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  • Survival Give Survival Back some Perks!

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by iEco, Jul 14, 2019.

    1. iEco

      iEco Experienced Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      Hey readers! My IGN is iiEco, and due to popular demand by the survival players, I'm making this post. When older survival was still a thing, Titans and higher-up ranks had permissions such as /enchant, /god, and /v. I feel like since we paid for these permissions, (the full $250 for most of us) we should get them. I understand everybody thinks these are OP, but if players want a Vanilla Minecraft Experience, play singleplayer!

      God Command: The /god command is clearly one of the most OP of the bunch. It was removed for various reasons but in my understanding one of the largest was that players enabled it in PvP to heal themselves when the cooldown wasn't over. I can understand that this could be a problem, but I believe that you could have the PvP timer disable /god commands until it was done. This would let Titans roam around with features they paid for. Another good reason for bringing back /god is that when Mods were offline, inactive or plain didn't do their jobs (as we all know some don't), Titans would be able to block off deathwarps, stop griefing and make the community as wholesome and welcoming as it should be.

      Enchant Command: In my understanding, this command was removed because it was "too OP". The /enchant command could possibly have a cooldown, so after using the enchant command (and the following is an example) five times in a row, you would need a cooldown of five minutes. This would prohibit use (and possible abuse) of this command, while still giving the ranks the perks they paid for.

      The Vanish Command: In my understanding, the vanish command is something only mods get now. Similar to the God Command, the vanish ability was removed for being overpowered. Players used to be able to record griefs, PVP abuse and more rule breaking offenses using the Vanish command, but was removed in the newer survival update. Just like the god command, ranks paid for this ability, and it shouldn't have been taken away without at least a warning to the players and a replacement that makes up for the loss of this perk.

      Added /fly command: The /fly command is a well wanted command that I believe should be gifted to Titans and Gods. But with a twist! Don't worry, we don't need the mod powers. The /fly command for Titans and Gods should be limited to claims that they are either trusted to or own to prevent griefing and abuse. This would be a newer command and need approval by the developers and owners, but I think it would be reasonable to have, especially for ranks that costed $100 and $250. Comments are welcomed!

      In conclusion, the Titans paid for these perks and after they were removed no refunds were issued (and I understand the policy on rank refunds, but it's just plain moral basis), and no apologies or explanations were made. $250 is alot to spend on a server, especially one that (lets admit it) has declined in activity in the last few years. On newer, more active servers, the top rank usually has a cap of about 100 dollars. That's (and bear with my math please) 2.5x the price of more popular servers! I can understand anybody who has any possible ideas that this isn't good and I'm sure I can find a way to further explain my (as well as many survival player's) views if needed. Thank you very much, and I hope you can support the survival community in this.
    2. LuckyCatx2016

      LuckyCatx2016 Active Member

      Oct 28, 2016
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      Yes! Agreed :) /fly would really help with difficult builds
    3. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      /fly in claims would be cool but /enchant would ruin the market on enchants and /god and /vanish sounds like a couple great tools for trolling and griefing. So in conclusion I only would ask /fly in claims.

      Also we have /vanish, it’s called an invis pot.
      Last edited: Jul 20, 2019
    4. KidCraftKiller

      KidCraftKiller Experienced Member

      Aug 27, 2016
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      and can /wild actually take you to some random wild area on the map instead of the protected area around spawn <3
    5. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      God Command
      Last time, /god didn't work during combat (I think). Obviously players could just run/pearl away and type /god, even if a person is running after them. If the /god command has a cooldown option in essentials(x), then sure, this is fine.

      Enchant Command
      The enchant command is highly configurable. Enchants can be removed, as well as their values. Limiting the enchants you can perform (like Sharpness V (or sharpness at all), could work. I am not sure if there was a cool down option for it though. Ideally it would also cost an X amount of money, but that's not built into essentials(x), I think.

      Vanish Command
      The same argument you used in the /God command paragraph is true, but it's not something that we should nag about so much. Mineverse is perfectly fine (legally) to remove perks from ranks. On the ethical, and player side, it's a bit of a slap in the face with a sling slong (referring to a male's private body part(s). We purchased Titan with the understanding we have /God and /V and /Enchant, and to have them taken away suddenly feels wrong.

      Having said that though, the command was bound to be abused by someone, and it happened on more than once occasion. This plugin might solve some of those problems: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/supervanish-be-invisible.1331/

      Fly Command
      This plugin might work: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/claim-fly-✈-flight-in-claims-and-plots.60481/
    6. Rick547

      Rick547 Active Member

      Nov 24, 2015
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      That defeats the purporse of survival.
    7. Dizzy

      Dizzy Active Member

      Jul 10, 2016
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      lol not in the slightest. Being able to build easier has nothing to do with survival. Being able to enchant something with whatever you want ruins survival. Survival is about gathering resources and surviving. If you could fly anywhere then yes it ruins the point of survival, but being able to fly in your claim limits you.

      Every command mentioned ruins the point of survival except /fly in claims and /vanish but we already have invis pots. Hell, /sethome defeats the purpose of survival more than /fly would.
    8. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      I understand your frustration, titans donated alot of money for their ranks so deserve some awesome perks and in time I do plan to add some more perks for titans but enchant, god and vanish won't be one of those perks
    9. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Neutral, honestly some of these are way too op. Some other cool perks should however be added to compensate for the loss of these commands
    10. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      This was based on an older Survival. This suggestion may no longer reflect on the thoughts the original poster had at the time of creating this post.

      We got /fly at the end of the previous Survival, which was actually enjoyable. It gave people an insentive to get Titan.
    11. sabrina

      sabrina Discord Moderator Discord Moderator Premium

      Dec 29, 2015
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      No support.

      /god, as you put it, is OP. Having the /god perk back would destroy the true meaning of survival, which is to survive. This perk would be counterproductive to the classic survival atmosphere the staff were going for when they remade the game mode, trying to liken it to a normal single-player survival with the added benefit of playing with friends, having claims, and even using /feed and /heal. Adding /god back, though I agree titans should get more perks, would only make survival OP, which is not the aim anymore.

      Again, as you put it, this command is too OP. It's so easy just to mine coal or farm mobs to get the enchantment points, and you can easily buy materials needed to make an enchantment table in /shop if you can't be bothered to mine obsidian or hunt for diamonds. /shop is already making it easier for players to get enchantments, I don't think /enchant is needed at all.

      Although I do somewhat agree that the /vanish command is useful (Isn't it annoying when players ask for /heal), this command should be reserved for staff in order to identify hackers - or to afk to gain claim space ;) . I would also like to highlight that the titan rank, along with all other ranks, are a donation to the server, and MV has no obligation to give us the perks that we already have anyways, so using the fact that they didn't warn us as a reason for it back is redundant.

      /fly was useful for builds in the old survival, as well as finding claims far away from other players. While I stand by the fact that it has it's uses, it is also overpowered as you say, some titans could use this for abuse. I have to credit your idea for only having fly on your claims, however I feel like this would be difficult to implement and may also have some problems; for example, what if the player accidentally flew out of their claim - would they fall to their death, or just start glitching uncontrollably?

      I would like to highlight again that ranks are simply a donation to the server, and mineverse reserves no obligation to "refund" for the perks lost. Though it would have been nice for some warning, we have to maintain the mindset that we are lucky to receive the perks we have been given, even if they are less than the past survival game mode. I do recognise the upset with the perks lost, as they were advertised with the Titan rank, but we were never promised anything, and I believe it is stated that perks to ranks can change at any time.

      In conclusion, I'm staying with no support.
    12. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      Neutral reasons stated by sab
    13. SniffMyToes

      SniffMyToes Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Grave digging doesn’t apply to Suggestion threads.

    14. iEco

      iEco Experienced Member

      Nov 21, 2016
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      nvm im stupid thanks sniff
    15. DahBaby

      DahBaby Active Member

      Aug 19, 2019
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