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  • Global Bots and Fraud

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Aleksander Kutznetzov, Dec 15, 2019.

    1. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      First off, much of the debate over alternate accounts and their botting capabilities can be seen above. I don't intend on copying the content, but instead take personal observation and reasoning and conclude with a course of action.

      Mineverse had a crisis months back, one that involved all forums users trying to present solutions to the dropping activity in the server (it never really started or stopped, but rather peaked). Then the summer of 2019 happened, where people were more able to put more time into fun pursuits like Mineverse, and the activity problem appeared to be stymied. The server averaged about ~110 players at best each day. And when summer ended, it averaged just about the same; but less people were able to play because of work, school, etc.

      Why is that? As many of you have noticed, there has been an astounding number of accounts that seem to spend obscene amounts of time on particular servers, but do nothing but stand in spawn areas. Here are some examples, from Creative, KitPVP, Survival, and Skywars. They do not talk and they do not move from a single coordinate for months; but the only thing they DO is push up the number of players on that gamemode and the server.
      More importantly, who owns these accounts? It may be a myriad of different individuals that are just waiting to exploit them, but the fact that half a dozen can get kicked for inactivity from one server and meet up with a full dozen from other servers in the lobby and then simultaneously leave for their servers once again does not strongly support that conclusion.

      Let's do a thought experiment; let's say you're an aspiring Minecraft server owner, but the times have been tough and your server is now gaining the de facto label of being "dead". Your forums are flooded with what the posters think are solutions, but after trying an iota of them, nothing has seemed to work. However, you know for a fact that the server has a problem with VPNs sneaking through bans and anti-cheating softwares, so an idea comes to your head. What if we use one of the plenty of alt account generators and botting softwares out there to get more 'players' on the server? Now, I am NOT accusing Noobcrew or any particular server staff of doing such a thing, but only that they are benefiting from this action. It may very well not be Noobcrew, but it is likely he has full knowledge of it and knows who does it. After all, this server does have a problem with slightly disreputable staff.
      But the logic behind the idea is sound; people only want to play with people, so dead servers have no allure. The double digits that the bots give the server counts make you feel as if things are turning around, and so even players from the antiquity of this server might return, as well as foster new initiates.

      Some might argue why this isn't a bad thing at all; that using this innocent little cheat, the server can put off being retired by a few years. However, an important factor is that one, it's not working as they intended; and two, this could be considered a new low for the server.

      For example, sometimes entire servers can lay empty of actual human players with only bots present. That means there are 5 accounts on Creative, but no players. You might as well be alone in the dark, asking questions to the dial tone. And the idea that there are bots casually sitting around in a server is unnerving, more so that it's common knowledge. One might think: Oh, those bots will be cleaned up soon, won't they? But in two weeks, they're still there, a blatant disregard to server rules. It fills the entire server with a sense of pathetic decay.

      On the other hand, there's also the implications that the use of these bots would make about the server staff and their administration. It's widely regarded that botting and using such softwares is looked down upon and punished for its ability to ruin games for others; but getting banned on Hypixel for using bots isn't the same as the server of Mineverse using them to prop themselves up and falsify their activity numbers. Have the administrators really gone this low to be forced to resort to botting, only to push a little number up? These bots do nothing. NOTHING.

      And with this, a minor conclusion, I will say that it seems that instead of listening to the fairly massive amount of suggestions on forums to actually improve the server, the administration and staff of Mineverse has decided to cheat their players and all that come after them out of a good time with facades.
    2. JustExposed

      JustExposed Experienced Member

      Dec 12, 2017
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      so your suggesting these be taken away?
      if so then yes, I have included bots in my skyblock thread as something that should be removed, they cause more problems than any benefits. It lags when they all join at once, new players will think everyone is just afk, (its obvious as well its the same accounts, which sometimes rotate gamemodes). All of this just to have +20 players online.
    3. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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      Seems more like a Discussion than a suggestion.

      I agree with you. It is what it is - if the server is dead and merely propped up by the nostalgia of older players, there is no point in having bots to (unsuccessfully) bring in new ones.

      I will throw in another proverb. Prevention is better than cure. Make of that what you will, but if you have read the whole thread it is obvious what I am getting at.
    4. Accepted

      Accepted Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      Just sayin, if this were an inside job, its easier just to use a npc mod and spoof them as players then to buy actual accounts.
    5. Aleksander Kutznetzov

      Aleksander Kutznetzov Active Member

      Nov 24, 2018
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      A little bit of an update; staff have been told not to worry about all these bots that are use to unethically prop up the server's activity; because they're not moving.
    6. i_am_youtuber

      i_am_youtuber Administrator Administrator Head Moderator Competition Team

      Jan 22, 2017
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      The fact is, there is no point in us banning them.

      For one, due to the fact that they do not do anything, the only way for us to have proof that they are actually bots and not just some poor person afk at spawn, is to catch them all logging on at once, which can still lead to false bans.

      As said, they are not doing anything, there is no point in us staff worrying about banning them because all we will be doing is wasting our time, I have banned them before, they have many alts and come back. So all I did was waste 20 minutes of my life for bots that are not doing the server harm.
    7. SickL

      SickL Active Member

      Dec 21, 2017
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      Could be afk w/ alts for keys also, on oppvp I see around 2-3 people standing in the exact same position for days. Sometimes they’re offline but mostly online _/(“-“)\_
    8. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      I've seen people just stand their for hours at a time, not moving just chatting.
    9. Capitaine_Morgan

      Capitaine_Morgan Active Member

      Jul 1, 2019
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      if noobcrew is actually botting for more players he should focus on the anticheat and not on botting the server

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