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  • Not Implemented New forum category for advertising

    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ModernAdventurer, Nov 13, 2019.

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    1. ModernAdventurer

      ModernAdventurer Experienced Member

      Feb 6, 2017
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      I know this sounds outlandish and pointless, but it's not what it sounds like. What if we had a category on the forums for discord groups and such associated with mineverse to advertise there servers and stuff in that realm of reality. It would make sense as it would give players a way to legitimately share their groups with the public and a way to join them without ruining the gameplay of others with spam advertisements where they aren't meant to be. Also, I think the advertising rule should be lenient, allowing non-profit groups that are purely associated with mineverse and no other servers to advertise as long as they aren't trying to force the invite links down our throats by posting again every 20s. If groups like such aren't allowed to advertise, or even give links to people who ask for them, how are they meant to grow, isn't mineverse a community? why can't we form our own mini-communities within this community? It just seems broken that we cant share links with anyone whatsoever without the person who we are sharing it to getting the opportunity to report us for advertising even if they asked for the link, or even blackmailing us.
    2. JustExposed

      JustExposed Experienced Member

      Dec 12, 2017
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      There are communities within the mineverse community. Every gamemode has a different community, there is a community on oppvp, on skyblock, on infection, on survival. (But not factions its dead)
      This is a win lose situation. You can't send your friend a link to a discord, but people also can't spam ip loggers ingame. I would rather not being able to link stuff ingame. There is discord, add your friend, or the person, and send them the link.
      Blackmailing is against the rules, you can report this.

      I personally don't think we should add a place for specifically advertising. People have done it in the off-topic or discussion section before, that is good enough. Players also post it on their profile so people who follow them can see. People do advertise on mineverse forums, and its fine how it is. (As long as its not different servers etc.)
    3. Turtle.

      Turtle. Experienced Member

      Jul 20, 2014
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      No support,
      Allowing people to advertise will only encourage people to spam more than they already do also Exposed brought up a good point that they can post Ip Loggers. You Can just add you friends on discord and spread the message that way. Therefore I think this is not needed.
    4. ModernAdventurer

      ModernAdventurer Experienced Member

      Feb 6, 2017
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      I was talking to a mod before this and they said we couldn't do that either, they told me that frankly if i ever want to share a link no matter how i do it, i run the risk of getting reported by that person or even getting blackmailed.

      Also, I disagree with the point that this would encourage spamming. I believe that this would not affect spamming from randoms since hardly any join the forums in the first place, and I think that this with everyday players it will decrease advertising because now they have a legitimate place to advertise. They dont have to break rules to give someone a link, they can just put it up on the forums in the advertisement category.

      Also, i don't this the category should necessarily be named advertising. A more appropriate name would be, groups, factions, or something along the lines of that. The reason i referred to it as advertising is because of the lack of a better word.
    5. JustExposed

      JustExposed Experienced Member

      Dec 12, 2017
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      You can’t report discord dms. I don’t think your allowed to link stuff IN the mv discord, but you can message people it. Reports aren’t valid through discord.
      I was addressing you saying that links are disabled ingame. You don’t have to ‘spam’ to get a link in it would block spam, but the problem is ip loggers. People can do a lot of with an ip. This is why it’s blocked ingame, so harmful links cannot be spread. Win lose, but it’s for the better. Spam would be dealt on the forums, mods remove anything when u post more then 4 msgs at a time.
      Give it any name you want, but group doesn’t make sense. There’s already an entire sub form called ‘community’ as well, with sub forums for the community. Factions would be a terrible name, it’s Minecraft and factions on Minecraft automatically means the gamemode, which on here is .

      all in all I think it’s fine how it is, the community is small anyways to really have much advertisement for anything like YouTube’s and stuff.
    6. Barba

      Barba Active Member

      Sep 6, 2019
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      No support, will encourage spam
    7. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      I don’t really see this happening. If you want to form mini communities, just add people on discord and ask if they want to join and it could grow from them adding their friends. This happens all the time.
    8. HotProtato

      HotProtato Active Member

      Aug 14, 2014
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      The only way you can do this with justification, is if you invoke Mineverse's Discord rules into these groups/servers, meaning no advertising external websites. Mineverse doesn't have enough staff or the capacity to moderate and enforce each Discord server a member wants to make.
    9. Janice

      Janice Retired Admin | Max's Mentee Premium

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Thank you for submitting your suggestion. We have decided that we will not be implementing this suggestion.

      Should you have any more suggestions or feedback for how we may improve the network, please feel free to create another thread.

      Thread moved to archives.

      The Staff
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