How old are you? 16 Your in-game name: mirror234 What timezone are you in? EST, but I can be online pretty much whenever. What country do you live in? U.S.A What languages do you speak? English Why do you think you should become a mod? I have 12 reason why I should become a mod and some of my character traits. So )reason 1: I'm a very helpful player, who is mature and follows rules. I also would like to help others follow the rules. )reason 2: Mineverse is a very fun community to play on and I'd like players others to have a good time too.I'm well affiliated with the rules and jobs of a moderator, and I also have some experience watching over players to make sure they do the right thing. )reason 3: Occasionally I explain the rules to new players to make sure that they get the right idea about the server. Also I have others would vouch for my good deeds on the server. )reason 4: I've also done a player report because of what a player did once. I know what I'm suppose to do if a player breaks the rules, and to extent that which it should be handled. )reason 5: Lastly some players would like to have the rank as a bragging right, but I would like it to help out the server and do my job to the best I can. This Sever is already really fun to play on and I'd now like to experience the other side which is being part of the staff. ) reason 6: I love Mineverse and love to help out the server to make it better. )reason 7:I will not abuse the rank moderator or brag about being a Mod. )reason 8:As a moderator i will be very active on the forms and in game. )reason 9:I'm friendly and fair with all players. )reason 10:this is my final reason.I don't think of moderator as a job i think of it as a privilege to be able to keep peace to the server. )reason 11:I plan to be the best mod I can be and make Mineverse proud. )reason 12:I have been online and on the forms and there aren't many mods on and there are a lot of problems.I would like to change that and I would be on the server and forms even more often I am now. )Traits: I am a Honest player who is very helpful when needed. I considerate and also very dedicated to this Server. I will try to do my best to carry out all the ideas that you guys have. I respect others and believe that they should respect me and everyone else around them. I would also like to thank all of you who took your time to read this thank you, and I'd love it if i became a mod.I also hope u can find the trust to trust me with this precious rank. How long can you be active on the server everyday? 7-9 hours a day on most days. How long have you been playing Mineverse? about 1 year and a couple of months Do you have any past experience as a moderator? No, but I do have experience with helping out server without the staff position. Having it makes it easier and more efficient. There is also a better outcome. EXTRA: Hello, this is just some things about me I have four sibling 3 older brothers and 1 younger sister its really hard living with four siblings and u have many responsibilities.most of the time i get to my self and I play games.Well one day I thought to my self I thought that if i can handle 3 siblings then i can handle this job.Well i recently got sick so all i can really do is look at the forms i can play minecraft but not that well.So all i really do right now is look at the forms.Well thats all I have to say and I ensure you that u will have n0 regrets making me moderator. One last thing this is once again another mod app i wont give up until i make a good enough app that will get me moderator.
80% support In my opinion, I think you need more detail for why you want to be mod. That is all Also I havent see u in game either
we may be in different time zones and i play alot of op pvp survival sky wars and factions so u may play different games but i play the server alot
I Love Mineverse? I've Reported 1 Player? Loving Mineverse won't even increase your chances, and I've reported over 50 players, You dont need to explain the rules to players, just tell them where to read them. Fix your Grammar, try adding more detail, until then No Support Dont spam your application and saying that won't help, Noobcrew doesn't even view applications anymore, thats CypriotMerks, well Right now Pile chooses what she's told and Noobcrew does it I think.