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  • A Change to the Promotion System

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jichdt, Aug 11, 2020.

    1. Jichdt

      Jichdt Active Member

      Nov 2, 2019
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      Promoting staff every 3-4 months is literally the worst system ever thought of by man kind. Give it to people who deserve it by showing commitment and activity lmfao. Idk who thought of this promo system but it sucks . As well, giving staff members who stepped down priority is also stupid. Head mods should leave feelings aside and hop on the server once and a while and actually watch the good applicants to see if they're doing a good job. Who tf are the head mods anyways. At this point give Sando and Tuber head mod cuz they're actually active and know the good applicants. In conclusion the server needs a ton of changes and a good staff team is a big one.
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    2. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      Yes ok!!!!! Let's promote every week and have a staff team that consists of around 80 players and eventually have more staff than actual players! Seems like an amazing idea.

      Honestly, this is the most naive thread I've seen for a while. You're trying to judge a system and staff members when you have no idea about the inner workings.
      And we do reward them. As we do promotions in waves, it also helps us give a sense of how committed they will be as they're waiting for their promotion.
      I'm not sure if you're trying to imply here that we only promote staff members who don't show commitment or activity, but if you are. Then I'm sorry but you're lost. We don't just randomly promote anyone, there's a huge decision system and the head mods aren't the only ones who get involved with it.
      Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. This has NEVER been the case in promotions. You can look through so many past promo waves and see former staff members who missed out on being promoted. An ex staff member won't just get promoted because they used to be staff. They need to work for it like the rest of the mod applicants. There is no bias or special treatment towards former mods and there never has been.
      And again another naive reply. You realise both of the head mods are in uni and have busy lives? Even despite that they're in game as much as they can and of course they know the applicants. Even if they don't know them personally they will get opinions and recommendations from the rest of the staff team, which tends to play a huge part in promoting players.
      And to answer this question, they're people (not robots yes very surprising) who have given a lot to the server and dedicate a lot of time to helping the community. Which seems to be the opposite of what you're doing here.
    3. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I think both Matt and Jichdt have good and bad points.

      Waiting 4+ months to promote someone has no relation to how dedicated and long they'll stay in the mod team. People leave after 2 weeks and after 2 years. I'm guessing people like Jichdt are frustrated because they have people causing trouble and ruining their MV experience and there are no mods online to help them, but there are heaps of people online with mod apps that are unable to help because they’ve been waiting months with pages and pages of supports, the promotion process is too long. Obviously Mineverse wants trustworthy mods and this system doesn't weed them all out either but it does a pretty good job.

      I think things definitely could be better, we've had the same system since the start and it has worked, but how well it actually works is a matter of opinion. Change isn't bad, Minecraft servers that change succeed, it's proven. The Mod team would be silly not to at least consider mixing things up a bit.
    4. Toheedprff786

      Toheedprff786 Experienced Member

      Aug 14, 2014
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      I agree with torch, both duck and jichdt have good/bad points

      the h-mods are busy and cant be on 24/7 cus they actually have lives. they DESERVE their position and do help out when necessary.

      i understand thinking that ex-mods have priority because they've been mod before and have shown that they are good and can be trusted and imo they actually belong as staff and have earnt their position. they may resign for many reasons such as not being able to be active for a while but might come back and when they do they want to help out again by being mod and as they've shown their trustworthy they're more likely to be a better applicant.

      new mods every 3/4months is kinda stupid tbh, u should pick new mods every 8months-1yr and pick the good ones. this way u can wait for there to be many applicants and pick the best 4/5 so that this way only the BEST applicants are picked and if any players arent too well-known by the h-mods they can get to know them and understand how they really are instead of just lucking at all the applications which are mostly just the player trying to be as positive as possible and within the few months they can easily pretend to be 'nice' or 'helpful'.

      Mineverse does need to consider change
    5. izzymoney

      izzymoney Established Member

      Aug 4, 2020
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      i think the mods are good
    6. Toheedprff786

      Toheedprff786 Experienced Member

      Aug 14, 2014
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      some are some arent btw i think u should learn a bit more about the server and the mods before u comment something
    7. izzymoney

      izzymoney Established Member

      Aug 4, 2020
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      ok i am sorry u are right
    8. Skrown

      Skrown Well-Known Member

      Jan 7, 2015
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      Thing is, people tend to apply for moderator and once there promoted they go either completely inactive. Or they just don't get on as often as they use to... So promoting even more applicants, would just flood the staff team for no reason
    9. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      I mean i get it's a somewhat harsh wait in between each promotion wave consisting of 3-4 months possibly even more. It's not as easy as you'd think when it comes to promoting someone. Just because they made a fairly decent or even somewhat excellent application doesn't mean they should be or should even be considered for staff. Obviously I'm a new mod, I don't know the ins and outs and can't pin point every little step that goes through promoting new applicants. I do know however that there's a lot more to it than an application. For example; activity, commitment, somewhat known around in the community, and be yourself. These 4 factors play a huge role and your application doesn't always speak for you, it's only the first step. With that being said, as harsh as the time is in between waves as I said before, I think it's best that it stays the same. Gives the higher ups more time to evaluate and more time to discuss certain applicants strengths and weaknesses and how they can or can't be a good applicant and or Moderator or whatever they have to talk about.
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      Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
    10. Jichdt

      Jichdt Active Member

      Nov 2, 2019
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      I dont think I've ever read such a dumb, suck up response in my entire life. I am truly baffled of how much of a simp you are LOL. You took my words and spit out the complete opposite interpretation.

      An example of what I really mean, is Rent should've been promoted months before he actually did. I have no idea wtf gb is talking about

      By saying what I said, I do not mean promote people every week, I simply mean when someone deserves it and there is an open spot, they should just promote the person instead of waiting 2 months to be consistent with a "promotion wave"
    11. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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    12. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      What is the issue you're bring up? Promotion waves being an issue or that they don't occur enough? I have no issue with promotion wave but I do feel they should happen more often.
      That is exactly what they do. Players wont be promoted to staff if they aren't committed or active.
      Giving someone a job that you have seen them do firsthand is stupid? Why wouldn't you prioritise someone you KNOW will do a good job over someone new?
      This can basically translate to "promote people to mod and check they're able to actually do the job and see if they're abusing". You should promote people to staff you trust. Trust is an EMOTION. No one should ever promote someone to staff before making sure you think they'd do a good job. Are you say the server should make everyone who applies staff and make head-mods stay online to babysit them to make sure they don't abuse their new position?
      I don't know either of those two well enough to question their leadership skills.
    13. Pink

      Pink Well-Known Member

      May 7, 2014
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      I actually agree with you, I think the "Staff Manager" should be undercover in-game and watch the applicants and promote people when they think it is the right time instead of promoting 3 times a year

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