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  • EUR RentPvP Mod App

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by rent, Jun 1, 2022.

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    1. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Your in-game name: RentPvP
      What timezone are you in? GMT
      What country do you live in? United Kingdom
      What languages do you speak? English, I can say a few sentences in Spanish and French too.
      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) I have OBS for evidence and Gyazo for screenshots as well as the Minecraft in game screenshot feature.
      Why do you think you should become a mod? Ah the big question most people look at. Firstly I think I should become Mod because of my experience on the server. Not only am I well known in the community, I have quite a stellar reputation apart from those that still believe I cheat (still no proof btw) and my toxicity. I've always had the toxic side of me, It's just who I am and I've never tried to hide it even when I did apply for mod and even after I got it, anyone can back me up on that.

      I never switched up before, during and after my time as Moderator. I think that says a lot about the type of person I am. I'm honest and real which is rare to find nowadays. I'm quite mature but we all have that quirky and immature side of us. From those reading this who knew me 1-2 years ago on Mineverse I've changed a fair amount. My life has changed for the better as well as my mental health and well being. I've enjoyed logging onto Mineverse these past few weeks and seeing some old faces as well as some new ones. I love what updates the server has been putting out lately especially that new Survival Earth Map, I thought that was pretty sick.

      Obviously most of my supporters from back when I first applied for mod are no longer around so I'm not expecting as much support as I previously had. I also know some people don't like me and once word gets out I'm re appying the snakes will start hissing but I'm too passed all of that to let it affect me. I've also seen a lot of staff members resign which was sad to see but obviously everyone moves on at some point like myself. I still have the same schedule back from when I resigned last year but even busier however like I said on the evenings I can log on and attend meetings too.

      Another thing is my knowledge of the server. I still know all of the commands, the purpose, the responsibilities of being a Moderator and a general member of the server. I've never thought of myself as above anyone other than being #1 on Op. Even when I was mod I still played as a normal player, made YouTube videos like I did before Mod, Mod never changed me other than clearing the server of closet cheaters and rule breakers in general. I see a lot has changed since I've been gone, it'll be weird coming back to a newly re arranged staff team and server but I'm willing to give it a go since I have some time.

      I'm applying also because I know what's about to come to Mineverse, people are being promoted to already taken positions which means people are leaving and that's sad to see. I know I'm capable and reliable of helping out whenever needed so there's that. I just felt like re applying to help out the server which is a very cliché thing to say but it's true. The staff team is getting smaller by the minute and the server needs all the help it can get so what better than an ex-mod who was one of the most active and respected staff members ever on the server (of course others too).

      I'm not trying to make myself look good or anything, well sort of because It's my app but I'm just being honest. If you choose to promote me, I'll do what I can to help out. Obviously my activity won't ever be as high as it was once before but I have some spare time which I'm choosing to dedicate to Mineverse again.

      I think that's about it for now, if I think of anything else I'd just add it in and update everyone.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday? I won't sugar-coat things and say I can be active for hours everyday as I work and have an active social life. I can be active around 1-2 hours a day in the evening pretty much most days but that may change.
      How long have you been playing Mineverse? Since late 2013, first server I played was Op PvP
      What punishments have you received in the last 9 months? (Forums & In-game) Just a ban on OP from the AC, obviously wasn't cheating but it banned me for an hour as I was butterfly clicking 20cps.
      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes I do. I was moderator for just over a year on Mineverse. I'd like to think I did a great job as my time as Mod on here. Handled countless reports, captured my own evidence alongside reported evidence, helped out anyway I could, handled various server takeovers such as all of the bots leaking info etc plus my timezone made it easy for me to handle things when most of the staff were offline. I also even attended staff meetings most of the time whenever I could, I know attending them isn't absolutely needed since there's notes afterwards but I just enjoyed being in the company of the other members and keeping up with updates.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes
      Do you have 50 Post Count? I do
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up? Yep
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums? I do
      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication? I do
      What is your Discord tag? rent#5103

      Thanks for reading my Mod app :)
      If you choose no support just comment down why so I know my areas that need working on.
      Last edited: Jun 1, 2022
    2. Brendunce

      Brendunce Active Member

      Dec 8, 2020
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      Support. Back before you resigned I remember you were one of the few active mods, even though there wasn't really much activity going on. Now that there's been an increase in player activity, it would be great to have more mods who log in regularly and respond to reports, and you've already shown that you can do that.
    3. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      You did just come back, so I think this is a bit early, however I'm confident in your moderating abilities so it's a neutral for now
    4. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      I appreciate that thank you, hopefully I get promoted again so continue where I left off.
      Thanks Cwes good to see you’re still around and thanks for the support man. I agree as well I feel like I gained a lot of trust and respect during my
      time as Moderator.
      I respect your decision and thanks for the feedback. I have been quite active in game recently but that’s just me slowly getting my activity up and getting back into the game in general. I do think it’s early but promotions won’t be for a bit now so I have time to improve. Thanks again.
    5. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      in my opinion, you were a great mod and the times i've spoken to you, you've been funny, kind and sweet. support 4 u and good luck !!
    6. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Thanks Boba I appreciate it :)
    7. Boobalyboo

      Boobalyboo Well-Known Member

      Aug 23, 2014
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      Support, for obvious reasons
    8. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Thanks bro bro
    9. bre

      bre Active Member

      Nov 10, 2020
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      I have absolutely no clue how forums work, but I support. You helped and was on OP a lot when it was active, and despite mv struggling a bit, you’ve still been on, perhaps a little inactive, but from what I can tell you’ve been on more. Id like to see you in the disc a little more, mainly just cause I miss having my bro to joke around with, but back to the main point, absolutely I support ^-^
    10. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Thanks broskie I'll try be more active in the disc, too much weeby stuff I don't relate too.
    11. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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    12. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      woah thanks bro, miss u
      I really did play for fun, thank you I appreciate it :)
    13. Derpxy

      Derpxy Active Member

      Jun 3, 2020
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      Always seen rent here and there online since joining also late 2013 playing together on op pvp and having fun together here and there on survival - always reliable & easygoing, hope to see rent back on the team :)
    14. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thanks man I appreciate it :D
    15. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      miss you too homie. Just a quick question, is there any particular reason you're applying now? I know School's basically done and all but are you just returning for the summer?
    16. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Well I started to have a bit more free time since my schedule got a bit less busier so I jumped back on Mineverse to see how it was doing and started playing again. I noticed how smaller the staff team had gotten and how some are still resigning and just decided to offer some of my spare time to help out. It's not just for the summer, I'm thinking long term when applying for this position.

      If that makes sense.
    17. Ref

      Ref Active Member

      Mar 1, 2021
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      You did leave not too long ago, but i don't see that as a reason for you to not become staff again in the near future, you were a moderator on here so you've proven that you can handle this position, dude never switched up after he left and was always around and very calm from what i've seen.

    18. janflnr

      janflnr Active Member

      May 11, 2022
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    19. MadMoller

      MadMoller Member

      Jan 19, 2022
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      I just can't believe how people ignore the fact you were breaking rules as a moderator. The friends politics/corruption on this server is literally insane. I can't fathom why people chose to ignore the fact you were cheating for multiple months on end on a server. The fact you and your pedophile friend Everam set me up to make fake evidence & got me banned behind my back. The fact that you continue to lie and lie and lie and put this fake persona up. I'm honestly surprised at how long you've managed to hide behind that mask.

      For the reasons above and especially for the reason of you breaking the rule of no hacking/unfair disadvantages for multiple months on end whilst simultaneously banning countless people who were doing the same thing.

      Hypocrite, liar & manipulator. I honestly hope someone who actually cares to involve themselves in the community and actually reviewed all those COUNTLESS staff reports, which you love to boast about ("I am the mod with the most staff reports hehe" ITS NOT A FLEX.), without being bias & with an open mind denies this application. @Noobcrew

      There is a reason people made countless staff reports on you. There is a reason you are not liked by the majority of people on OP PvP.

      However I have little hope for this since all your friends are moderators and it doesn't matter what the community thinks.

      (For all those only looking at the support/no supports on his mod application, you have to keep in mind he sent it to the people that would support him & not to the ones that wouldn't. If this forum/server was more active I'm sure many others would voice the same opinion as me.)

      Here is a link that leads you directly to the source of all the claims I am making in this video:

      As for the countless staff reports I don't have access to that but I'm sure the admins know what I am talking about and take this into consideration.

      No support.

      Also: I can already predict what response this post will get and to that I answer: Someone elses wrong doings do not excuse your own.
    20. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thanks man I appreciate the kind words :)
      Thank you!
    21. Public Speaker

      Public Speaker Member

      Jun 5, 2022
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      No support. I believe that you are not experienced enough to handle a server of this caliber at this current time. I log into the server seeing thousands upon thousands of players playing daily because we both know Minecraft is a game thriving with active players. I feel as if the server is too packed to have an inexperienced player like yourself furfill the duty as moderator. My recommendation is that you perhaps try a server with a smaller player base as a start and move up towards becoming a moderator on this server as it will help you deal with players at a more casual level instead of applying to moderate such an unbelievably popular server since an inexperienced player like yourself may be overwhelmed with the playerbase and the amount of work you will need to perform to furfill your moderation duties. I personally like to think of moderating a server like learning how to swim. You don't want to jump into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim since it can kill you. I know that one day you will be able to master your moderation skills and conquer even this server as a top performing moderator. I wish you nothing but the best of luck RentPvP!
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