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  • Silver Linings

    Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by manu:), Mar 9, 2021.

    1. manu:)

      manu:) Active Member

      Feb 7, 2021
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      I recently attended a scratch theatre night online, and during it I thought how one of my favourite performances could be played here together by us in the form of a forums game. I enjoyed the message of finding 'silver linings'; positives in hard & unfortunate, sometimes unexpected, times - the lockdowns many of us see ourselves in right now being one of them.

      The performance was as follows: each member of the group would give a situation to the next member, who; on the spot, would have to come up with someone along the lines of why that's a good thing, then repeat the cycle. Example:
      Person 1: "Your mother turns into giant goose, and she's angry with you."
      Person 2: "I get to practice diffusing tense situations, and if I succeed, I can have giant omelettes every day"

      You can be as wacky as you want, though avoid involving anything that may break forums rules, i.e anything political, religious related, using overly offensive language, involving another member with the intent of upsetting them.

      I'll start: You've been burgled in the night, and all your possessions have been replaced with baked beans.

      Have fun!
      Last edited: Mar 9, 2021
    2. Aly

      Aly Alchemist Premium

      Sep 28, 2016
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      Give them to @i_am_youtuber as a birthday present

      You've recently bought new clothes, but the day after, a bunch of clothes moths damage them.
    3. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      i sew a nice little blanket out of them :)

      You recently bought a lottery ticket and won, but when you went to go cash it in your dog was chewing up the ticket..

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