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  • Lower the amount of required subscribers for the youtube rank.

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Atom, Sep 14, 2020.

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    1. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Currently the requirements you need to apply for the youtuber rank are At least 200 subscribers, At least 3 videos on Mineverse, 1 video on Mineverse every 3 weeks, Two Factor Authentication set up on your forums account, Required to have Discord for offline communication and Two Factor Authentication set up on your discord account. I find most these requirements fair because if you get accepted as a youtuber you'll granted access to perms such and /fly and /god which can be abused so you'd have to be trustworthy. The only thing that I would like to see changed is maybe lower the amount of required subs by 25 or 50, just something that would help the smaller youtubers apply and get accepted. I'm going to use @sabrina in this example, Sabrinas channel has around 60ish subscribes but she averages 100-200 views per each video and she makes a video every couple of days. Subscriber count doesn't really mean anything because they're youtubers who has small subscriber counts but average hundreds of views like Sabrina. There are probably some other youtubers who don't meet the subscriber count but get hundreds of views per each video and the subscriber requirement is what's stopping them from applying.

      If you agree or disagree w this thread please put why down below​
    2. Disc

      Disc Experienced Member

      Apr 12, 2020
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      Support, would make it easier to get MV's name across YT and possibly gain more players from it.
    3. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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    4. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      the 200 subscriber mark is the only aspect of the criteria that I am yet to reach. To be honest, it does give me a goal to work towards, but with the amount of people who view videos and dont like to subscribe to anyone (this used to be me) or people who watch videos without being logged in to youtube, the subscriber count doesn't really amount to much. In my opinion, it's the views that count. People who are actively watching the content. Most channels who started a long time ago (i'm not saying all, but MOST) have inactive subscribers that maybe were around years ago but don't interact with the content anymore, besides being a number on the subscriber count.

      In my opinion, there should be less of a criteria and more of a judgement of character; how reputable is the person, what content are they putting out there, how are they representing the server through their videos, etc.

      I'm going to be honest, I don't think the criteria is going to be changing anytime soon. It would be amazing if i could be accepted based on the views i get and how often i post, but realistically that's not going to happen. GB has already lowered the subscriber count from 250 - 200 in the past so i don't think it will happen again.

      Of course I support this
      , I'd be mad not to, but i'd rather that when looking for YT applicants, the person behind the channel is put into consideration more than the numbers, as yes they are there for publicity for the server, but are also a representative in a sense.
    5. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      No support, simply 'getting mv onto yt' by giving people the rank doesn't work like that. The rank is mostly cosmetic, and just for people who we believe deserve it. People can get yt rank ofc, but just giving it to random people won't get mv popular. You don't need the yt rank to be able to upload on mineverse..
    6. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      thanks sab

      I mean if the rank is mostly cosmetic why does it have /fly and /god? And who said anything abt random people? Currently there's only one person applying but like I said they're many people who get many views yet don't meet the subscriber requirment. I mean I get your point that people can upload regardless but it gives you more pride to actually have the youtuber rank on the server you're applying for.
    7. Qwiby

      Qwiby parkour enthusiast Premium

      Nov 3, 2015
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      No support

      200 is already extremely low. There should be a decent subscriber amount to not just give out youtube ranks for free. I habe 20 subs on a youtube channel i have 0 videos posted publicly. Lowering it anything under 200 just seems dumb imo.

      200 seems like a perfectly reasonable amount
    8. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      what does this have to do with anything?
      if it's so low why aren't people applying then?
    9. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      Yeah no sorry

      I originally lowered the count from 2000 to 200, which I feel is still pretty low but fair for now. And as others have said the rank isn't just a cosmetic for people to have to look cool, it's mean to benefit the server and the youtuber. We want youtubers with a large subscriber base as they will be able to reach out to more people to help promote the server, and in turn we will help promote the videos.

      Lowering it any further than it is would just defeat the purpose of the rank.

      Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will not be implementing this suggestion.

      Should you have any more suggestions or feedback for how we may improve the network, please feel free to create another thread.

      Thread moved to archives.

      The Staff
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