support one time i wanted to see the richest people on kit and there was no leaderboard or anythin and it took for ever for the bal top to load so i completlly support
ewww there is skyblock on another noobcrew server??? has a betta skyblock 10167823% Verified
Resupport! Although I'm no longer in the top 5 bal on OP, I would still love to this get implemented to reward those who are
NEUTRAL Like the idea, don't think its 100% necessary though as I don't have much trouble with the /baltop command on the servers I play on when I use it once a week or however long it is when I bother to check the highest balanced player. - Oturner
Its time to revive this thread Re support and bump If this can be a thing in other gamemodes, I don't see any issues with it being on OP. Sure this isn't the type of change which will tremendously improve the server, so it may not be on the top of the list, but it just gives the players who take the time to grind for baltop a little extra recognition. Also, im not sure if any other players have this issue, but for me, it takes at least 10-15 seconds for baltop to load into chat, which is very tedious, while other times it never even loads
I know man its absurd Sure it would be cool if this were implemented on OP considering I'm #2 on baltop, but wealthy or not, this would be a nice addition to (as previously stated) give players extra recognition and to provide an alternate solution, and in my opinion, much cooler way to look at top 5 bal without the tedious wait time. You cant possibly deny that this would be fire on OP