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  • Inactive Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by dopee, Jun 24, 2022.

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    1. dopee

      dopee Guest

      Hello! I have made an introduction about myself, that you can read here.

      In-game name:


      Timezone and Country:

      GMT+2 - I live in Norway


      I speak Norwegian, English and a small amount of French.

      Software(s) for Evidence capturing:

      I use Lunar screenshot mod for Screenshots and Streamlabs OBS.

      How long can i be active per day?:

      From monday through Thursday I can manage to be active from anywhere between 1 hour and 3 hours. And from Friday through Sunday i can manage to be on from anywhere between 3 hours up to 6 hours.

      When I Joined Mineverse:

      I joined Mineverse late 2013 or early 2014

      Punishment(s) the last 9 months:

      I received a punishment because of advertising. I have since learned my lesson and i fully understand why i got banned. This type of action(s) will not happen again.

      Past moderator experience?:

      I have no experience as a moderator from any of my past years.

      Reason(s) to become a moderator?


      I have many diffrent qualities such as believable, trustworthy, kind, funny, dedicated and reliable . I am a person that you can trust. I am a person that makes the right decision(s) and motivates others. I am always there to help, and I enjoy getting questions that I can either answer or help you out with. I am a person that is dedicated to finish business, work or a task that has been given to me.

      Like helping others:

      I am a person that enjoys helping people in the best way I can, and hoping that my answer to their problem or question gets them the best answer(s) as possible! I can always help them out or point them in the right way so they can get maximum help. I can always provide a quality answer.

      Next on, I would like to add that I am a fair person, which means I do not priorities people nor do I treat people different. I give people the same help so i keep things fair. I always respond back to the person that needs help the second i see a question or that they need any help. I always try to make the “customer” left with a good experience, so that the “customer” knows that this guy is reliable and helpfull.

      Last but not least I would very much love to be a part of the “upper team” of this server, so I can help it out with my absolute best. As I have listed over, I am a person that have played Mineverse for some time now and I would just love to be a part of getting this server safely into a longer and better “trip” into the future. So people like me can play this server and hopefully enjoy it as much as I have done. And as a result of my enjoyment and dedication to play this server, I have now been playing this since late 2013 and I have absolutely no intention to stop doing so anytime soon!

      How long can i be active per day?:

      From monday through Thursday I can manage to be active from anywhere between 1 hour and 3 hours. And from Friday through Sunday I can manage to be on from anywhere between 3 hours up to 6 hours.

      Mineverse Requirements:

      Do you have 25 Post Count?


      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up?


      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?


      Do you have skype and Discord for offline communication?


      What is your Discord tag?


      Thank you for reading my application. Feel free leave any feedback and/or criticism.
      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2022
    2. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      hi dope! first off, it's great to see you applying for mod. i've seen you in-game and have interacted with you many times and at all times, you were sweet, kind & funny. i am going to be supporting your application as i see you fit for moderator however i have a few concerns:
      • it seems as if you post farmed your way to 25 posts as i noticed you continuously creating threads in sections that'll count towards your overall post count. post farming is a no no!
      • i would try to be a bit active on the discord. i know you weren't verified but now you are so try to engage in some conversations to help familiarize yourself with the discord atmosphere.
      overall though, you're kind, smart, funny, active, and helpful, which are all qualities i love seeing in applicants. good luck and all the best with your application.
    3. dopee

      dopee Guest

      Ty for the support! I will try to be more on discord. Also I didn't mean to "farm post" on the forums, just needed to get to the 25 posts. If it seemed like I farmed I'm sorry and It wasn't my intention to.
    4. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      I personally don’t think you’re ready for this position. You’ve only just about met the requirements and I feel like you applied as you just met them.

      I would also like to see more detail in your application, maybe expand on why you should become a moderator and your past experience as staff such as what duties you carried out, examples of strengths and weaknesses as your time as staff on the past server you mentioned and how you overcame them, stuff like that. Just don’t drop any server names or IPs, we could care less about those but we do care about your past experiences so tell us about them, tell us more about you.

      I may change my decision if I see some more effort, I won’t rate the post No Support as it’s not my final decision, I’m giving you a chance to change my mind.

      Good luck.
    5. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      You're not ready yet, sorry
    6. dopee

      dopee Guest

      Why do u think that? Please give me ur thoughts
    7. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      You've just come back, and you borderline meet the requirements. Your application has some grammatical errors and feels poorly written. However, it is convincing that you have some new ideas that you could bring to the team, but I would like to hear them in this application first. I'd recommend adding some detail to your application as it feels quite rushed
    8. dopee

      dopee Guest

      Thats noted! Thanks for the feedback
    9. Malik Shahid

      Malik Shahid Established Member

      Jun 27, 2022
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      No support. You aren't from Sweden or Denmark.

      (The people from those countries are the funniest on csgo surf)
    10. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      This application has gone more than 30 days inactive.
      If you wish to still apply for staff feel free to message a staff member and they can reopen this application for you.
      Thank you for applying for Mineverse.
    11. dopee

      dopee Guest

      Thank You Cwes
    12. Ref

      Ref Active Member

      Mar 1, 2021
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      No support.

      Take your time when making an application. The process of becoming a good and known applicant can take some time but that's just the way it is.
    13. dopee

      dopee Guest

      I did take my time when i wrote it? But if u do not think that, can you please show me where u think i should change something or correct my writing?
    14. Ref

      Ref Active Member

      Mar 1, 2021
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      This just proves the point even more of you not taking your time and understanding everything. You are not ready for this position. Your lack of experience shows that you do not understand what it takes to be staff. It's not just an application that will make or break it for you. The application doesn't have much value. There's many other factors that are way more important and that the team takes a good look at when recruiting new people to the staff team, they look at past punishments, activity, previous staff experience, reputation... I take a quick look at these myself too when rating applicants and after reviewing yours i came to the conclusion that you are not ready for this position.

      Good luck with your application.
    15. dopee

      dopee Guest

      I understand, thanks for your respond
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