OK My friend was supposed to rank me Elite but he bought the wrong rank. I got MVP last June 27 by UncleUrnesto and Supposed my friend need to upgrade me to Elite but instead he clicked the wrong Item.(He Clicked Upgrade from VIP to MVP) He thought I was still Vip. Can you please help with this because i don't want my friend's money be wasted. Here is the Screenshot: If you this doesn't show enough evidence, please do what ever you can to know. And if you find this true, please rank me elite.
Please help me @Pile_of_Butts @MrParkourGuy @Grayson @pokemaniac01 @ScoFu13 @rachetclanks @Glaadiator or any other mods.
I'm not sure on that one... Just send an email with the evidence you have currently. If Cyp needs more, he will let you know.
This is the only thing that will do a thing. It may take about a week or so. We don't judge the time of it.
check your email, there you should see a receipt with order number post screenshots of that in hidden content.