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  • NA the best mod applicant

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by TrooperSuper12, Apr 25, 2021.

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    1. TrooperSuper12

      TrooperSuper12 Established Member

      Dec 23, 2020
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      Thy in-game name: Reckord

      what timezone Art Thou in? EST

      What country Dost Thou live in? usa

      What languages Dost Thou speak? propor engloish

      Dost Thou have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      bandicam and yo boi kan take dem photos wit hiz fone

      Wherefore Dost Thou think Thou should become a mod? I belieove i shall be a moderator on this here very server on minecraft java edition because first off i have a really good gaming chair and my monitor is 144 hertz and I can see if peopel are hacking or not and my keyboard clicks really loud and thats scary and it lights up in the dark to scare away the boogie man and I have a really good mouse pad not the mouse just the mouse pad and I have really good experience hacking on many different minecraft java edtion servers because it make me happy to see kids get REKT on minecraft java edition servers and I dont want to see other kids having as much fun as I do playing around so I must step in to moderate them. I think i shouold be mode because peopole like me are very bad and should be banned immedialty. Other mods should be more like me and not like them and they need to changfe to be more like me because i am the best. I leaqrnded frolm the bery bgest and i come here from minecraft mod planet to show you how to mod on a server like ths. Minecraft mod planet is a planet very far away in the galaxy of Germany in 1945. All heil plankton. This was an advertisment for the chum bucket mega bucket. Sorry im using talk to type and my spog nmebopb was playionmg rea;klly loudly. 528 percenty voolume. All in all, vote for me make mineverse a gooder servera again.

      anotha reason wherefore i think i should be a mod be dat i be very active. Most players peep me on kitpvp fo' at least 1 hour a den, n' 1 hour on oppvp. I try ta spend at least 30 minutes on skyblock, creative, n' survival too, which be very important if i intend ta become a mod.

      bein' passionate be a great trait ta have fo' any moderator, da definition means " bein' Fo' realz ta yourself" i wouldst like ta think i be a very passionate person Who the f loves ta help anybody Who the f needs dat sht.

      i consida mah dirty ta be determined bcuz' i neva give the f up on my fin' goals, n' i don't change my fin' mind on sht i told mah dirty i wouldst accomplish, which be a very wack trait if i intend on becomin' a mod.

      someone Who the f be non-judgemental be open-minded n' refrainin' from judgment, i wouldst consida mah dirty ta be non-judgemental bcuz' i neva like ta assume anythin' until i have da facts. I wouldst also consida mah dirty open-minded bcuz' i ludd experiencin' new things.

      anybody Who the f be lively be always fun ta rap ta, n' full o' life n' spirit. I wouldst like ta think i be very lively n' always willin' ta chat wit' anybody.

      How long can you be on the server every day?

      Monday 24 hours

      Tuesday 24 hours

      Wednesday 1 hour

      Thursday 23 hours

      Friday 9hours

      Saturday 0.00457 hour

      Sunday 5 hour

      How long have Thou been playing mineverse? 2011

      What punishments have you received in the last 9 months? (Forums & In-game) A lot. I got banned fo' tp trapping, hacking, macro, scamming, releasin' personal info, talkin' 'bout geroge floyd, i git on if u still want me

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes on creedmc

      Do yo' have 50 post count? YEAH I HAVE 50 POSTS who TF u think i am im like famous on deez formz

      do yo' have two factor authentication set the fk up? yeah but i al,so have i have 4 factor

      have yo' had 2 weeks registered on tha mineverse forums? uh i thnk so

      do yo' have skype n' discord fo' offline communication? yep but who tf use skype in 2018

      What the fk be yo' goddamn discord tag? super#6411 dm me for futher questions :)
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2021
    2. SPlRIT

      SPlRIT Active Member

      Jun 10, 2020
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      support super, my stick gets hard when i see you so i think thats +1 for me. -dory. Also bruce sucks.
    3. TrooperSuper12

      TrooperSuper12 Established Member

      Dec 23, 2020
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      tanks man im rly finnna trynna get mod
    4. IceTheDonut

      IceTheDonut Active Member

      Dec 22, 2020
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      I be going ya support yo ahh my fkn thug yo a Fo’ realz g so I hope you git dis job

      Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2021
    5. TrooperSuper12

      TrooperSuper12 Established Member

      Dec 23, 2020
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      thaknyou icehtedlnot imma be mkin bank
    6. SPlRIT

      SPlRIT Active Member

      Jun 10, 2020
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      dude nemo and dory are better f off kid
    7. TrooperSuper12

      TrooperSuper12 Established Member

      Dec 23, 2020
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