Dropevela, Moderator....... Great Idea: Maybe. Do I support: oh yes! Dropevela we have been friends since 2014 on Mineverse, I can say I encountered all your stages, the kind of immature stage, then the maturing stage and I kind of like what you reached in terms of that. I haven't seen you disrespect anyone on the server. Moreover, you are a dedicated and social member of the community. You're also very helpful and friendly to everyone. I also have seen that you are doing a quite good amount of reports, even if not much hackers, to honest that is not a problem, the community is literally shrinking, so a person being able to do 2-5 reports/day especially hacker related reports during these times is similar to the person who was able to do 15-20 reports/day a few years ago. Good luck my friend, hope to see you a moderator soon!!
Oh Hey man! haven't heard about you in ages, yeah you met me in all my stages, inmature, maturing, and mature, thanks for mentioning the report thingy, yeah theres not many hackers anymore, its kinda hard to find ones lately, but racism is all over the server and its not good, thank you for your comment bro1 hope to see you again soon. My discord is in my application if you ever need me. Cheers. Hey Matt thank you for your comment, really appreciated it.
I see you active in the discord server and often in #help assisting players. This shows you care for the server and are showing your capability to assist players, as well as your knowledge regarding the server. I also remember you to be quite active in-game, although I haven't been in-game in a while and can't really speak on that aspect. Judging from the other supports and replies, you clearly have the approval from many who have an opinion I trust. Good luck with your application. I hope you stick with it and remain active even after being promoted (if you do get promoted). Support from me.
Thank you Clarity! Yeah i will keep working on my capability to assist players and get more knowledge about the server, yeah i havent seen you in in-game alot nowadays, but yeah ive been really active since old days. Thank you for your comment its really appreciated from a person who knows alot of the server/discord <3. Yeah thank you, i will be more on kit, im daily on there. :D
Support, I don't know you too well but we trade voter keys and you seem looked up upon by a lot of the Mineverse community.
Thanks for commenting, Im totally against racism, i used to joke about where i live since i used to get harrased because of my ethnic, but i stopped doing that, so if you have proof, no more than 2 weeks+ I suggest to report it. https://forums.mineverse.com/forums/report-a-player.86/
Support, even though we have our differences and you always call me fayq you are a overall good person and would make a great staff member, you're very active but mainly survival, if you do get staff try to branch off onto other gamemodes.
No bro i miss you, but it takes time. Thanks miss you bro. shush. <3<3 I called you fayq because that was your old ign, and yeah we have our differences and stuff, and you always see me on surv when you join but i started to main kitpvp like 2 months ago. Thanks for commenting. Thank you bro.