Simple suggestion: Add /nick to skyblock and/or other gamemodes - Simply adds the ability to express one's self through nicknames. - Add the command as a rank perk, possibly for Elite+ or something. - Either create a rule making illegal nicknames bannable (such as curse words, Hitler, etc.) or add a filter that prevents these nicknames. - For reports or simply to answer the question, add either /whois or /realname to see the name of a nicked player.
Support. Would be cool but the players would have to have a nickname relevant to their real IGN. or else it will be easy to impersonate someone else or even a mod.
Neutral, it would make the chat look pretty messy as people would name rename themselves long names just to troll, but it sounds like it'd be a lot of fun to use. Also like @Cwes said it should be for maybe Elite +
Set a character limit and a cooldown (maybe like a day) to prevent both long names and chat trolling. I also put that in the suggestion itself. I know, that's the point.
Neutral. Not a bad idea but it could get confusing when reporting and will make moderating names 2 times worse.
I just haven't really liked nickname features used. Maybe if your Nickname is exclusive to changing the color of it sure but otherwise I'm neutral on it.
Support. on noobs other server, if you report a ranked player w a nickname you have to include /re proof, maybe add that to the requirements for a report? < for the people commenting about the reports and a character limit def, and no color changes. it’ll match your prefix so if you were a god you’d have a blue nickname and so on. personally on this other server I play they have a rule where you have to have the first three letters of your ign as your nickname so you can be tabbed in. example, since my ign is twxntyonepilots, my nickname would have to start with Twx, so maybe twxnty. this might be a nice feature to add, or you could also just let it be free range.
Support. When you type in chat and someone hovers over your name it already shows the exact player name even if someone is nicked and because it’s a nickname it doesn’t show your nickname above your player character but only when you type in chat. Therefore it’s not really that big of an issue in reports. I do want everyone to be able to nick themselves but I still only thinks this should be a titan perk as Titan rank really needs some changes imo. For cooldows I’d say it should be 14d at least - to make no confusion in chat so you don’t have to look up a player all the time. However /unnick or whatever it would be called would have no cooldown. For inappropriate names I believe the player should be given a warning and have to unnick themselves. If they don’t this would be counted as an inappropriate name and would have the same punishment as normal inappropriate names. - Just my general opinions on this.