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  • Why can't staff SS or view anticheat alerts?

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by nickmarker, May 5, 2020.

    1. nickmarker

      nickmarker Active Member

      Jan 21, 2017
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      A lot of the time I see mods who don't even play pvp gamemodes ban players for pvp related cheats? To me this seems unfair and doesn't make sense. I think there are only like 4-6 staff members that should be qualified to ban for pvp related cheats (the ones who actually play pvp related gamemodes). A friend of mine was banned for headsnap by RandomNinja (I'm not sure what she plays but I know she doesn't play Op or Kit), and it did not look at all like he was cheating. His head didn't even turn in the clip. How could a mod that doesn't pvp understand how it works and ban someone for subtle "cheating." I don't understand why they don't just get more staff that actually play Op and Kit, get staff that can SS, or at the very least, allow mods to view alerts for cheating from the anticheat? Most of the combat related bans are based on opinion and point of view rather than actual facts.
    2. DaSayain

      DaSayain Experienced Member

      Dec 3, 2016
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      oof unicorn is freaky with it

    3. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      So what you're saying is that mods who don't pvp often can't ban people who are bhopping around and using blatant hacks? Yes some of us get closet cheater bans wrong but also a lot of the time we get them right too.

      And we see when the anticheat kicks a player but that can also be unreliable sometimes.
    4. nickmarker

      nickmarker Active Member

      Jan 21, 2017
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      No, sorry, *correction* I meant closet cheaters mainly. I will try to find the clip my friend was banned off of to support my idea that mods that don't pvp should not be allowed to handle closet cheater bans or should at least ask for a second opinion from a mod that does pvp. The majority of the playerbase is attracted to pvp gamemodes so why are a good amount of the mods chosen on their grammar skills and politeness. I understand that this is useful when dealing with chat, blatant cheaters, handling forums, etc... But there could also be a Helper position that could do all these things.
    5. Skrown

      Skrown Well-Known Member

      Jan 7, 2015
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      My opinion is staff are too lazy to ss players, they rather just ban them instead of sitting in a call ssing someone (when they should really be ssing)
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    6. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      Ssing isn't necessarily something all staff can just instantly do. It's something that has to be properly learnt for each member and ways to do it effectively. Plus sometimes clients can be hidden from an ss which makes it more difficult.
    7. Ozzy

      Ozzy Experienced Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      support back when I used to play I cheated a lot and I was able to take advantage of staff not knowing much about hacking and get unbanned several times. The staff on mineverse are very kind and caring people but I feel as if we new staff training
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    8. nickmarker

      nickmarker Active Member

      Jan 21, 2017
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      here it is. at 0:14, Kazuyee's head turn was used as evidence for a "headsnap" ban. It doesn't look at all like he was cheating. He got anti cheat kicked because of the block hit glitch that doesn't let you hit anyone and kicks you shortly after. That was the only part of the clip where he apparently "headsnapped" as well but the dude literally ran in front of him. A mod that played pvp gamemodes would know about this blockhit glitch and know that his kick was not actually due to killaura.

      Then staff that can't keep up with how pvp works should not be staff. I'm sure with all the money Noobcrew makes he could get Paladin (the best ss tool) for anyone willing to at least try to learn. The server has been around for nearly 7 years now and the staff's ability to ban combat cheaters has only slightly improved.

      Also if someone's client is undetectable enough to not be caught by Paladin or by a good anticheat then I probably wouldn't mind them cheating. They can use 3.1 block reach and an autoclicker and most people wouldn't care. It's the people that use 4 block reach and KB modifiers that ruin the game. The only way to stop these blatant closet cheaters would be to have more staff that understand pvp, have alerts for cheating that the staff are able to view, or give staff the ability to ss.
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      Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2020
    9. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      It may have been an invalid ban yes, but it also doesn't mean that the mod isn't adequate to handle closet cheaters. For all you know this could be their first invalid ban or that they usually have a high success rate with banning closet cheaters.
      This isn't really justification for not allowing a lot of mods to handle closet cheaters.
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    10. Ozzy

      Ozzy Experienced Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      This is a valid point but I feel like what nick is trying to say is that we should work to eliminate/minimize the margin where there are false bans. I agree its nature that people make mistakes and sometimes there will be false bans but this video does not help your point. The player in the video above was banned while the video was very laggy and there is not undeniably evidence of cheating. That is what I believe we should work to eliminate with better staff traning
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    11. nickmarker

      nickmarker Active Member

      Jan 21, 2017
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      Yes, but I have never ever seen RandomNinja pvp. In all 6 years of my time on mineverse, I have never seen her pvp on factions, kitpvp, or oppvp. I just don't see how she could be qualified to ban a closet cheater. Sure, she is a really nice person and a good staff member, but I feel like a helper role would be more fit.
    12. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      Random is an extremely experienced staff member as she has been sr in the past, and remember that people don't always have to pvp on their main or even on mineverse sometimes.
    13. DaSayain

      DaSayain Experienced Member

      Dec 3, 2016
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      As a staff member, you should be able to tell if cheaters are cheating or not. Just like Nick said Helper can take care of chat etc. A staff member should be qualified to be able to tell if someone is cheating or not and this means that mods should learn how to screen share. Screen sharing doesn't always prove someone is cheating but it minimizes the gaps between a cheater and a closet cheater. so def support to nick
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    14. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Most mods dont know how to tell hacks or not lmao
    15. Porky

      Porky Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 30, 2016
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      We are not required to do screenshares because they are unnecessary. It’s a complete waste of 15m-1h when you are better off banning on the spot.
    16. nickmarker

      nickmarker Active Member

      Jan 21, 2017
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      But this makes it so that 90% of closet cheaters go without being banned and a good amount of innocent actual good players get false banned because they don't have a chance to prove themselves? With 90% of the mineverse cheaters you could literally go in their versions folder and find their "huzuni" client. A thorough screenshare session wouldn't even be necessary.

      And I don't understand the use of an anticheat that only kicks player and doesn't ban them. Staff can't even view alerts from the anticheat other than when a player is kicked.
    17. railyou mc

      railyou mc Established Member

      May 6, 2020
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      Matthew perhaps this part of your job may be difficult, It also may take time. However, when you, and all the other staff members applied many put in their application things related to thei work ethics and commitment. If a staff member is not willing to learn and go the extra mile to ensure it was a correct ban via SSing. Perhaps they should not be on the staff team.

      Porky this message sounds very arrogant. I understand where you are coming from when you said it may take 15m-hr out of your day. However how long does a ban appeal take? I’m disputing a ban appeal right now with @DeathAuras. Death has not replied in over 24 hours. If he were to screenshare me this ban would not have happened. Please read the message above I sent.

      Full support!
      Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2020
    18. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      It seems like the entire reason you made this thread is just because you were mad your friend got banned.

      I mean I could tell you why this ban is a valid ban but it doesn't seem fair to the player to release that info unless they were the one that told you to make this thread.

      But I mean, why talk about that ban being valid? There's trash talking to be had!
      Nevermind the fact that the banning moderator got multiple other opinions before banning this player.
      Nevermind that the moderator in question has multiple years of staff experience and has been around longer then 90% of the team.
      Nevermind that Random basically unofficially mentored half the staff team at this point.

      No no, none of this matters obviously, I mean Random doesn't pvp! How could she tells hacks? I don't understand? Why would she be so dumb as to actually do her job when she doesn't pvp often? I mean honestly how dare she? How dare she ban a player after getting multiple opinions from other mods!

      As I said above, the moderator in question has years of experience on the team, and even then they still chose to ask multiple other moderators for opinions before banning.

      The moderators are not chosen based upon these things, they are chosen based on how good of a moderator the Head-Mods think they will be. Obviously though, like anyone, there are times when the head mods are wrong about people, this isn't one of those times though.

      As I said above, let's just completely disregard the fact that she's been moderator longer then 90% of the team, has bassically mentored half the team, and was even sr mod for a while. I mean why does any of that matter when she doesn't pvp? God, I feel like it should be a requirement for moderators to be in combat at least 6 hours a day, and to have a youtube channel with 400 subscribers on which they upload pvp montages with loud music put over them. Then we would truly be rid of all false bans.

      The answer to both questions is that the anti-cheat is not completely reliable. There would be false bans, and our chat would get spammed by the (mostly useless) alerts.

      Ban appeals depend on a lot of things, such as the type of ban and how busy the staff team or banning moderator is.

      If I'm correct Death is waiting on opinions, you're free to tag staff members to give their opinions to make the appeal go faster.

      You were banned for ban evasion..?

      Keep in mind that this server is 7 years old, in that time we've had thousands of players telling these exact arguments. If we haven't started screensharing, or put in a helper rank, or not let staff do certain things, there's a reason why.

      Screensharing is nowhere near something that hasn't been suggested before, and I'm sure it'l be suggested many more times in the future, it's simply not something mineverse has ever done, and for a large number of mods, due to our personal opinions on the matter, it's not something we want to start doing.
      • Like Like x 3
    19. nickmarker

      nickmarker Active Member

      Jan 21, 2017
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      No, I did not create this thread because I was angry that he got banned. I created this thread because of the numerous amount of times I have been false banned/have seen people get false banned without any actual proof other than a single sketchy hit/head turn, and also for the times where I report a blatant cheater and the report gets denied for lack of evidence when a 5 minute screenshare session or even alerts from an anticheat could prove otherwise.

      Most of these cheaters on this server whom I fight on other servers and they get banned within 10 seconds by the anticheat. I don't understand why mineverse can't just get a better anticheat. The current one causes constant glitches and bugs and only helps in kicking bhoppers from the server. They can continue to rejoin until banned by a staff member. It has nearly zero capabilities in detecting KB modifiers, reach, autoclickers, aim assist, or any other subtle cheats.

      And I kind of understand why staff don't want to ss. It takes long and I guess they don't want to put in extra time catching closet cheaters. After all, 75% of the server cheats and that number has only risen because closet cheaters know they can cheat without any chance of being caught.

      Also, your saying the reason that staff shouldn't be able to see alerts from the anticheat is because it will spam your chat and because the anticheat doesn't work. There are two solutions, make the anticheat better, or just have it so staff members can disable alerts? If someone is consistently setting off alerts then you would probably be able to tell they're cheating in some way. I know creating a good anticheat isn't easy, but surely considering that noobcrew makes hundreds of dollars daily off of ingame purchases, he could spare a bit to hire a dev to improve the anticheat slightly.
      Last edited: May 8, 2020
    20. iMoneyMaker_

      iMoneyMaker_ Active Member

      Jun 26, 2019
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      True, I keep getting kicked when i pvp for kill aura. Theres a period where i cant hit the person, then get kicked. Probably happened 20 times now. Also, a lot of people on kit are reaching. (only get ban if report on forums with proper evidence) (which is hard to get sometimes)

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