Sooo I in these quarantine days there's alot of people active on mineverse, and I see alot of people that's unranked or have low tier ranks. So I wanted to host a rank/rankup giveaway to make one lucky person's day, or even week. To enter: Ign: Current Rank: Why do you want the rank?: I am drawing this tomorrow or the day after so better be quick and enter!
Ign: bittersweetFate Current Rank: VIP Why do you want the rank?: To have better armor for infection rounds = more wins
Ign: iIRekinq Current Rank: MVP Why do you want the rank?: because I hate the prefix for mvp, elite looks a lot better, also I want better stuff. Also, since I'd have around $6 left of the giveaway, Could you buy me a legendary key for op?
ign: WhatsUpDoc Current rank: Premium Why do you want the rank? I want it so I can get mvp and have a blue name :D
Ign: Rasmus_Juul Current Rank: Supreme Why do you want the rank?: I want it so i can get better ingame faster
ign: Everam Current rank: God Why do you want the rank? So I can do a rankup giveaway like my role-model ecuddles
ign: Overlard_25 Current rank: VIP Iw ould like the rank to have acess to /feed and /dis villager. I enjoy tolling people with /dis and I want to have random villagers appear.
Ign: Turkah Current rank: VIP Why do you want the rank? been trying to get Elite for 2 years now and it would be nice to win the givaway din norske jævel ;)<3
IGN: Cloked Current Rank: Titan Why do you want the rank?: So I can gift it to someone who needs it and deserves it! Best of luck to you all, gentlemen
IGN: WiiTarded33X Current Rank: Titan Reason: An irl friend of mine who plays mineverse with me a lot might lose access to his account in the near future (also a titan). If that happens I plan on giving him my alt, which is currently a lower rank. The $15 will help me get it closer to elite, so he can have /heal on kitpvp. I will pay for the rest myself.
Name-Like_Tyr Current Rank-Surpreme Why i want the rank?-I want this rankup because i have had supereme for a long time and have not have enough money to buy an upgrade to god Thank you for reading<3 :D
Ign: shortwave Current Rank: MVP Why do you want the rank?: I need it because I need a /heal because i always get macro'd on and have no chance to stay alive.
IGN: Thizzzer Currenct rank [MVP] Why?: because i would like to help other people with the extra kit's and keys also pink is a beautiful color to have my name in. And ofcourse the main reason is that i will be able to fit in and be a part of a higher and greater good. Ps. /heal bcs i keep dying.
IGN _Han_Fegn, But i would like you to upgrade DoorV2 to god rank for 10$ if you draw me. DoorV2 Current Rank is Supreme He wants it for commands on survival like ./fix and ./pv 3 on op. thanks for giving away
Ign: Nirzy Current Rank: MVP Why do you want the rank? I been trying to get to that nice af elite rank. I need that tag in my life