How old are you? i am 12 years of age Your in-game name: my in-game name is continuoubeez What timezone are you in? UK London time What country do you live in? England What languages do you speak? English, a bit of French and a bit of Spanish too Why do you think you should become a mod? i think i should be a mod because i have seen people like ININJAI and PileofButts helping out every day and i want to have that responsibility. i am active every day and mineverse is my favorite server. i love sharing with my friends and i would like to reduce the hackers and non respectable people to this server and prison. i also am quiet good at pvp and would like to have a chance to stop those who do go against the law of this server. it would be a honor and amazing opportunity to be a mod on mineverse. How long can you be active on the server everyday? every day i can play. on school days i can play from 4pm to 9pm. on a Saturday i will be playing for around 7 or 8 hours and on sunday i wont be playing long. for 2 or three hours. How long have you been playing Mineverse? i have just started this year but i am loyal and respect the server. i vote every day. Do you have any past experience as a moderator?no but i have been given the chance. but i had just started minecraft and never new anything.but now im full of knowledge and keen for more. i hope you take this application in and make me a mod because that would be AWESOME. i love most people in prison including Solmill7 ININJAI pileof_butts,Daddy HF and kewlMC. thanks very much!!!!!!
Agreed, Your chances would increase if you added more detail, add some grammar and maybe add some colours to spice it up. Also do not start your application again, just click the button where it says Edit and start from there.. Other then 67% Support.
yea u should add some more detail 90% support GREAT APP but u might want to name it [continuousbeez moderator app] instead of "my application for mineverse"
Not a bad application, but could use some more detail. While you are on the forums, why not spend some time with us, get to know us better. If you stayed awhile and maybe added some detail, I would love to support this application.