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  • EUR ♡ Sabrina's Application ♡

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by sabrina, Sep 22, 2020.

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    1. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I thought I'd start my application off with telling you a bit about me, so those of you who don't know me as well can understand the character behind the application. I know this isn't necessary, but I wanted to do this. My name is Sabrina, I'm 18 years old, I live in England with my family and am currently studying part time for a Health and Social Care degree at University. My hobbies include Mineverse, editing videos for my YouTube channel, talking to friends and caring for my animals.

      I started playing Mineverse in 2014. I joined the creative server here and instantly fell in love with the community, and made many friends that I will never forget. I even thought of applying for moderator back then too, but realised I only ever played Creative, and they had recently implemented "global" moderators. I left MV in late 2016 to focus on studies, and because the community was dying down.

      In March of this year, the pandemic caused my school to shut down, meaning I had to continue my studies from home. This left me with a lot of free time (and time to procrastinate work) so I thought I'd log into the forums and see what everyone was up to. It was here that I met some of my closest friends from the community today, who encouraged me to re-download Minecraft and hop back on the server. I am now an active player on pretty much all game modes, even Skywars which has now become it's own network.

      I know some of you may be wondering why I'm starting this application, especially after I have told quite a few people I wasn't going to apply. Well, after hearing more about the position & some kind words from dear friends, I decided to take the leap and apply. Even if I don't get the position, I will be able to learn from this whole experience.
      My IGN: Sa_Sa_Sabrina
      Timezone: GMT+1
      Country: England / UK
      Languages: English & French
      Capturing Evidence: OBS & Gyazo (keybinds for instant capture)
      Activity: I'm active pretty much every day, from around 11AM-11PM in my timezone. I am constantly active on forums & on the MV discord when not active in game, and have MineChat installed for on-the-go.
      How long I have been playing: I have been on mineverse since 2014, and forums since 2015.
      Past punishments: I have been warned twice on the forums for rate farming, both of which were mistakes on my part. I have accepted these warnings and I believe the points have expired. I have never been banned or muted in-game.
      Previous experience: Sadly, I have no past experience as a moderator on a Minecraft server, but everyone has to start somewhere. However, from being friends with a few moderators already on the staff team, I have already heard quite a lot about what goes into the daily life as a moderator, what expectations they have to uphold and tasks they have to complete. Of course, hearing about it is different to actually experiencing it, but hopefully this will be a learning experience for me. I am currently a moderator for the Mineverse discord!
      50 Post Count: Yes
      2FA Enabled: Yes
      2 Weeks on Forums: Yes
      Skype & Discord: Yes
      Discord Tag: sabrina#7209

      I want to start off by naming some qualities and traits that moderators should possess, and why I fit this criteria.
      Approachable - Moderators should always uphold friendly and welcoming personalities, and not alienate themselves from the general player base. Players should feel as if they can talk to moderators about issues occurring in-game, or even just have general conversation with them. I like to think of myself as approachable, I show interest in players and how they are feeling, am active in chat and forums when there are conversations and discussions both on and off topic, and try my best to help any players that need it. Even a friendly hello can make someone's day, so I strive to be friendly and approachable to all.

      Helpful - Moderators should always be helpful to players, answering any questions or queries no matter how "obvious" it may be to the moderator. New players need guidance and help to understand how the server works, and moderators should do their best to help them, without belittling or criticising their questions or concerns. I try my best to answer any questions written on the help section of forums, the #help channel on discord and written in-game to the best of my ability. If I don't know the answer to a question or concern raised by a player, I do my best to help them find the answer, by contacting a member of staff. If I am unable to help them myself, I make sure that they do get the help they need by bringing it forward, whether this means DMing staff, asking another online player, or checking the answer for myself if I am able to do so.

      Team Player - I believe moderators should work well with others, supporting each-other when needed and helping other moderators with any issues they may have. Of course, moderators should talk to higher staff when having issues beyond their power, but they should also help out others on the staff team to moderate to the best of their abilities, and be an active member in the staff team. I like to think I get along well with most if not all of the staff team members, and would play my part as a member of the team to help and support others.

      Hard-Working - I believe that moderators should put time and effort into what they do, as any mistakes could result in a false ban, giving someone the wrong answer when asking for help, or even a staff report made on them. Moderators should work hard to fulfil their tasks and duties, whether it's logging their bans or giving detailed responses to anyone who asks for help. I believe myself to be a very ambitious person, always putting effort in to achieve my goals and reach deadlines. Being in University means that nothing I do can be half-finished, I have to do everything to my full potential. I would love to build on this skill by being a moderator here.

      Objective - I believe that moderators should not be swayed by personal opinion. They should not go out of their way to ban / warn / mute someone based on their own view on that player, as this is immature and does not show good moderator conduct. Instead, moderators should apply consequences to players based on factual evidence, and never let their emotions towards that player cloud their judgement. I believe I possess the quality to be impartial, I report players based on the evidence put before me instead of my feelings towards them. This is one of the most important traits a moderator can have.

      Next, I want to explain why having me as a moderator will ultimately benefit the server.

      Being from a UK timezone, I will be active when most other staff aren't online due to sleep schedules / prior commitments. This will ensure that there can always be at least one staff member online to help players and the community, so the server stays a safe place to play. I have noticed that during my peak hours of playing MV there has been a gap in the availability of the moderating team, so I would like to fix this. I know reporting on forums is an option to mute / warn / ban players who have broken rules during these times, but by then they have already been on the server a while, causing them to do more damage. Having a staff member to fill the gaps where mods can't be active will remove this issue.

      As I am fluent in both English and French (first language English but have been learning french since the age of 6) I can act as a translator for any french players who may not understand English. Now I know this is an English-speaking server but this skill could be beneficial on occasion.

      I like to think that I have a good reputation, on forums, in game and on discord. I try my best to keep my language clean and I always respect the rules of the server. I strive to be friendly and kind at all times, and if people challenge me with toxicity I choose to ignore it, or even report the player if they are bypassing / being disrespectful. I understand there are players in the community that may not like me, but instead of being toxic or rude in return I choose to be the bigger person in the situation.

      I am an active member of the community. This may not be of high importance to most people, but I vote daily, enter competitions where I can, and even host giveaways and drop parties of my own. I am active on the forums and in game, not just to report people but to actually play the server, which I think is extremely important. It may seem obvious to some, but keeping an interest in actually playing on the server, getting involved in conversations and discussions, not just coming on to report players, is extremely important to me.

      I'm not perfect. Nobody's perfect. But an important factor in my personality is that I am willing to admit this. We can all make mistakes, and moderators do too. Instead of getting annoyed when a report has "lack of evidence", instead I realise my mistakes, and try to do better next time. This is extremely important, as it has to be known that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and although we try our best not to, sometimes it happens, and I take it upon myself to learn from these instead of getting angry or annoyed. I can't please everyone, I know this. But I also know I will try my best to perform the best that I can.

      Perhaps one of the most important things, I have a sense of humour. I can take a joke. This is still a block game, not everything should be taken seriously. However, there are some situations that have to be handled maturely, and I know when to be serious.

      Why I stand out from other applicants

      I just want to make it clear that I am in no way degrading other applicants, some of them I know very well and am close friends with. I just want to show how I can stand out from the crowd.

      I am well-known and active in the community. I am active every day, both online and on forums, and play an active role in interacting with other members of the community. I ensure that I am friendly and approachable at all times, and try my best to be as engaged as possible in the MV community.

      I'm not afraid to admit my weaknesses. I always want to be honest and truthful, and so I have reflected this in my application. No, I don't have any past experience, but I am willing to learn what it takes to be a moderator, and will put my full effort into that.
      Before you judge my application, please consider:
      • Have you seen me online on forums, discord and in game, actively helping & reporting players?
      • Do you think I am mature enough for this position?
      • Don't let your feelings towards me, good or bad, cloud your judgement for how suitable I am for the position.
      • Although experience is important, everyone has to start somewhere, and what I don't know already I could learn on the job through mentoring & training.
      • Have you read the whole application?
      Thank you for taking the time to read my application. Please write any feedback or questions you have for me below, and I will answer anything else needed for you to make your decision.
      Any FAQ will be answered here, for people to easily see & so I don't have to repeat myself. If you have any questions, please leave them in a reply!
      Didn't you say you weren't going to apply for moderator?
      Yes. I thought my lack of experience would put me a step behind other applicants, but after talking to some dear friends I have decided to try my best and apply anyway.
      Why did you apply now? Why not sooner/later?
      For the past few months I have been debating whether to open an application. It wasn't until now that I gathered up the courage to put myself out there and open this thread. There's no time like the present!
      Last edited: Oct 19, 2020
    2. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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    3. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      By far the most diverse and sensible moderator application I've seen. You've highlighted very important aspects about yourself that not many applicants do; your mistakes, your weaknesses, how you already benefit the server as a whole and so many more. Personally I think you're more than ready but that's just my opinion, and I don't want to write a huge paragraph but I took my time reading this because I was intrigued from the beginning. I love your application, I love the qualities you highlighted about yourself and the brief introduction before answering the template questions, very creative, very unique and definitely a mature and responsible candidate and a friendly application. I wish you the best of luck! <3
    4. Rasmus

      Rasmus Active Member Premium

      Oct 26, 2019
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    5. Vem

      Vem Experienced Member

      Jun 19, 2019
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      Support Sab.
      Better than my boys? :O

      This is a bit ehh tho..
      I'm not saying this because I'm a male, but don't include gender :facepalm:

      You're basically saying: You should choose me over the other applicants because I'm a woman.

      This doesn't change where I'm standing.
      Last edited: Sep 22, 2020
    6. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      -Active in game
      -Active on forums and discord
      -Active reporter
    7. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      1st REPLYYYYY
      thank you so so much it means a lot <3
      hehe thank you
      i could never!!
      -Active thank you
    8. nathan48

      nathan48 Experienced Member

      Sep 18, 2015
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      Support! play eggwars with me
    9. boba

      boba Retired Administrator Discord Leader Premium

      Jul 24, 2020
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      SUPPORT, it's pretty obvious why I'm supporting Sabrina. *I kinda wanted her to apply and she did so ty* and she's really active, always doing reports and is always helping. I've seen this in many many ways and she should definitely be promoted.

      Why not just skip promo wave for her and me ;)

      *jokes* but I hope to see you as Moderator next promo wave! Good luck from BobaLatte <33
    10. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      i'm sorry but no support - if you wanna know why, please dm me on discord or here i'm fine with either
    11. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      You're active across all platforms (forums, discord, in-game) and diverse game modes rather than just one. You've been playing here a while so I believe you have the knowledge about the server that a mod should have. You also have made many suggestions as to how the server could improve, and I think this shows you care about Mineverse and would further do your best to help as a moderator.

      You're friendly, approachable, and helpful at all times.

      Absolute support, good luck. I'm so glad you finally applied.
    12. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      yes yes yes!
      hehehe thank you bobaaa :)
      I’m sure you have your reasons, sorry I can’t change your mind.
      thank you so much mj!! means a lot coming from an OG staff :)
    13. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      idek if you know my reasons, but alright you can go with that
    14. Salvation

      Salvation Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      Neither of these are correct, there is no dash.
      The announcement of Minetime closing down (here) was posted in 2016. As a player of Minetime since 2013, I don't believe there was any other incident of the server closing down besides this instance, a blacklist after this instance (you could still join on hacked clients, just not vanilla Minecraft) & the whitelist that was put on the server in like, 2018 or 2019.
      This is sexist asf regardless of whatever statistic you've provided (I don't doubt it, but I'd like to see a RELIABLE source). Your gender should not be factored into staff promotions/applications.
      No support because of this ^
    15. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I changed it to have a dash as it would come up as a spelling error while typing.

      Okay, maybe I got the times wrong. The important thing is that I left Minetime and joined Mineverse. As the creative server was dying down, I wanted to find a new one.

      this is just a tiny tiny addition to my application, it is no way required in the actual template of the application. I wanted to list some ways in which I am different to other candidates, one of which happens to be my gender. I even said it's one of the things that make me stand out, it doesn't necessarily make me better, so no, it's not sexist, as I am not putting females above any other gender. I am simply stating a fact, I'm the only girl applying, that's a difference between me and other applicants.

      All in all what you've pointed out and no-supported me for doesn't judge me as an applicant for moderator on this server, so I please ask you to re-evaluate your decision based on my current activity, reports & character.
    16. Salvation

      Salvation Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      Oh okay, but why did you forget to mention your time as staff on Minetime?
      The fact that you mentioned it all is astonishing, it doesn't & shouldn't matter, no matter the reason you're saying your gender. It isn't relevant, and should be considered filler to make your application bigger if you had no genuine sexist intent.

      Attached Files:

    17. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Okay. About this. I lied on an application I made 5 years ago, as I thought having experience would make me seem more impressive. I realise, even back then, that this was a mistake. I was 13 years old, I didn't realise that experience isn't everything. This old application is irrelevant now, so please don't bring it up.

      Okay. I can't edit the post as it exceeds the word count. If I could, I would take this part out, but I can't. I wanted to list the ways I stand out from other applicants, as that is part of what I think should be included in applications. Sorry for offending you.
    18. Salvation

      Salvation Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      No worries, albeit that this seems insincere.
      One last thing I'd like to point out is that the dashes between your "Mine" and "Verse"s is a big nod towards you possibly using grammarly, but not a dead giveaway. I hope this is not the case and wish you luck on application regardless of the things I have pointed out, and that you have a good rest of your evening.
    19. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      I assure you I haven't used any such thing, you can see for yourself typing Mineverse vs typing Mine-Verse while writing these replies that a red line appears under the word. I changed these while typing so I could go over and check any errors that I had made, and fix them.

      I have now corrected the spelling of the servers, and removed the parts you were concerned about. Thank you for your feedback.
    20. Manu

      Manu Experienced Member

      Mar 25, 2017
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      -Active in game
      -Active on forums and discord
      -Active reporter
      Sabrain ;)
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