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  • Requirements Needed My moderator application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Atom, Oct 5, 2021.

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    1. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Welcome to my Moderator Application.

      I’m 18 years of age and I've been wanting to apply for mod. This is because I enjoy playing on Mineverse and I’ve always liked to help out other people whether it’s in-game or IRL. When I play, I try to be as beneficial and friendly as possible to other people, to help them have a good time playing on Mineverse. I work as a Guest Experience Leader meaning I take account of people's opinions and feedback. I also have a great overview and knowledge of how to handle situations accurately and respectfully.

      Your in-game name:

      What timezone are you in?

      What country do you live in?

      What languages do you speak?
      I speak fluent in English and Farsi

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Yes, I use 'Geforce Experience Shadow Play' for recording and screenshots.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I’m very mature at my age. I’m a caring person who’s always there to be helpful. I contain a lot of patience and I always handle situations as calmly as possible, this is because I believe that being respectful, calm and overall professional is necessary to be moderating. I always keep my head cool, and when a person starts to be toxic or disrespectful in chat, I react to it professionallyas I do have an opinion.

      I’m very active on Mineverse, I play daily, and I always take a look at what the community has to offer every day. Due to my activity I understandthe community and I know the rules followed by the community. I mostly play KitPvP, OPPvP or Skyblock, but I’m never shy to try out other fun game modes. I’m always ready to get in contact over Discord if help is needed.

      Followed by my activity I am extremely dedicated. I’m genuinely interested in moderating Mineverse, and not just applying for the title. I got told a few months back to apply as there was a need for more staff, but I felt like it would’ve been rushed. Now I’m ready and it’s about time I apply. I never just try to be good nor great, as my passion for helping makes me strive to be outstanding, which is a word that contains a lot of meaning to me. Being great never cut it for me as it’s not all you can be, you can always put in a bit more work and passion.

      I’ve been trusted on Mineverse for a long time now as I’ve middle manned more trades than I can count. People rely on me and trust me on a day-day basis so it’s necessary for me to stay honest and authentic to them. I tend to get asked for advice a lot, and I’m always more than happy to help.

      Being unbiased means a lot to me and has always been an important trait for me to develop and maintain. I think it’s important to treat people equally no matter knowing them or not. Rules are rules and they’re made to keep us going as a community, with that being said, I can tell you, that I do warn the people I play with daily if they do something they’re not allowed to do. Do they continue to keep on going they’ll be reported.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      On weekdays I’m able to at least be active for around 2-4 hours a day.
      On weekends I’m able to at least play for 5-8hours.

      My activity is dependent on my working schedule as it changes every week. If I have work scheduled, you should expect to see me online at the lower end of my activity (2 hours on weekdays and 4 hours on weekends). If I don't have work scheduled then you should expect me to be online at the higher end of my activity.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I’ve been playing Mineverse since 2013.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      , I have not.

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I have a little moderator experience from a 'low player base server' averaging around 30 people active a daily.

      Do you meet all Mineverse's requirements for staff listed below? Yes/No
      Do you have 50 Post Count?

      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up?

      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?

      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication?

      Thank you for reading my application! Feel free to comment your opinions down below or to contact me on discord.
    2. Tonya

      Tonya Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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