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  • Global Rewards for Welcoming New Players

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Pitato, Jan 4, 2021.

    1. Pitato

      Pitato Active Member

      Jan 13, 2020
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      ~ Greetings, Mineverse players and faculty. ~

      I've recently thought of a potential beneficial idea towards new players and existing players. Let me elaborate on my idea.

      When a new player joins Mineverse a message appears such as, "Welcome (player name) to Mineverse!" This is a server message that it is completely automated by console.
      I think welcoming from players would be much more genuine and welcoming towards those new players. The console message could introduce the player who has just joined by stating the basic, "Welcome (player name) to Mineverse!" then existing players could state either, "Welcome," or "welcome," without any further characters which would be recognized by some certain script and the player who stated welcome would receive a reward. The reward more specifically would be $5 in-game cash to which ever server they are playing.

      Highly beneficial for both players, obviously. New players feel welcomed and could further converse with existing players and existing players receive in-game cash.

      There were a couple of issues with this certain idea until I remembered you must verify your account with a captcha in-game.
      Older age ALT accounts may be an issue if they have not joined Mineverse - however, I doubt there will be an abundant amount of ALTs who are heading into the game for others to farm cash as a multitude of existing Mineverse players already have their ALTs logged on.

      If this does happen to be implemented, I'm most certain moderators or administrators could handle the issue.
      Let me know if you have certain suggestions, comments, or concerns regards to this.

    2. Toad

      Toad Well-Known Member

      Apr 6, 2016
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      No Support. If somebody has nearly infinite alts they could get insanely rich by abusing the $5 welcome $.
    3. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Neutral ^
    4. Pitato

      Pitato Active Member

      Jan 13, 2020
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      I understand your concern and the reasoning behind it. Nonetheless, I'm positive that the majority of existing players already logged their ALT accounts and they may not have others. Nonetheless, if that case becomes true, I'm insisting on a cap limit on how many times one may welcome per day. I've observed the amount of people who joined Mineverse's most popular server (OpPvP) and it's generally around three - six people per day. Henceforth, a cap limit of three humble greetings per day. Furthermore, the cash limit to what a player would receive could be $1 which would turn into three greetings which is $3 per day from welcoming which is not that much. In a month they would have $90 in total which is realistically not that much.

      Recap; here's what I am implementing to my suggestion.

      - Welcome Limit to x3 daily
      - $1 pay for every welcome
      - $90 dollars per month if it's possible to welcome three new players per day

      Let me know if you have any other concerns.

      Thanks! Hopefully you change your mind from my detailed explanation above and newly implementations.
    5. Tonya

      Tonya Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      Support ^^
    6. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      This whole idea kinda seems pointless, yes it would create the illusion for the new player that everyone is nice, but what's the point of getting a welcome and then get called a noob and get told to get off the server 5 minutes later. New players in time would realize that all of those welcoming messages are just for the in-game money and that wouldn't make a big difference to the community. If we want new players to feel welcomed, older players have to mean it, otherwise it just looks really fake and in fact, it would just spam the chat full of "Welcome".

      Arguments like infinite alts on this idea don't work either, although I'm not sure on the idea that there would be a cap for those things. Let's say 3 new players join in one hour, the older players say "Welcome" and then they know that they reached their cap where they will get nothing more. Obviously, they'll stop saying "Welcome", which means, either rise the cap or make a completely different way of rewarding players.

      Something that could be taken out from other servers and I think Mineverse's infection system, is XP. Then there could be no caps, and for certain XP levels, the players could be rewarded certain rewards.

      Another suggestion, to not spam the chat so much. Is to make the welcome messages personalized. What I mean by that is, whenever a new player joins, the message "Welcome <Player's name> to Mineverse!" pops up in chat for everyone in the server and everyone can click on it. Whenever another player clicks on that message, he receives the reward and the player that just joined receives a message "<Player's name> welcomed you to the Mineverse server!" with a following message that describes how much XP the new player got and how far is he from getting more rewards.

      For now I'm neutral on this, considering the flaws of the main idea and considering how hard it would be to implement my suggestions. Everything is possible though and a little sweat from the developers would indeed put some improvement to the community and it becoming less toxic.
    7. Pitato

      Pitato Active Member

      Jan 13, 2020
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      When I was creating this idea, I thought about this possible predicament. While the most vital point of the welcoming is to put forth a mood where he/she feels welcomed, I believe welcoming the new players will show that the server is alive, not bombarded with bots, and people actually converse (which is imperative within a server). Inevitably, those new players will find out welcoming gives you a reward and will start a chain. Furthermore, this suggestion hopefully if implemented will inspire players to legitimately care about new players and possibly help them around. Plus, the new player would get a lot of attention, which is an incentive to stay.

      Although I didn't think capping would be useful, I was convinced that it could be useful. A cap reduces the amount of money that existing players would get so they wont farm, and it's free to continue to say welcome to other new players after you reached your limit. Not everyone would have their daily limit as other existing players may join the server later and still have their welcome set. Henceforth, it works out fairly nicely.

      (Please read, new addon to the suggestion ^^) That's a great idea and I am implementing this to the suggestion. Thanks for the suggestion, it would reduce spam and overall a great idea.

      Hopefully you can change your mind to support once you've read this. Let me know if you have any other suggestions, thanks for replying!
    8. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      welcoming new players for a reward feels like the opposite of genuine to me
    9. Pitato

      Pitato Active Member

      Jan 13, 2020
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      While the most vital point of the welcoming is to put forth a mood where he/she feels welcomed, I believe welcoming the new players will show that the server is alive, not bombarded with bots, and people actually converse (which is imperative within a server). Inevitably, those new players will find out welcoming gives you a reward and will start a chain. Furthermore, this suggestion hopefully if implemented will inspire players to legitimately care about new players and possibly help them around. Plus, the new player would get a lot of attention, which is an incentive to stay.
      I'm reusing this quote from a previous reply as it covers the fundamentals of this possible feature.
    10. whatupRJ

      whatupRJ Experienced Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      So you are basically saying that you want to give the illusion that mineverse is not a dead and bot filled server? Seems pointless to me, and the time making the plugin could be spent on ways to actually attract new players. This could include, but not limited to, resetting gamemodes, adding gamemodes, implementing a new anticheat, etc. I think you get the point. I just don't feel that implementing this is time well spent for devs, as there are preexisting problems that still need fixing. No support.
    11. SPlRIT

      SPlRIT Active Member

      Jun 10, 2020
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      Neutral. Most people on this server have many alts an will use it to their advantage. Example - I have about 8 alt accounts. 8 alts would be 35$. Now I know it isnt a lot of money, but other players may have many more alts than I do. You could just log on a ton of alts and gain free money.
    12. Pitato

      Pitato Active Member

      Jan 13, 2020
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      @SPlRIT and @whatupRJ I highly suggest reading my replies towards @Deivid0ze above. Imperative changes and information has been placed within that reply. @whatupRJ although I highly agree with adding and implementing other ways to attract new players; a welcoming system is a great start. I am also proposing to Crew he adds a tutorial for each individual server. This hopefully will prevent confusion within new players and a possible massive incentive for them to stay. This is a way to regain activity within Mineverse and it could possibly work.​

      -For any future replies, please refer to the replies I have created. It may change your opinion. Release your opinion after you have thoroughly read my replies as it's exceedingly worthy of reading (imperative information within them). -
    13. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Support. I do see a few issues with this but they all have simple and common-sense fixes.

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