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  • Let's get a 'Helper' Staff Role.

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by nymph, Jul 19, 2022.

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    1. nymph

      nymph Established Member

      Jul 17, 2022
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      Thought it'd be useful to bring in a "Helper" Role.

      (short & sweet).
      Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
    2. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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    3. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      I believe when I was staff before we discussed maybe expanding the roster of the staff team but not sure what was actually said about it, was a while ago.

      I would like to see a role added under Moderator for users that are interested in helping out in-game rather than applying to being fully committed to the Moderator role.

      I feel like maybe they could be assigned the basic chat commands of /warn /mute since they will be 'Helpers' after all.

      I also think it would open a bigger range of opportunities for people that don't wanna fully commit to Moderating but still help out.

      Last edited: Jul 19, 2022
    4. Dustyf@ll

      Dustyf@ll Honorary Supporter Premium

      Jun 7, 2021
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      I would love to support this :D granted this can also create a good platform for upcoming mods to learn and interact with people in game or out of game and people can tag a helper for help in discord.
    5. Megann

      Megann Established Member

      Sep 22, 2021
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      I support this.
      We have helpers as part of our SB staff structure, it’s the perfect chance to give people the opportunity to learn & show their capabilities!

      With limited commands it allows them to help around, learn the systems & experience what being staff is like.
    6. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      Eek I disagree with this. Helpers on Skyblock are there for chat moderation which is what most of Skyblock moderation is, as well as griefing, island farming, etc. It would not be resourceful to adding another staff role with limited permissions as I personally believe the permissions Moderators currently have are limited themselves.

      It is essentially on Mineverse for ban permissions, because hacking is illegal here, but on Skyblock it's legal, so there's that big difference. However, your point is good on allowing this role to develop and understand systems but with the current player count and moderation system, the Moderator role as the lowest in-game staff role is good.
      No support. At the moment, I do not think it is necessary for another staff role to be developed. There are currently 10+1 in-game staff who are doing a good job, and with diverse timezones, it is much easier for server moderation. Of course reports are also helpful, and that's what players can do if they wish to help.
    7. Malik Shahid

      Malik Shahid Established Member

      Jun 27, 2022
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      There really is no need for a helper rank. It doesn't add anything to how the server currently operates.
      Last edited: Jul 20, 2022
    8. nymph

      nymph Established Member

      Jul 17, 2022
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      Thanks for the support & your opinion!
      I'd also like to see some type of role under the Moderators. (everything makes a difference in the end)
      And i agree with you on players not able to fully commit! (due to time dedication + more).

      Thanks for your support & Reply!
      This is also another good idea! Having the rank as a "Beginner Mod" or "Trial-Mod" since, most times i've been online, there has been a Hacker & People so horrible they could've had a "perm-mute" to their account for the things they've said no staff we're to be seen & when i personally messaged them on discord (when they were online) i didn't get a response until 10-12 hours later..
      Yes they (mods) are all in different time-zones, but everybody has a life to live, a job to work for, and school to go to, Having "helpers" around just makes the things easier for everyone. (in-game peeps & the busy staff)

      Thanks for your support & SB opinion!
      Have nothing to add, you said it perfectly.

      Thanks for your opinion & time on my thread.
      I would beg to differ, but you're quite the stubborn one to crack. (so i've been told) haha.
      Maybe read the messages i've replied to & see if your opinion changes, if not, all good & thanks again! :)

      Thanks for your opinion!
      Having the that lower role could make such the difference with a /mute & /warn & possibly a /tempban until higher roles can check the situation out!
      And with however amount of staff are currently on the team, it still makes no difference, they aren't online when something happens..
      "players can report & we will get to it later"; a lot of the new players / no ranks & even some ranked players don't have a clue on how to report.. what now?
      There are plenty of people in-game who actually try & help the MV community so so much, they're hesitant for Mod, due to the commitment of time, but they would LOVE some form of STAFF ROLE that isn't so time dedicated.

      Thanks for your opinion & short message (we love that)
      I think i've made a fair argument above with my mentions of Staff being away during incidents, players being hesitant to apply for a highly dedicated role & more. Feel free to read & let me know if your opinion changes!

      Many thanks all! :)
    9. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      This could just lead to a long list for other moderators to deal with, when essentially this is the same as what reports do. Reports allow members to report a user, and a moderator takes a look and punishes accordingly. The permissions you listed are simply chat moderation commands, and wouldn't be as beneficial on Mineverse due to the highest concern being hacks.
      I agree on this! And to follow on this:
      The report feature I believe is advertised, and majority of the playerbase are from what I've seen in their teen years and most likely have Discord or an email. It doesn't take less than 5 minutes to create and verify an account if you're online (so you can get the Captcha key), and probably another 5-10 minutes to report. If not, members can join our Discord and mention their concern there, and someone can help them out (Discord is also advertised in-game through announcements). But you're right, some people don't know how to make reports and are unbothered to do so. How are we sure that the people with this new role wouldn't also be inactive or not there? When they aren't online, people would have to make a report if necessary, same as it is right now.
      I feel as if this role would also cause commitment of time, and it would be time dedicated. All staff roles require commitment, and this is something applicants should be well aware of before applying.

      Nonetheless, I will switch to neutral because you and other people have made some points but I don't think the role is as necessary. Love you sOpH. :cowboy::yummy:
    10. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      No support.
    11. nymph

      nymph Established Member

      Jul 17, 2022
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      Love the detail :wink:
      Thanks for ur opinion.
    12. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      The server has like 12 players total. There’s no need for any more staff positions.

      No support
    13. Agentyy

      Agentyy Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2016
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      my response in this thread is very similar to what i'm about to say now lol

      i have many years of experience moderating on skyblock where we have had trial moderators and helpers (which we currently have), so i'm going to be writing my response as if the helper rank here would be identical to what we have on skyblock. it's important to remember though that the main similarities the two servers share are that they are owned by crew, have skyblock as a gamemode, and have had mj on the staff team. besides from that, the servers are very different, so the current helper rank on skyblock might not work out as well here.

      anyways, there are pros about adding a helper rank, but as it was stated earlier, the helper rank is best suited for chat infractions. that's not to say helpers cannot help with larger situations, but they do not have permissions to ban users. on a server that focuses mainly on banning hackers, what use would helpers be here? would they just mute a user until a moderator could come on in ban? even if they had banning permissions, what would separate a helper from a moderator? would it really be ideal for helpers to only have permissions to moderate chat on a server that is known for identifying+banning hackers?

      i could go into more detail on why this rank is unnecesarry, but i'm not because i don't even play mineverse.

      tl;dr there's no reason to add a rank if it doesn't have an effective purpose
    14. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Alongside you, I don't really play anymore, but I don't think that's the focus anymore. The majority of the player base plays survival which isn't exactly hacker-ridden. Just check reports, there's pretty much none whatsoever.

      I think this just reinforces the idea that we don't need more staff though lol.
      Last edited: Jul 22, 2022
    15. CodBucket

      CodBucket Head Moderator Head Moderator Premium

      Mar 13, 2015
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      Well said.

      I don't think it's necessary. We have enough staff ranks as it is.
    16. Frez

      Frez Active Member

      Jul 31, 2020
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      As much as I like the helper role on sb, I don't think it'd work brilliantly on a server like this. As stated above in other comments, it'd not be much use apart from the not very often (from what I've seen as a player) chat infractions.

      No support sorry
    17. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      I don’t think this would be helpful at all. When I’m on, I rarely see moderators. It would be frustrating if the only staff member online is only able to warn/kick/mute/whatever, especially considering the server has more pvp elements than, say, skyblock.
    18. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      Hey @nymph, thank you for your suggestion.

      Having discussed this amongst the upper staff we've decided that we're not looking to implement this suggestion right now. I don't think the role of Helper would best suit Mineverse due to the fact we also have pvp gamemodes and say if a helper was to see somebody hacking or doing a bannable offence, they simply wouldn't be able to deal with it and have to ask for a full moderator to come online and deal with it. I do see the argument that it may help people grow accustomed to being staff and use it as a stepping stone to the moderator rank, however we do have a 2 week mentor period for all new mods where they are taught the ropes and monitored throughout this period to make sure they're doing okay. It's also a matter of we don't think the current climate of the server would suit us adding a new staff role and it may hinder us more than it helps us at this time.

      Thanks for your suggestion again however.
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