Dear Noobcrew and other staff, Congratulations on completing the new factions server, i know it must have been a lot of hard work, but i have quite a few suggestions to make. The new factions server, though it is cool with the new 1.7 items, is VERY hard to use and most of the commands have changed, which about 90% of the server does not like. Also, it seems like lots of people would enjoy the old server back. I propose that you make 2 factions servers on mineverse, one with the new world and objects, and the other one with the old way. I feel like this would make everyone happy, because i loved the old one, but hate the new one, and being a god, this makes me very mad because i am starting to feel like i wasted my money, because i just became one, solely because of factions. I am sure i am not the only one who donates because of factions, so by making these two servers, you would be making a lot of more money. Please take this into heavy consideration, Thank you, Paskov123
Well, if Noob makes a new one, it might push more people to join it, if it is better, therefore strengthening the chances of business. He needs money to keep his servers alive, I don't think having the old world would be much different, there would still be 1.7 items there also. Say.. he loads the world fresh but with a new slams, and doesn't venture out, because he assumes there is the same stuff. The new chunks possibly, might become 1.7 styled chunks. I think what you should propose is that he bring back the "old" factions plugin, if he is using a new one, without complaining about an already exceptional game. Did that make sense?
i can't play factions because its REALLY REALLY laggy for me and i can barely move every time :( plz fix
ya also the lag, and if u cant bring back the old map in a new server or playlist in mineverse, at least bring back the old commands and stuff EXCEPT the one where u had to be in combat to fight, that was terrible because ud be hitting someone for 10 min and they wouldnt get hurt, and they turn around and hurt u on the first hit EVERYTIME.
The thing about the "new way" is that most of the old functionality is still there, you simply need to learn how to use the new commands Here are a few helpful pointers: 1. Allies can build, destroy, access chests, and use doors. If you want something like the old allies, use /f truce, which is a new function allowing for "allies" of a sort who can't do all the things you probably don't want non-faction-members doing. 2. You can form parties with faction members using /party create [name] and /party invite [player]. While in a party, you can use party chat; "/party chat" by itself will send everything you type after that to party chat, or you can send individual messages. Other things you can do in a party: tp to other party members, automatically accept tps from party members to yourself, and auto-share loot and xp. Parties persist through their members logging out and returning. I believe they can be set so that people can join automatically, and passwords can be attached to them. 3. "/f f" replaces the old "/f who" command for factions; "/f f [faction]" lets you look at somebody else's faction. To look at a player's stats, type "/f p [player]." 4. You can't /claim land that isn't adjacent to your faction; however, you can /unclaim another faction's land, returning it to wilderness, without first claiming it--regardless of whether it is adjacent to your faction or not. Guard your power! 5. Diamonds are still found primarily between the 11 and 14 Y-coords. Diamond stuff is good for moneymaking; a diamond block costs $2700 to buy at the shop, and sells at the shop for $900. Auction it off for somewhere in between! The new shop offers a lot more by way of variety than the old one did; auctions are great for getting the cash you need to buy things. I started saving up for a spawner today, and I'm almost halfway there (with a faction-mate's help).