Mineverse Updates - June 28th, 2020. KitPvP/OPPvP - Added /coinflip. Create a bet or challenge a player, 50/50 gamble. Winner takes all minus a 15% tax. Usage: - /coinflip <amount> <heads/tails> - to create a bet. heads or tails is what you choose. if you choose tails, then a player can challenge your bet with a heads. - /coinflip stats - displays your stats such as games won, money spent, lost, etc. - /coinflip help - info in-game on the coinflip cmds you have access to. (This is for fun, low bets are recommended. We will not deal with reports where someone gambles all their money away. The max bet is 50 and the tax rate is for this reason.) KitPvP/OPPvP/Skyblock - Increased the auction house list time from 48 to 72 hours.