hi can we ban hackers that hack in spawn (only if it is obvious). like this guy: personally i think players that hack like this is spawn should be banned it doesnt look like he is faking it. (no offense tuber i love u)
Support uhhhh, the only hacks you can easily forge evidence in multiplayer are killaura and twerking. Since these can be done easily client side just by player rotations and punching (no movement needed). Any other hack (especially movement hacks or fightbot) require either making that player disappear client side, and creating a npc type thing (again client side), or to do the whole thing in single player (which takes about 1 hour to set up from experience). The latter applies to any footage you get anywhere, not only spawn... So basically tuba is implying "anything has the possibility of being forged, and thus no one should get banned"
I'm pretty sure hacking is bannable in spawn if it's NOT killaura already? I've gotten people banned for flying and speed hacks already so if your case is to have killaura bannable from spawn evidence I wish you good luck but probably won't happen. But like what you show should've been accepted already if it was denied lol that basically goes under movement hacks which they should be accepting now.
I'll be moving this to archives seeing as this is already the case. 8top and Swift are right Flying, speed, teleporting, etc are all good examples of what can get you banned in a safezone All combat related hacks such as killaura, antikb, reach and autoarmour will only get you banned in pvp