Hello, this is my third moderator application lol I do not know why I am making another but i really want this job and you will not regret reading this ( hopefully ). 1.HOW OLD ARE YOU? I am 12 years old turning 13 next year 2. YOUR IN-GAME NAME: Pr0M4x_B4b3 3.WHAT TIMEZONE ARE YOU IN? Australian Eastern Time Zone (UTC) 4.WHAT COUNTRY DO YOU LIVE IN? Australia 5.WHAT LANGUAGE(S) DO YOU SPEAK? I can speak English and some french 6.WHY DO YOU THINK YOU SHOULD BE A MODERATOR FOR MINEVERSE? I think i should become a mod to help out the server 'Mineverse' in any way that i can and because i have met so many wonderful people on this server it would be fun to meet everyone along the way. I think i would be a good help to mineverse because i have co-owned a server before, that was a great experience and lots of fun to help out the players in anyway that i can <3 These are some points on why I should become a moderator. FIRST POINT- I am loyal, respectful, cheerful and i am loved by many on your server. but what my first point is saying is just be yourself and people will accept you for who you are no matter what. SECOND POINT!!- To be a Moderator on any server you must be mature and responsible, do not take your job for granted always help players in need. NO form of bulling no matter what and if you see a fight take place stop it immediately before it gets too serious. THIRD POINT!!- Being polite is a big thing when you are a mod or higher because people are relying on you and being polite helps the situation more than you think. So, when you consider me to be a mod just watch over me, see how kind i am? i am helping players in need because it is a big thing it will never let you down <3 :D. FORTH AND FINAL POINT!!- I am on mineverse everyday for a long time so if anyone ever needs anything they will know where to find me. So if you are ever looking for help just look on mineverse and ill be there somewhere just waiting to assist you. 7.HOW LONG CAN YOU BE ACTIVE ON MINEVERSE EVERYDAY? Monday:4:00PM-9:00PM Tuesday ::4:00PM-9:00PM Wednesday: 3:30PM-8:30PM Thursday::4:00PM-9:00PM Friday:4:00PM- Any Time I want Saturday:Any time I want-Any time I want Sunday:Any time I want-Any time I want 8.HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PLAYING MINEVERSE? I have been playing on mineverse ever since it became a server, but I used to play it on a different account mineverse is an amazing server just like minecraft in general :p. ever since i watched a video about minecraft on you tube I gave it a go and have been playing it ever since !!. When i started to play minecraft i tried single player it was fun but i wanted more fun, so i tried multilayer. I looked up some servers on the internet and when i did mineverse popped up :D and ever since then mineverse has been my favorite server <3. From the server mineverse i have made so many new friends and met lovely people. 9.DO YOU HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE AS A MODERATOR? Yes, on all different servers I have been a co-owner, moderator and a admin more than once because of my personality and my applications. A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has read my application(s) please like, vote and comment love you all <3 All My close minecraft friends: Jww2300 helio2001 almarobb123 smasher1245 mrbeefcak3 kitkat6605910 jandalboi jadey64 ducky_puppy mineterria theman8775 flare_snuggles rakion504 pile_of_butts jarroyonaples cypriotmerks
You are aware that making multiple applications can lower your chances, right? I too have made more than one application, but I thought I'd let you know.
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