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  • rules concerning staff

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by hannah, Dec 1, 2020.

    1. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      hey yall :) its been a minute

      im just gonna make this simple and @Quertiss and @Sando3 because they are head mods and can probably help clarify this issue in my head a can't seem to wrap around...

      are there rules that moderators have to follow?

      are there rules concerning inactivity and other things for moderators and can we be made known of these rules? i believe that if the community knows these rules then it would be much easier to report a moderator, rather than having something up for discussion.

      in my opinion, i believe there could be several willing applicants to take someone's position that might not deserve it.

      for example: @Freakface who is a mod has not made any forum bans since september and hasn't even logged onto forums since november 10. from the discord i can see he is not inactive so where is he?

      this isnt a vendetta or an insult against the staff team, but a genuine concern because there are several applicants that are willing to provide a better job.

      i believe that if you are busy and cannot play as much as you would like to them simply resign rather than making a bad reputation for your fellow staff.


      EDIT: let me make myself clear :) i think mods should be held to a higher standard and the community should be informed of that standard. this matter has little concern for the activity of mods but should be entirely focused on the rules and standards that are set for them. thank you.
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      Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
    2. Tonya

      Tonya Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      I couldn't have said it any better myself. I understand that the majority of the staff team has no say in the matter (and neither do us standard players of course), but outlining these rules would set a standard to prevent debates and arguments. Also, by outlining a list of rules for staff members that can be seen by the public, it would also allow potential applicants to see what they are getting themselves into by applying for staff. For example, an applicant may find hopping on the server a couple of times a week to be adequate, but others may say that this is too inactive. Ultimately, outlining a set of minimum requirements for staff would benefit both the staff, players, and staff applicants.
    3. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      if mods are planning on being inactive for more than 4 days, they are to make an inactivity thread so head mods & other staff know they’re going to be away. usually their name appears ||hidden|| in discord as well (if sando remembers to update the staff list ;) )

      I do agree with you, inactivity is an issue with some staff members, there are some unexplained absences.

      being on break at the moment myself, i’m unsure as to whether these mods have logged in in-game recently (the /staff list ingame can be incorrect at times)

      it could be down to moderating style as well. some mods generally have busier schedules and moderate when they can, while others prefer to stay active on forums & discord when they can’t be in game. some mods prefer to log their bans ASAP (these aren’t visible to players btw, so regular players can’t see staff activity in terms of ban logs) and some tend to let their bans build up without logging.

      in the end i’m just one little mod in the staff team so i can’t speak for everyone, and everyone has their own opinions on this but i hope ive added a little insight :)
    4. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      this is so accurate and you're one of the good mods who i absolutely ADORE. all i really want is a clear guideline for mods that others can look at and can help out head mods rather than constantly having threads pop up every now and again expressing that they rarely see staff and having the same response of people have lives. also, its not my intention to bring down the entire staff team but rather to promote an idea that staff members should be held to a higher standard.
    5. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      i’m only a new mod so i’m haven’t completely learned the ropes, but in my opinion the head mods are pretty active and it’s their job to chase up mods who haven’t logged bans / made inactivity threads for unexplained absences, and it’s really up to them if they want to make moderator rules public.

      i’ll admit when i first got moderator i was a little surprised at how much more there was to the job than just banning / muting etc, and myself as well as current / prospective applicants could benefit from perhaps a guideline thread in the “Moderator Applications” section outlining the duties of the role, both to give applicants a better idea of what they’re signing up for and what moderators / head mods are looking for in an applicant. I believe this is just as important, if not more important than the “how to judge an applicant” thread.

      as for inactivity, there is a paragraph in the “when reporting a staff member” thread in the “Report a Staff Member” section where it is outlined that players should try not to report staff for inactivity / worry too much about inactivity, and rest assured that head mods will chase any mods they feel are being inactive. in my opinion as i’ve said before, both Quert and Sando are very active and so I have no doubt they will sort out / are currently sorting out any inactivity they are aware of :)
    6. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      But this has been proven untrue in the past time and time again. I feel as if we should be able to report inactive mods because they rarely get dealt with (in terms of demotion or forced resignation). If they actually dealt with the inactive mods, we would’ve had a lot more demotes, and I’m sure some of the current staff would no longer be staff.

      I’m down for some stricter, public rules.
    7. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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    8. Drop

      Drop Experienced Member

      May 31, 2016
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      Yeah i get your point, its just that some mods are kinda busy (school, work) Im pretty sure most of us are on finals, and Sabrina has a point, you might not see them in game, but they active in forums, or discord doing their best, probably higher staff team should talk about how other moderators stop being inactive, also remember timezones, and yea probably staff team should talk about ideas on how to stop this happening.

      Nice thread i liked it, thanks for the opinion.!
    9. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      To be honest, I understand where you're coming from with this statement. However I feel as though there could be other solutions, temporary ones before ensuring that a demotion would be the absolute right decision to make when a staff member is inactive. Basically higher staff could ask the inactive staff member if they could be more active, or take simple precautions before considering a flat out demotion. Obviously some mods prefer to be active on other platforms over others, for example more forums/discord activity rather than in-game due to personal reasons, everyone has a reason for their inactivity. Like Sabrina said, one mod can only speak for themselves, so this is just my opinion. I completely agree with your thread and I hope to god my reply makes sense because they never do :(
    10. Rasmus

      Rasmus Active Member Premium

      Oct 26, 2019
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      I agree
    11. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      i'm with you on the part about how we should be told the rules of moderators, and expectations of being a moderator. to answer your question, moderators do of course have rules to follow just like the rest of the community does. obviously their rules are tweaked, and different than ours, but still must follow a set of rules. as for the inactivity, many past previous moderators who have said in their application that they will be super active, and assure the community of their appearance on the server most of the time end up not being as active as they said. this has been a recurring issue throughout mv mod history, and sadly it is sometimes put to the side. unfortunately though, some of which those mods who are inactive typically are kind of farthest away from the team, isolated, and not involved. MV's mod past has been nothing but chaos, drama fest, and just problems. to be completely honest with you, i don't see mineverse as a server that has potential like other servers, I see it more as a community server, that has it's specific people that make mineverse, mineverse. you can never really trust anyone saying they will be active, and provide you a schedule because they just don't know when that schedule might have to change. so for you to say there are better providing applicants just seems like what others thought previously, and here we are replaying the cycle 7 years later.
      you cannot simply ask inactive staff members if they could be more active if they have reasons like you stated. as you said "temporary solutions" we are not looking for temporary solutions to deal with a problem like inactivity with a mod. you don't want a mod to temporarily become active again. i think there are different ways at going at this. well you can't "prefer to be active on other platforms over others" when you are assigned mod, you are assigned for MV globally, not the servers or platforms you desire. there has been servers with mods assigned to specific gamemodes, but MV is not that type. you are given moderator permissions throughout all platforms to moderate all platforms. to me, it seems ridicilous to be active on discord and not as much in-game. that's more so preference as you stated which isn't something that can be made by the moderator due to the reasons i stated.
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    12. Gang

      Gang Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
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      yes get rid of them
    13. Toheedprff786

      Toheedprff786 Experienced Member

      Aug 14, 2014
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      In my opinion, I think the main part needed is a rule list of some sort for mods like the regular player one. Obviously, they should be following the normal rules but I think that there should be some rules for moderators and what they have to follow in terms of bans mutes and any other type of report. Also, I think that there should be rules in terms of abuse and things like that due to the fact that you cant exactly report a mod for something like abuse or being biased as there arent any rules for that and they can easily just say that it isnt abuse and get away with it.
    14. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      I believe we should just give everyone mod so that players can't complain about the staff team and they have only themselves to blame

      100 IQ
    15. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      The only people who need to worry about mod activity are quert and Sando

      @AtomBow that's a sick idea
    16. Chipemunk

      Chipemunk twink

      May 23, 2016
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      I think people schedules are different so you can’t specifically set a guideline because they are not contracted to work or be on alert as it is a voluntary role. Also moderators who are inactive may have something happening irl so they don’t have to answer to questions from other people - in work for example you have leave/sick leave and on the whole it isn’t questioned but this isn’t a workplace so they have every more right to not be made to feel bad. For example you can’t say moderators should be expected to moderate for an hour everyday because one day it might be literally 10 minutes and some days 5 hours peoples schedules change because this isn’t the main priority for some people. They shouldn’t also feel like they are being judged/monitored/governed and I do think this would cause this. I do agree there should be some sort of guidelines of the bare minimum requirements of tasks which there is already which is a report I believe every set period of time (I can’t remember). I really do feel like this would pressure mods into trying to perform to those requirements and most of these moderators already have external pressures like school and people’s work levels are different. You have to remember these moderators are volunteers with social lives and they are not in any way obligated to serve the community in any way, yes they signed up to be a moderator but it is not their duty. I don’t mean this to sound argumentative to your point it’s just all too often I see people bashing inactive staff as if they can help it and as if they are just lazy in some cases this may be true but others are actually dealt with privately rather than having to justify it to everyone.

      also a lot of people in this thread stating ideas about rule lists and such that moderators have to follow - there are many expectation lists and rules about what mods cannot and can’t do as mods it’s just that you haven’t seen them.
    17. hannah

      hannah Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      edited for yall since the original was confusing thanks

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    18. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      tin15cro was once inactive for a year and no one bothered to check in, i remember we were in a call catching up once and we logged on here for the first time in forever and he had no idea how he was still mod lmao.

      it's up to the staff in charge to decide who'll get removed for inactivity at the end of the day. the server isnt even active enough to really warrant such a large staff team anyways, so it probably doesnt matter if staff go inactive for weeks or months. if you want an answer to this question you'll have to tag janice or sando for the answer.
    19. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Never heard a truer statement
    20. Xelnagahunter

      Xelnagahunter Well-Known Member

      Nov 8, 2013
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      As a former staff member from some years ago I feel like I should weigh in here a little bit since I stumbled across it. The staff team is designed to handle anything that isn't abusive to the playerbase on an internal level. It always has been. If a moderator is engaging in the forums/server in a way that is negatively impactful upon the players and their enjoyment of the server then players should report such things. This can be messages sent, be in private or public or even over a voice channel. This can be the abuse of the role in order to cheat. There are a large list of things this can apply to. Time spent inactive does not, however, negatively effect the experience of the players. It might be inconvenient to other staff who struggle to unsure the server is covered by staff as much as possible, but this is why it's an internal issue.

      I'm not sure if this bit is true today, but several years ago staff leaving due to inactivity were often from resignments in place of demotions. Most people at that point in the server that have not been removed for abuse care enough to step-down when they realize they are no longer being helpful. Some take longer than others to realize it.

      I hope my insight proved useful and that people haven't changed a ton since I was active here.

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