1. How Old Are You Im 11 2. What Your In Game Name Mine Is Luciusdraven2277 3. Whats Your Time Zone Mines Alaska Time Zone (UTC-09:00) 4. What Country Do You Live In I Live In The United States Of American 5. Whats Your Language Mines English 6. Why Should You Be A Moderator 7. How Long Will You Be Active On The Server Everyday?: 12-5 hours 8. How Long Have You Been Playing Mineverse for?: About A Year 9.Have you ever been a mod on a server?: No I Think I Should Be Moderator Cause I'll Ban Hacker I Will Not Ban Anyone For No Reason
I said: DO - Add as much detail as possible. Which will increase your chances. More detail = better chance! Good luck.
One wrongdoing won't hurt you much, but it will do some damage. No one should base their opinion on one thing they did wrong.
I am not supporting this. -I've never seen you in-game. -It needs a lot more detail. -Space out the questions a little bit. -Maybe change the color of the text. But not too bright where we can't read it. -Work on your grammar. -Get more well known to the community. -Don't capitalize every letter at the beginning of each word. Only capitalize when necessary. Fix those things ^ And I'll consider supporting
Just because others don't support, doesn't mean you don't have to support. I understand that maybe you don't support. But we all have our own opinions.
No suppot. For the following reasons: -I do not trust you. -You lack the personality. -You have been recently banned for things which make me trust you less as even a regular player. -No detail in your application to be a mod/staff member. (even if it is not required look at how other mod's got their rank) -And last, but sure not least. Lying in your mod application. (If you think this sounds selfish or is based from one player, then I say this. It is based of a PLAYER and we get to state our opinion here and comment on if we'd like to see this person become a mod/staff member on Mineverse.com)
Absolutely no support at all. You are always banned, you have 10 accounts on the forums you use for like farming, you are very immature and impatient. You show the complete opposite expectations for a mod. P.S. I know you are going to make more accounts to like farm and rate abuse, but we mods can remove ratings and perm ban accounts.
Based off of what @mineterria said, I cannot support. Apparently you have been banned multiple times, have many alts, and I have to agree with him that you aren't fit to be a moderator. I guess all I can say is good luck.
Like the others said, I easily tell that you have alts because you used those alts to "agree" with your application, honestly all I'm gonna say is, request an archive, don't get excited, because you'll never get the position, You were banned more then 5 times, and you've made 10 accounts, for follow farming and like farming,