I think as an extra perk for donors, they should be able to change the colour of their prefixes in a GUI, accessible from typing /colour (and /color) into chat. Players should be able to have access to change their name to every colour except for cyan (&3) for moderators; dark red (&4) for admins and owner; and white (&f) for default. An example of how this work is in this video: If it is decided to embed this into Mineverse, I can send the file used to make the video over discord, where any tweaks can be made if necessary (discord: xJackkk#9629). thank you
Neutral, I think this would be cool but I also think players would choose certain colors that hurt your eyes, like this one ,either that or completely black usernames just to troll, it used to be like that on op facs. But i still think this should be added because opfacs used to have this so why cant the other servers have it too.
that’s why in the very poorly recorded video there was no black option, and only colours already used in chat across MV, and the yellow in chat stands out more hence it’s used for Premium rank.
Neutral because I'm not too sure if we actually need this. I'm sure the color of your prefix doesn't really bother people
Could also remove some colors and only use the ones that are given when you buy a rank, for example premium is yellow but on screen it doesn’t hurt your eyes sponsor is orange, vip is green, mvp is blue, elite is pink, supreme is red, god is dark blue, and finally titan is dark green. Of course these are not the exact colors used ingame but I just wanted to show what colors you would be able to choose from. Also going off of what @Scorv said it’s a good idea to have lower ranks have less customizable options, for example if you’re mvp then you could only chose from sponsor, vip, and premium. On the other hand if you were titan you’d be able to choose from all the different rank colors. Support :D
It’s not so much about needing it. It just adds another donator perk, and a little more incentive to purchase ranks. The whole point of a perk isn’t necessary to be needed, it’s to add a better player experience with more variety and fun - just like disguise, pets and trails aren’t necessary to the gameplay, but give players the option to have a more custom experience.
Maybe they were bored of their own color? Just like @xJackkk said "its to add a better player experience with more variety and fun." Just like an extra thing just like pets and trails which don't affect gameplay but are simply there for fun.
it’s not about set colours for each rank. it’s to give us the option to be able to change the colour of our prefixes to whatever we choose. for example, instead of a dark green tag for Titan, I would be able to set my tag to pink or red. It it would be that much of an issue, you could always leave it the default blue.
I have gone to Crew about this suggestion before because @Alex suggested this in 2018. His comment then was that he thought it would look messy and unorganised in chat. You'll have to convince him that it's not. For reference that was in September 2019. When we released bedwars his comment was also "oh god people are going to say "omg my donor rank looks so much better in this colour" now .-." (Your donor rank gets coloured the colour of your team) The only reason I have God on 5 accounts is because I hate Titan's colour so I of course support this. I think it would be better to keep it a Titan perk only though. Titan barely have any perks, so this would be perfect imo. I also support only being able to choose colours from the previous donor ranks. I think &c could be a bit "controversial" though since that's the colour of Head Mod, YouTuber and Supreme.
Support! I've had the same Dark Green prefix for over 5 years. I would like to change the color of it when there are too many Titans online chatting, my name starts to blend it with all the other Dark Green prefixes.
I meant there would be more colours also. Like Premium would have access to 2 colours. Sponsor would have Premium's colours plus two more. Something like that. I like this too.
Support as long as it's not too messy. It'd be a nice perk for Titan players considering how much we/they paid for it.