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  • Skyblock Skyblock Suggestions

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Robo, Aug 11, 2021.

    1. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      I decided to play some skyblock today with a few friends since I haven't played it in a while, and I noticed some things which could use big improvements and these could work very well with a skyblock revamp. These range from minor inconveniences that players face to big changes that could change the gamemode entirely. Here's a few suggestions I came up with as I was playing:

      - Remove 1.9 pvp
      Skyblock has in-built 1.9 pvp even if you are playing on 1.8 for some reason. This shouldn't be the case because it not only makes it much harder to kill mobs and some people in 1.8 may not notice this, but it also removes the fun out of the mob arena as you can't spam kill mobs. (Extra small idea: Give periodic announcements on mob arena, so that people remember to join it)

      - Allow all blocks to be mined in the nether (magma blocks etc)
      For some reason in the nether you aren't allowed to mine things such as magma blocks, which forces you to buy them from the in-game /shop which is extremely overpriced and unnecessary because if you allow access to the nether then at least all blocks should be mine-able (and drop rates of quartz should be normal). A friend of mine picked up on this as we were playing and he seemed disappointed at how little use the nether was other than getting netherrack.

      - Add a pvp arena at spawn
      This is a personal preference but instead of the /pvp option where people go to other islands and both people need to agree to pvp, there should be an arena at spawn or at least /warp pvp in order for players to fight. If we did this now then it would obviously be a bad idea because Titans can /enchant but that leads onto my next suggestion.

      - Add an end portal at spawn
      This is another personal preference but if the nether exists with mine-able blocks then the end should too. An end portal at spawn would be nice for people to obtain obsidian and end stone easily. It would also reset periodically like the end as well.

      - Have a full server reset
      This would help in attracting new players, but will also need to be advertised much more in order to bring in a lot of new people.

      - Update to the latest version (Credit to Villmert for this idea)
      Skyblock isn't a server like op pvp or kit pvp with constant fighting, we can remove 1.8 support in order for us to have new features from the latest updates.

      These are all I have so far but feel free to add more if anyone else has any other suggestions. I'll edit this post if I come up with anything else.
      Last edited: Aug 18, 2021
    2. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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    3. Vill

      Vill Established Member

      Jun 17, 2021
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      I agree with all points exept the server reset. They should also add a bit more automation to make it easier.
    4. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      Thanks! I also like your suggestion about updating it to the latest version, I'll add it to the post.
    5. Vill

      Vill Established Member

      Jun 17, 2021
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