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  • Global A Multitude of Suggestions

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Pitato, Jan 11, 2021.

    1. Pitato

      Pitato Active Member

      Jan 13, 2020
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      ~ Greetings, Mineverse. Wise Monke speaking. ~

      I was recently conversing with Crew, and I think it's my best endeavor that I post these suggestions into one large, detail-oriented posts and hopefully you will reply and provide your honest opinions about these suggestions.
      The suggestions you will read will hopefully benefit the server greatly (if implemented). Henceforth, I'm going to need all the support I can get.
      Without further introductory, please read these suggestions thoroughly as I will clearly detail them.


      Credits to @Porky for the suggestion.
      Original thread created by Porky (I highly suggest reading this if you have not): https://forums.mineverse.com/threads/bring-it-back-opprison.143567/page-8#post-1404977

      Re-implementing Op-Prison has numerous benefits and could attract old players plus the new Mineverse players or those who did not get the opportunity to play such as me.
      I'd definitely want to play Op-Prision, everyone talking about how great it was peaks my interest about the gamemode. I've played a variety of prison servers before, and a prison gamemode on Mineverse would peak interests of everyone who has not had the opportunity to play.
      Further information about Op-Prision could be found at the original post, Porky practically explains everything.

      I genuinely believe tutorials could be highly beneficial within Mineverse.
      When I first joined, I was confused by the different gamemodes as Skyblock, factions, and the authentic OpPvp (I've never seen anything like it).
      I was thinking there could be a NPC next to where players spawn such as the "Auctioneer," and when players click on this NPC it could send them a link with the automated message of, "Click here for an OpPvp tutorial: (youtube link)". This would then link them to a video created by a volunteer or a youtuber for Mineverse, which explains in detail what OpPvp consists of. (This could be for any gamemode, not just individually OpPvp).
      The tutorial could consist of a script by one of the developers, moderators, or Crew himself and the individual making the video would follow the script and explain clearly how to play the game properly so there's no confusion.
      With tutorials, players will have knowledge about the gamemode hopefully causing them not to die instantaneously.
      Existing players rarely converse with new players, so this could be immensely beneficial.
      Guides could also be added going into further detail explaining more difficult concepts, however the tutorial would provide them the basic knowledge of the specific gamemode.

      Tutorials could be anywhere from 5 - 20 minutes long dependent on the gamemode.

      NPC Name suggestions:
      Gary the Guide
      George the Guide
      Grape the Guide

      This has already been suggested by me in a previous post, nonetheless I will link the original post here as to why this should be implemented.


      Although this suggestion did originally have many downsides, I've changed a lot within it in the replies. I highly suggest that you check it out as this could also be a beneficial implementation.
      -Changes in Rewards for Welcoming New Players Include:-

      - Welcome Limit to x3 daily
      - $1 pay for every welcome
      - $90 dollars per month if it's possible to welcome three new players per day
      @Deivid0ze made the suggestion down below
      What I mean by that is, whenever a new player joins, the message "Welcome <Player's name> to Mineverse!" pops up in chat for everyone in the server and everyone can click on it. Whenever another player clicks on that message, he receives the reward and the player that just joined receives a message "<Player's name> welcomed you to the Mineverse server!"

      Advertising is undeniably imperative within every server. It has an astronomical amount of benefits, such as server population growth (the most vital).
      Advertising can be done many ways, however, the most probable way to gain more players is to get a large subscriber based YouTuber to advertise for Mineverse.
      I'm stating 50k subscribers, even more who gets substantial viewer count.

      I'm proposing that Noobcrew offers this individual (if they're available) pay (just enough) to get him/her to advertise for Mineverse for a solid amount of time and release gameplay videos, interact with the community, etc.
      This could definitely help if all goes well. It is quite a bet, yet the odds our on our side if this YouTuber has a good subscriber count and they only post Minecraft videos.
      This could work and it could help server growth.
      These are multiple suggestions that should be accounted for, as it could be highly beneficial in the future. These all could help server growth and keep a solid server population.
      Thank you for reading.
      Leave your suggestions, concerns, or comments in the replies.

    2. MC_PvPStrafeZ

      MC_PvPStrafeZ Active Member

      Feb 26, 2017
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      I support this with every fiber in my being. | I used to play on another account in 2013, and I loved those games, OP Prison was the BEST!!! All the memories, all the fun.. Honestly if you brought it back, Mineverse would have like 300+ online again every day..

      It honestly was also really fun and interesting because of the glitches and bugs!! Let's be honest, glitches and bugs don't hurt anyone! Anyhow, I remember grinding after school every day, and oh my god! The plots you could have... I don't know if anyone remembers, but people used to do trivia nights, giveaways, keydrops, and so much more!!!
    3. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Space prison is a current gamemode, based off of OP Prison. Now I know it’s not the same and many people are still wanting the original OP Prison back, but until our community makes the effort and actively shows their interest in that kind of gamemode, it doesn’t seem like a likely concept for now. Sure, Space Prison was quite active for a couple months after its launch, but in the end people went back to PvP gamemodes / survival, leading Space Prison to get an average of 1-3 players daily. What’s to say this won’t happen if OP Prison were to be re-instated?
      Then again, it is obvious that the forums community want this at least, so let’s hope if it ever does come back that they keep it active.

      We do have the Guides and “How To” section, the Help section on forums as well as the #help channel on the MV discord for players who need assistance as well as a staff page on forums and a staff list with ways to contact staff directly if they still need help. I feel like with the abundance of resources we already have for players to receive assistance on the server as well as all of its platforms, I just don’t think this addition is needed.

      That being said, it would be a cool idea for MV youtubers / players to make “unofficial” guides for new players to get a grasp on how to play gamemodes. And, from your last suggestion about welcoming new players, i’m sure you won’t be opposed to players helping out new ones getting started on the gamemode as a way of welcoming new players.

      I don’t really have an opinion on this, but to be honest I just don’t see it as a necessary addition to the server. There are plenty of ways to make money ingame; voting, killing players in pvp gamemodes, selling items etc. There are ways, as has been stated in some of the replies to that thread, in which this could be exploited by alts etc. I just don’t see it as a crucial enough addition to go through the effort of working out a way in which it can’t be exploited. I welcome new players whenever I see the message in chat, so do others (usually on the smaller less popular gamemodes such as creative or skyblock) and I think the notion of welcoming another player is to introduce them to the server, not for monetary gain.

      The youtube rank is designed to be a reward for players with 200+ subs who regularly make MV content and are a part of the community. That’s what makes MV special, the community is very tight knit, something you won’t find on bigger servers such as Hypixel, where pretty much everyone you meet you probably won’t play with again. I believe the youtube rank should stay given to players within the MV bubble, people who meet the requirements and are passionate about the server, not just making money. Yes, while I do agree advertising via youtube can be efficient, there are plenty of other ways the server can be advertised, ways that are free and involve community input;
      - Voting: voting for MV is good for the server and the voter, as the player receives rewards server wide and the server can climb the lists on server list sites, making MV more accessible to all.
      - Word of mouth: if someone recommends MV to their friends, those new players are more likely to stick around and actively play with their friends. Sure, if we were to have a youtuber it would draw in more players, but they’d mainly join for the chance to see their idol, not to actually play the gamemode.

      I just think what makes mineverse mineverse is the community. it’s not designed to have masses of players. sure it’s nice to bring in and welcome new players, but in the end it’s about making the server better for existing players rather than trying to draw new ones in, ones that probably won’t stay.


      As of now i’m indifferent to these suggestions, it won’t be the end of the world if they get implemented; ultimately it’s up to crew and if the community can promise to uphold these suggestions and keep the gamemode / additions acrive. Overall, if I had to give my stance i’d say neutral :)

      all hail monke
    4. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      Support on this (already supported on the original suggestion)
      Neutral. Same reason as Sabrina but some in-game signs or NPCs that can help out would be great like simple FAQs.
      Support on this, and able to only get money three times a day is nice. It’s a nice reward.
      I think we should just advertise the server on those websites that list popular servers. Paying people that are popular seems a bit too much. We already have the YouTuber rank so that seems fine. No support on this.

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