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  • Infection Reset Infection

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by jarroy, Jun 1, 2020.

    1. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      This is, possibly, a really controversial opinion, and I would understand the anger and frustration of having to work back to where you are. See, I was once a Prestige 10 SgtMaj, way back in 2014/2015. Unfortunately, there’s no evidence supporting me in that cause anymore. Since then I know there have been resets, and I’ve had my own levels reset too, which is why I would understand the anger...

      Now, to the point of this thread...

      Since being back on the server, I have, of course, returned to the Infection game mode because it was the first game mode I played when I joined Mineverse, and fell in love with it immediately. I made many of my first friends on that game mode in 2013, and I only started exploring other game modes on mineverse once I joined the forums, so I was basically OBSESSED with the game.

      Upon my return, it became very obvious that the game is played, mostly by those with the late prestige levels, having access to a lot of the perks that comes along with them, such as enhanced armor, eggs, and bow and arrows for zombies. The game’s rules are to survive the outbreak, but you need to be the last man standing to actually level up, or kill zombies to gain XP to level up. So to many newer players, or players with low levels on the game mode, it becomes nearly impossible to survive when there are eggs, and arrows being thrown around from the multiple people with late prestige ranks. Killing zombies becomes harder for those who do not have the enhanced weapons, and killing humans is basically impossible with the enhanced armor they don, either from their in-game level, or paid rank.

      The biggest issue on the game is teaming with other players on the same prestige level, and ranks as each other, but that is not something that can be solved by mineverse staff. It is just something that persists.

      So resetting the game becomes a plausible case.

      Pushing everyone back to level 1 will garner less teaming from those with the same levels. Surely those with the same paid ranks will continue to be prevalent and team against others, but besides that, it gives a chance to a broader crowd of players who currently struggle to reach higher levels. And it makes the game more fun for everyone.

      I have heard the game has been reset multiple times before, so I don’t know what people will think about resetting it once more. I don’t know how anyone will react, so, if you have any concerns or troubles with resetting the game again, just leave them below and I’ll do my best to answer you, and address your concern.

      Thank You :)
    2. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      It's a vicious cycle.

      With every reset everyone goes back to square one, but eventually we'll always have players who max out in a few months and dominate the gamemode. Solution? Another reset, because these players virtually control who will win and who does not. And this continues.

      It's an inherent problem that comes with this gamemode, but that is not the only reason "post-game" Infection may not feel so welcoming to new players.

      BOTTOM LINE: I feel that any suggestion to reset Infection should highlight the vicious cycle issue and how to improve eliminate it, or we are going to be stuck like this forever. Make the new players happy while still retaining the loyalty of your dedicated p10s. That is what should be achieved.

      Idea 1 by yPrim (Prestige Reset)
      Idea 2 by Scorvix and countless others (Prestige 100)

      Conversely one can argue against resetting Infection. These examples are a rough idea on how to solve the vicious cycle issue: making no end to The Grind, so "maxed" players won't exist.
    3. Robo

      Robo Well-Known Member

      Jan 5, 2016
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      I agree. Infection was kind of designed to die out after everyone maxing out, as there is nothing to do afterwards. A reset might help for a bit but then it will die again. The reason it survived in the old days was because the server had thousands of players and even then only about 50 of those players were on infection.
    4. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      I get what you're saying but it really hasn't been that long since the last reset compared to previous ones
      Also what's your ign?
    5. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      Neutral, if it resets too much there is literally no point in grinding the game
    6. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      I'd support a reset if a large update was incorporated. Such as maps being fixed/added/removed, more post-p10-content, a rework on prestige perks, and countless other small improvements.

      I don't see a point in a reset if it's just going to stay the same.
    7. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      I understand all of your viewpoints, and I think it SHOULD be addressed that something has to
      change if the plan is to reset the game again. The "vicious cycle" of the game serves almost no purpose beyond that people grind their levels over and over, and eventually will max out again. I think the most important fix to the game would be adding more prestige ranks past that of 10. Reaching 10 is already hard work in of itself, but as SSMH said, multiple players max out at 10 in a few months. With ranks going past 10, up to at least 20 or 30, it would give them a new venture of obtaining higher levels. The issue with prestige ranks past 10 would be how to incorporate perks properly, and not make the zombie so advantageous, that newer players could not gain levels. Should paid ranks be removed? This would anger many who've paid for their ranks on mineverse. What if they were incorporated into prestige levels? The payment for the rank would be worthless then, besides the kit xp. Should the perk for each prestige be something smaller than it already is? This would make the idea of reaching prestige 20 or 30 useless. So there is a lot of issues here that become more complex as you dive deeper into the "fairness" aspect of the game, which should ultimately be the goal of most game modes. What if we just overhauled the entire game mode? It could take months, coming up with more ideas to add, making new maps, addressing concerns etc. I would willingly take on this project if it was something others would be interested in. I'm not the only one here who's thought of other ideas that could improve the game. So what are your takes? How can this game mode be improved, and yet, at the same time, keep it fair enough that everyone has a chance to gain ranks if that is their desire?

      I think if we are to reset the game, there should be other overhauls to the game mode. refer above ^, and it's jarroyonaples
      I think resets have to be something to always keep in mind for a game mode. I know it's not like other games like survival and factions, where people claim all the land, take all the resources, etc., but for infection, it becomes more one-sided, to the players with higher ranks, and so it creates an unbalance of how the game should be working, and lower levels will gain prestige ranks slower, or give up entirely. Again, even if we do reset infection, there has to be major changes to the game. refer above ^.
    8. DeathAuras

      DeathAuras Experienced Member

      Sep 14, 2019
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      Neutral leaning to no support. If resets happen too often then it just isn't fun to play anymore as stated above. The last reset was like last year I guess when infection came back and the reason some players could want a reset IMO is that the people who are already p10 are those that have been playing since infection came back, in September, and the majority of them are teamed and help each other win, etc. Some higher-level players could also kill the fun for new players in a way when they grind for leaderboard positions like top 10 human kills, zombie kills and killstreaks myself included. (ez 152 ks)
      If this suggestion were to be implemented right now then there has to be an incentive for new players to join and old players to come back,obviously. Infection occasionally has maybe 15-20 players at its peak hours and it can obviously be quite boring with all the camping especially in older maps where there's too many good spots so should infection be reset there should be a few criterias met first.
      Namely, there should be new maps added or some old maps brought back like maybe bring back jungle/forest for a week and then Halloween and maybe even a mini-nuketown apart from this, kits and prestiges should be reviewed and also the map voting system should just be removed.
      (if possible for more "op" maps with more camping spots and harder to reach areas where humans can easily hide, zombie prestiges should definitely be buffed as the egg now is pathetic and the bow is just sad with absolutely no enchants)
      And then keep in mind maybe 6-10 months after all this people would get bored all over again and someone else would suggest this exact same thing
      Oh yes before I forget to add this, resetting everyone isn't the solution to teaming. Even if everyone is p0 all those that are and were teamed will still help each other. Because why wouldn't they?
    9. popthingi

      popthingi Active Member

      Aug 31, 2019
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      No support (almost neutral)

      Even if we do reset the game history will repeat itself within a few months and zombies will be op again and the only solution to that is resetting it again. If we keep resetting infection eventually all players will lose their motivation to play because they know the game will reset in a few months anyway. I almost think the game needs to be reworked but I assure you a reset is only a temporary fix to this problem. Plus, the game already reset less than a year ago which is a little to soon for another reset.

      The only way resets will be plausible will be if something new and game changing gets added every reset. E.G: Prestige reworks, new maps, new kill streak items etc.
    10. Atom

      Atom Legendary Member

      Jan 19, 2017
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      I've suggested this before to the staff team and most of the staff members agree that a reset isn't really needed but additional things should be added into the game to make more fun(such as additional prestiges, perks, new maps, etc) and not just the same old repetitive thing. I understand there's only so much you can do for a gamemode like infection for it not to get boring but there should at least be new prestiges/perks being added so players who are maxed out constantly have something to achieve and aren't just stuck at p10 maxed out. It also makes it easier for the newer players knowing they can continue after p10 and not just be stuck at Sgtmaj forever.
    11. DeathAuras

      DeathAuras Experienced Member

      Sep 14, 2019
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      and it would also encourage older players who haven't played in awhile because they got p10 to come back
    12. Tonya

      Tonya Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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      It also should be addressed that this reset particular has many P10 maxed people due to the vote reward parties. After the reset, people AFKd on the server to gain the XP that was rewarded for vote parties, leading so many people to unfairly get p10 by simply being AFK. Vote parties no longer reward XP, rather they give some armor for the round, but there are still so many p10s that dominate the server due to this.

      With this being said, I'm neutral with a reset. Hopefully, a reset will eliminate the biases that exist between humans and zombies by implementing some of the recommendations by our fellow infection players. However, too many resets can be frustrating for many and may not solve these existing problems. It's up to the staff what they decide to do about these persisting issues.
    13. rent

      rent Tyler Moderator Premium

      Feb 21, 2016
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      I don't think a reset is what should be implemented. Obviously as everyone knows prestige 10 is the max, and there's still people grinding to prestige 10 but there's also people who have already achieved it. I feel as though (like Atom said) there should be additions added to Infection. Whether it's more prestiges, challenges, maybe little things such as parkour within the maps and you get a few levels added as a reward of completion, I don't know, just maybe some new things need to be added to make infection even more enjoyable not just for everyone but for the ones who grinded it to max level and have nothing to do now but to play for fun. I hope my opinion makes sense, if not let me know. :)
    14. EveramSyndicate

      EveramSyndicate Active Member

      Jul 29, 2019
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      i've never played infection as i was banned within a few days of it opening, so the only xp i have is from voting.
      i was able to prestige 8 times just from voting, the top prestige is clearly too low if i can almost reach it while never having actually played the gamemode.

      really this gamemode needs a huge rework since its practically the same as it was in 2014, but i doubt noobcrew will put that much effort into anything on mineverse
    15. Grayman

      Grayman Experienced Member

      Mar 18, 2016
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      Neutral ^^
    16. jarroy

      jarroy Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      After reading everyone’s replies, it’s safe to say that infection needs a complete overhaul. Things have to be added. Others have to be removed. Addressing Tonya’s concerns, it is unfair to those who AFK’d and got multiple levels and prestiges for doing absolutely nothing. I don’t know who they are, and if they still play on the server, but I do know that a reset would reverse these actions, and not let them happen again. If a reset were indeed to happen, then many things have to change. I’ve already asked some people what would need to change above. I’ll insert my quote below:

      Besides all of that, the next question would be if there are people willing to help, suggest, or build, new maps, rework prestige ranks, prestige perks, and make the game completely new? To the mods that have replied here, would Janice or Noobcrew be willing to do this? It would take months, to come up with the appropriate ideas that would keep the game fair, and then implement new maps, remove old ones, and fix prestige ranks and perks. We could always copy another infection game mode from a different server, but why not make it unique? Something different from other infection modes? It could attract more players, and it would definitely keep the old ones around, albeit that too many changes make the game unrecognizable. I know there have been suggestions to change the game, such as adding more prestige ranks, and new maps, but what needs to happen now is to get the attention of those who can actually fix the game, and also gain support from other players. I know it’s a small group of us that truly care about the game, but I want to make it happen, and I know a lot of you do too. So what can we do to gain others’ support?
    17. Disc

      Disc Experienced Member

      Apr 12, 2020
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      About the ppl willing to build new maps in 'suggestions' -> 'maps submission' there are atleast 8 maps that the infection community made which we are still waiting for a green/red light if they r going to get added or not lol ( maps wouldn't be a problem ). But at this point I highly doubt noobcrew is even interested in reworking infection... as he has re-opened minetime
    18. DeathAuras

      DeathAuras Experienced Member

      Sep 14, 2019
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      As of now I'm pretty sure mineverse has the last infection type server(do correct me if I'm wrong plz) and you cant afk in-game for vote parties because they don't even give u levels. The only way u can get levels now is by voting, winning or rofling zombies
    19. Disc

      Disc Experienced Member

      Apr 12, 2020
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      MV's infection is just like Emenbee's infection. But with /kit titan(xp), VP, map voting and having to /suicide when lms rather then waiting for timer to reach 0 secs while lms to win 1 full lvl.
    20. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      7* good enough maps, hopefully I can talk to noob soon an get them implemented.

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