Mineverse Updates - July 27th, 2022 Earth now updated to 1.19! Names for Crate Keys have changed on Skyblock to match the names on other servers. You can swap your old keys for new keys with the shopkeeper at the warp. 1.8 - 1.18.1 support for Survival, Earth and Creative. We do not recommend playing on these versions on Survival or Earth. Many things will appear broken. This however resolves other issues such as clients crashing when switching from a 1.18.2 - 1.19 to a 1.8 (or hub) server. This also may have improved potential false flags/movements from our AntiCheat on all servers. Scoreboard changes for Survival and Earth. It now cycles through various pages instead of everything displayed at once. This update was done a few days ago. Have a suggestion? Let us know! We are constantly looking to improve Mineverse, so if you experience any issues or have an idea feel free to let us know here: https://forums.mineverse.com/suggestions