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  • Withdrawn Manu's application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by manu:), Jul 29, 2021.

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    1. manu:)

      manu:) Active Member

      Feb 7, 2021
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      ¬ Hi! My names Manu (not that manu, I've been told to specify!), I've been playing on Mineverse for several months now and have really enjoyed my time. You'll likely have bumped into me on survival, or perhaps you've helped me by trading survival keys for OP/Kit keys: aiding in my mass acquiring of vote keys!

      ¬ While I hover between the gamemodes often, my most played is certainly survival, as I'm unfortunately not exactly a pvp pro.

      ¬ If you'd like to get to know me more, I'd love to chat, be it here on the forums, in-game, or with me discord (listed in the requirements section of my application!)

      ¬ 1byte

      Timezone + Country:

      ¬ BST (UTC+1)

      What languages do you speak?
      ¬ Other than the obvious, I am able to read French as my mother is fluent.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      ¬ I do, I use OBS for recording & Flameshot for screenshots.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      ¬ I thoroughly enjoy bringing happiness to people, whether that's by helping them with any issue (within my power) they may have in game, on discord, or just by providing them with someone who will listen to what they have to say, and provide a solution, should that be what they want.

      ¬ I ensure all interactions I have with others are kind, making sure to consider their thoughts and feelings, even if that consideration isn't returned. I strive to maintain this kind environment for everyone else, actively reporting any maliciousness that breaks both in-game and forums rules.

      ¬ I am active on all platforms, engaging with the community whenever I can. As said in my short introduction, I'm seen most on survival, which I believe is less favoured by the majority of staff, given their preferred gamemodes and also it's lower player count, therefore I would be filling a gap in terms of moderation. I will of course continue to spread my activity across all servers.

      ¬ Although possibly an obvious requirement, I feel inclined to mention that I am knowledgeable of rules across the Mineverse 'verse', as well as fixes to the many possible hiccups faced by users in terms of playing on the server.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?

      ¬ I can comfortably commit to at least an hour per day come the return to school (or rather college), which will see me on campus from 08:45 to 15.15, I (should) occasionally have free periods in which I may be able moderate, though on weekends this amount will likely increase. I currently work 11:00 till 23:30 on saturdays though this may change.

      ¬ Currently, I'm spending considerably more time than this on MV due to a lack of priorities, which will likely be mirrored during other holidays, so view 1 hour as a 'baseline' of sorts.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      ¬ In terms of actively playing, it's been around 6 months, though I initially joined in early 2015. Like many others, I discovered Mineverse through its sister server, Skyblock, originally joining the economy server in 2013, however I no longer play there.

      What punishments have you received in the last 9 months? (Forums & In-game)
      ¬ I've not received any punishments in-game, on forums, or on discord.

      Past Experience:

      ¬ I've moderated on a network with a similar player count to MV before, though that's going back a year, and I'm sure the plugins and thus commands are wildly different, so I'll definitely need some help!

      Do you have 50 Post Count?
      I do!
      Do you have Two Factor Authentication set up?

      ✓I do.
      Have you had 2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums?
      ✓I have.
      Do you have Skype and Discord for offline communication?

      I do.
      What is your Discord tag?

      ¬ manu#1337

      Thank you for reading my application, please do respond with any kind of encouragement, criticism or thoughts you may have - I look forward to talking with you all!
      Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
    2. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      let me be the first to support!

      manu, you're incredibly active and knowledgeable, extremely kind and welcoming, and a great friend. I see you on often and you're quick to notice and report chat offences. I would love to see more hacking-based reports from you - though I understand you're working on this!

      you're a great team player, which is extremely important, and you're incredibly organised which is a bonus as well. all conversations i've had with you have been light and friendly, and you're always quick to notify staff on issues that you're unable to solve yourself.

      I wish you the best of luck! :cat:
    3. manu:)

      manu:) Active Member

      Feb 7, 2021
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      I really appreciate the kind words and support Sab, thank you!

      Currently enjoying my 'spot the hacker' training :blush:
    4. Tonya

      Tonya Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      Fantastic application. While I am not active in-game to judge your activity, you are very kind and engaging on forums.
      Good luck!
    5. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Neutral; I admire your attitude, but I would love to see you extend from survival and perhaps do some more reports that branch away from chat offences. Good luck!
    6. manu:)

      manu:) Active Member

      Feb 7, 2021
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      Thank you both for your responses!
      Expanding my reports to be other than chat related offences is definitely a focus of mine, and while breaking of rules certainly isn't something anyone wants to see more of, watch the reports space for hacking submissions from me in the coming weeks.
    7. Brendunce

      Brendunce Active Member

      Dec 8, 2020
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      Support, Manu is very active in survival and always seems to be helping someone. As long as he spreads out to other servers, I'm confident he would be a great mod.
    8. Ref

      Ref Active Member

      Mar 1, 2021
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    9. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      Neutral, though your attitude and approach seems really positive I would like to see some diversity in your activity and reports, basically be more active on other game modes in terms of reports.

      Reading your application you said you’ve been playing Mineverse for only a few months, I feel like maybe it’s a bit too early to apply yet? Most of the community may not know you or know you enough and may only judge you off of your application purely. I think maybe give it some time to apply so the players know who they’re actually supporting if that makes sense.

      I may support once I see you around more, then again I don’t log on often but often enough to know who’s been around.

      Keep up the reports, activity and the positive attitude and you’ll get along with the community just fine, besides the toxic ones, they’re ruthless no matter what.

      Best of luck :)
    10. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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    11. loadist

      loadist Well-Known Member

      Jan 28, 2015
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      No support.

      Not being bias in any way, but I legit have never seen you online or on any game-mode, I'm not quit sure why these former mods are supporting you're moderator app, but you are not ready to be staff on this server, and in my opinion nor ever will be.

      Best of luck my guy! Hopefully see you on, my in-game name is loadist. I am usually on Skyblock/Oppvp/Kitpvp/Infection/Survival
    12. dune

      dune Active Member

      Jun 17, 2019
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      Neutral leaning no support. Reasoning - there are little to no players to moderate so no reason to apply as of now unless you have something that can change the server up you're sleeve. Cwes is doing the best as a moderator out of the rest rn and Ref has his application open and he's pretty cool and has a good rep. If he ends up getting it, it will probably be months until your app is accepted unless they want more staff members that do nothing on the team. Also, I know who you are but only see you on survival and on other game modes but you don't do anything on the others so yeah ;p. Like loadist said, I don't know why people are supporting maybe your app is more for the long term run of getting it many months after you made this but I don't know. The staff team is fine as is if anything some should be removed due to how easy (for the most part) it is to handle things on this server.

      Anyways, good luck I guess and I hope you realize what you're signing up for.

      Suggestions - maybe try making some interesting yt content for more attention.

      (Sorry if my response looks ugly I speedran it lmfao)
    13. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Im gonna say support, From what I've seen and heard you're a pretty kind person and likeable. But like Dune said, there're little to no players on mv (the majority of the 60 players are skywars) and there's really no reason to promote anyone atm. Regardless still if they are looking for someone you'd make a great fit.
    14. ProdBrodie

      ProdBrodie Active Member

      Jul 20, 2020
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      Support super friendly clearly mistaken for the other manu
      Last edited: Jul 31, 2021
    15. manu:)

      manu:) Active Member

      Feb 7, 2021
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      Thank you for your response Rent! I appreciate your concern in regards to my relatively recent joining of the server; moderator after all is a role with community at its heart. There are plenty of people for me to get to know better and I look forward to doing so, however I feel at a point at which I am comfortably acquainted with a considerable amount of the playerbase. I wouldn't have applied if I didn't think I was ready to take on this position, perhaps it was premature, though I don't feel this way.

      THANK YOU BOBA <33
      I can imagine we are quite possibly in places with vastly different timezones, which would explain our infrequent meeting - I tend to have a somewhat decent sleep schedule (at last!) so I'm often off around 11pm BST. I'm sorry you feel I'm not ready to be staff, I hope should we meet in game at some point you'll see this not the case!

      Thank you for your response Dune, I appreciate and understand your thoughts. I know from my time as a moderator elsewhere that there is so much more to being a staff member than moderating the playerbase, although that is indeed a very important part. I would love to be a part of this, helping the server in any way I can - hopefully contributing to improving the experience and as a result increasing the playercount too! Ref is certainly an excellent applicant, though I don't see this as a competition at all. I wish him the very best and would be happy to see him promoted before myself - there is no rush! And don't you worry, I'm spreading my activity across the server, even if it means having to withstand the pain of being pwned every time I jump down from a pvp spawn :'(.

      Thank you so much Atom! I've covered my thoughts on the activity of Mineverse in the above reply.

      I think you may be mistaking me for 'the other Manu', as I have without a doubt never done such a thing, if so I'm deeply sorry that happened and would recommend reporting them through the appropriate channels. Hopefully knowing this you may reconsider your stance.
    16. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      Personally disagree. The staff team is as far as I know looking for applicants exactly like manu. He is active in-game, on forums, on discord, and is always helpful in the discord. He is extremely knowledgeable about the server and helpful when other staff members aren't available.
      Again, not really true at all. Even if Ref were to be promoted that does not mean manu wouldn't be. Promotion waves have usually happened in multitudes of applicants.
      What game modes do you play? If you only play OPPvP, then this isn't really a valid response as you couldn't even speak on his activity for other game modes. To my knowledge, manu's main game mode might be survival. I am hardly ever in-game and have seen him several times. This could be due to timezones or simply just not being on the same game at the same time.

      manu was away for a bit and actually even said he would be away. He's back and better than ever. I see him actively helping other players in the discord, and always knowing the right thing to say.

      I think the staff team needs an applicant like yourself and therefore I will support.

      My only advice would be to try to branch out to other game modes to familiarize yourself with the player base and functionality. I could be talking out of my a$$ though, I'm never in-game, and have really no jurisdiction to speak on in-game activity.

      Nonetheless, best of luck to you.
    17. manu:)

      manu:) Active Member

      Feb 7, 2021
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      Thank you for both your advice and your support MJ :')

      Just a quick update: I haven't logged onto Mineverse since Friday or so as my laptop has unfortunately broken. I'm in the process of getting a new one so hopefully should be seeing you all soon :blush:
    18. _Creed_

      _Creed_ Experienced Member

      Sep 18, 2015
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      support, your the only one on forums rn so I hope you get what you want.
    19. manu:)

      manu:) Active Member

      Feb 7, 2021
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      Thank you for your support <3
    20. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Changing to support, best of luck :)
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