Hello, i've noticed the /clans plugin on oppvp isnt being used alot but for a good reason. I feel like there is missing alot of features for people to enjoy the plugin. I would love a few more features that would make /clans used alot more. list of features: ● Leaderboard (most kills, highest balance in clan total) shown in /leaderboads or on signs at spawn. Used to clans can compete with eachother ● Clan rewards (the one above would be needed for this one) Make ingame money rewards to clans ● Clan member list /clan list ● Clan banner (i don't know how this one would work lol) ● Ranks within clans (Members, Captains, co-leaders) ● Show clan name beside name If you have any more feature ideas please let me know in the comments i'll add them to the list above.
Neutral. Maybe it would be nice to give it some months into the future because I don't want such a known suggestion in the community to be rushed out. I don't know how I'd feel about having it right now but, the suggestion is on the right track. Also, there is not a lot of players actively playing to make this useful. What I mean by that is I've only seen oppvp with 60 players maximum recently and everyone is kinda bugging out like some addictive drug has been spread out everywhere(Hence why I suggest waiting a bit.) Other than that, neutral for now, and can't wait to see where this suggestion goes! Edit: I'm here to suggest something. I'm pretty sure there are players with over 10+ teammates maybe even 20 so if you're going to have "rewards" it will be rigged. Secondly, your leaderboard suggestion is flawed. There are 2 players with over 300k on op currently I believe so if either one of those 2 players joins a clan, the leaderboards are forever stuck in place for the most part not even including the fact of players having massive clans. The banner, /clan list, and ranks are all fine for the most part.