I recently got MVP from the Epic crate on OP PvP. I don't play OP so is there a chance I could get the MVP on Kit PvP and go back to my original Premium rank on Op? Or Are the crate ranks supposed to be server wide? My IGN is MainStorage.
@JustExposed Well... When I got it from the crate,i t did in fact give me MVP. BUT it only gave MVP to me on OP PvP. I do not have it on any other game-modes.
I don't think so, it should be server wide. Its supposed to be server wide, a few players who have won it have it server wide. Noobcrew changed it.
@JustExposed So could I get it server wide, like could staff give me it? Because I never play op :/ only to trade.
Honestly I was never too familiar with how the rank crate worked, but I see you already opened a support ticket so if there is anything that can be done it’ll be handled by the admins.