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    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by 0_Inzanity, Apr 10, 2021.

    1. 0_Inzanity

      0_Inzanity Experienced Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      Hello all.

      I believe it is time that mineverse makes a few changes and I hope that through this thread I can change your mind also. I have played mineverse for a few years now dating back to when it was launched and had Op factions and GTA and so forth, Being through all this I have seen a lot, from the Server population going from 100-200+ down to 100 or below... Yes it may have to do with the community's toxicity, People maturing, moving on getting older and the game getting well out of date ( not in its prime ). Also, I believe it is to do with staff members and the players also. In my opinion and I believe I speak for many others when stating this that the staff of mine verse are not really helping ( No hard feelings ). I decided to doing a little well investigating today and I was very much shocked to see that hardly any staff members logged on, so It made me think of things to revamp Mineverse.

      1. I know this suggestion has been suggested in the past and also recently but what about a UNBAN all, maybe not the individuals who have been white listed off the server but all the others who through this time of COVID need something to do and because of pore choices in the past they are unable to do so. Something to increase the player base and maybe in doing so we think of getting more / better / active staff members again no hard feelings.

      2. This option I've thought about a lot but what about a drop party... (I know that we have our cool hosted monthly games that are hosted by the staff) but what about in game items instead of buy craft vouchers? On all the game modes, or a plugin for a key-all for everyone who Is active and or has supported the server is rewarded and is given a random key. (Speaking of keys maybe time to update the crates on the given game modes that have crates.)

      3. What about giving the ranked players customizable name tags where they are able to change colours and nick names for their names and the higher the rank the more colours unlocked or more options for their name, I don't know I guess something to spice the server up a little.

      4. I know this option was just implemented on game mode Kit-pvp but what about different maps and I know they aren't easy to create and add but we have a very creative builder/developer team that are more than capable of doing so.

      5. I know this option is mostly for the Pvp game modes but what about a plugin where a wager system is implemented where people are given an option to pvp for a prize that both individuals offer up and if its not a prize maybe they have a choice to risk their items and if they lose, they lose their items they wagered with.. I don't know if I explained it that well but I guess hope so.

      These are just a few options I have thought about and I am sure there will be more along the way let me know what you think with a thumbs up or down or even a support or no support on a few of the suggestions given.


    2. AnthonyLEEEEEE

      AnthonyLEEEEEE Established Member

      Feb 2, 2021
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      100 percent support.
    3. Toad

      Toad Well-Known Member

      Apr 6, 2016
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      1- no support. Recent players that were previously perm banned on KitPvP wrote an appeal and were given a second chance. After they received their 2nd chance they got banned again two days after. Tuber has in the past Mineverse is a very forgiving place but don't mistake their kindness as a weakness. Unbanning all just to increase the player count temporarily won't solve any problems.

      2- no support. Nobody would rather a random crate key over a guaranteed $10.

      3- neutral. Chat would look really messy. a customizable tag would be cool but there would have to be heavy restrictions.

      4- support. Only if wanted by a large part of the community.

      5- support. (Wont get added, too much effort.)

      A suggestion I have is to implement a new gamemode. Not just a gamemode that will die in a week or two but something new and exciting that hasn't been done before that will draw in new players if advertised correctly. Idk, might be too much work.

      ^ A suggestion to increase the player count that does not bring back old players.
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2021
    4. AnthonyLEEEEEE

      AnthonyLEEEEEE Established Member

      Feb 2, 2021
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    5. Toad

      Toad Well-Known Member

      Apr 6, 2016
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      I would like to start off by saying no, I am not attacking the current staff team and frankly I think they do a good job with the current players. If there were to be a 'unban all' as you are suggesting we would need some very active and loyal players with moderator role. Reminding people that there are mods watching them would almost force them not to cheat.
    6. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      You can vote every day of the month which takes less than 30 seconds to do and you get 3 keys. I also agree with Toad, I think anyone would take a buycraft voucher over an in game key that is very easy to acquire.
      It's not a terrible idea. Skywars even implemented a rank called 'PRO' that allows you to change your name; have a nickname etc. However I just feel as though with the current toxic state of the community right now, or should I say for a while now, people will take advantage of this and potentially harass and bully other players by changing their name to something that offends another player. I feel like people would get very creative with nick names (and not in a good way) and it will also look very messy.
      I feel as though the current '1 map' state is fine. No one ever uses the /warp oldoldspawn on Kit. People sometimes use /warp oldspawn purely because it has Strength 2 when you jump down. No one ever plays regularly or explores these maps though. I think 1 map on each gamemode is good.
      This sounds good to be honest. It would be pretty hard to implement I'd imagine though. Considering this is my first time seeing this suggestion, means it's not very 'high' demanding and therefore wouldn't be created and put into the PvP gamemodes. However it would prevent people scamming each other whenever there's the occasional wager going on, PvP wise of course. If successful I would like to see this plugin, small chance but who knows.

      The only suggestion I will ever have regarding PvP on Mineverse, is to just get a better anti cheat. I know PvP nerds go on and on about how the anti cheat sucks and we need a new one and I agree we do. If we really wanted to keep Mineverse hacker free, or at least have a good chance of it, we would look more into finding a better AC. This suggestion for me will never fade away, Mineverse needs to acknowledge this and take it more seriously as most of the playerbase on the server is PvP based. Then again I guarantee half of the server will become exposed if this was to happen :p

      Also don't get me wrong though, the current AC comes in handy more times than you may think. Sure it kicks people a hefty amount of times but a good amount of those actually turn out to be true. We use the logs of the AC to spectate people who are setting off tons of logs and they actually end up cheating 95% of the time. The current anti cheat is fine, but a more modern one and reliable one would be great.
      Last edited: Apr 10, 2021
    7. 0_Inzanity

      0_Inzanity Experienced Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      Okay I feel as if everyone is misunderstanding the 2nd point listed above.

      I was stating it as an option to maybe get items that are good instead of a voucher that's all I was also stating maybe just implementing a plugin like that instead of a vote party which then gives a chance of receiving a better key then vote. Also, I stated maybe a Drop party... I feel from all the years I've played there's never been a drop party hosted by the higher ups of the staff team... that's all! just to clarify I thank you for your support and no support on my other options given!
    8. Sponge

      Sponge Established Member

      Apr 10, 2021
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      i agree we need more staff support
    9. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      no lmao
    10. Ajay Kingzz

      Ajay Kingzz Established Member

      Aug 30, 2020
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      100 % i agree
    11. Jqwish

      Jqwish Established Member

      Oct 20, 2020
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      Also, ignore everything rent said he's irrelevant
      Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2021

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