away. Most people who die to macros are idiots unless they're being ganged up on